Enchanting Alchemist



0"This humble one wishes to obtain Protector Zhao's Great Vajra Palm. I hope hall master can grant my wish." Hua Ruge said and bowed deeply, with a pious look.    


Hallmaster laughed when he heard it, "So you want to take Protector Zhao as your master?"    


Protector Zhao was overjoyed when she heard this, she did not expect this brat to lower his head so quickly, he thought she had some ability or something.    


"This humble servant has already acknowledged master and does not dare to rebel against the sect. However, this humble one's yearning for the Great Vajra Palm is great, so I would like to ask hall master to make an exception and allow it." Hua Ruge continued.    


Protector Zhao's face stiffened, he had never guessed that Hua Ruge would dare hit his head.    


If he didn't acknowledge Zhang Xuan as his teacher, he would have no choice but to accept him as his disciple.    


Hearing this, the hall master felt rather awkward. Normally, he would never agree, but he had given so much money and had said it in public. If he didn't allow it, then who was going to donate more money to Deities Templar?    


He didn't have a choice in that moment, so he turned to Protector Zhao and asked: "Protector Zhao, this is your unique skill, what do you think?"    


"Reporting to the hall master, this is my unique skill. It is impossible for it to be passed to the person outside." The Protector Zhao expressed his unyielding stance.    


Hallmaster stroked his white beard, momentarily at a loss as to what to do.    


After Protector Zhao said this, he turned around and looked at Hua Ruge with eyes filled with anger. He thought to himself, This brat is really tough. He can't even make her bend his back with ten million yuan. This is really weird.    


Hua Ruge smiled at him, revealing a meaningful smile.    


Protector Zhao immediately had an ominous premonition.    


"Looks like Protector Zhao feels that this humble one's sincerity is lacking. If that's the case, if Protector Zhao can pass down the divine arts, this little one together with the twenty million, what do you think?" Hua Ruge continued to ask.    


Hallmaster was extremely excited to have another twenty million yuan. It was a good time to be short of money right now. If he could get that much money, it would definitely be a great relief for Deities Templar.    


Protector Zhao knew how much money the shrine needed right now, and the hall master's heart would probably be moved when she heard so much money. She glared at Hua Ruge with a threatening expression.    


Hua Ruge still had a sincere smile on his face, thinking that he will not be able to kill her.    


The merchants on both sides listened intently, thinking that it was only 30 million. Even if the King Kong Palm was extremely powerful, it would still be a loss if he gave them that much money.    


Protector Liu still could not tell that Hua Ruge had been tricked, and only thought that she should help out since she wanted the Great Vajra Palm. Thus, she sent a sound transmission to the hall master: "Hall Master, this subordinate thinks that this transaction is really worth it. It's just a set of palm techniques, not some cultivation technique that my divine hall does not teach.    


The Palace Mistress was unable to stand the temptation, so after hearing the Protector Liu's sound transmission, she did not even ask for his opinion anymore. She immediately said, "Alright, I'll agree."    


"Thank you, Hall Master." Hua Ruge said in a clear voice.    


Protector Zhao was anxious to say something, but he was interrupted by the Palace Master, "Protector Zhao, I thought you were not a petty person who did not care about the big picture."    


What he meant was to let him think about the current financial situation of the shrine. It was just a set of palm techniques, so he would teach it once he taught it.    


Protector Zhao thought in her heart that this was not a skill of yours, but although she was angry in her heart, she still had to endure it and agreed: "Yes."    


After agreeing, he thought of another idea. Since he was the one teaching, then teaching the wrong people and teaching the wrong people would be up to him. When the time came, he only needed to play tricks on it, and that would be a waste of effort.    


He thought this was a brilliant plan.    


How could Hua Ruge possibly be someone who would suffer a loss? After Protector Zhao agreed, she walked up to him and said: "Thank you very much, Protector Zhao. This lowly one doesn't dare trouble you to personally teach me.    


Protector Zhao felt like he was going to choke on something to eat, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, thinking how could this brat be so hard to deal with.    


"I learned this palm technique from a stone inscription in a cave. There is no palm manual." he said.    


Hua Ruge nodded: "Then I ask Lord Protector to write a copy, I can go back and study it myself."    


"You ?" Protector Zhao was about to get angry.    


Hua Ruge took a step back and took out thirty thousand Exquisite Spirit Crystal, then piled them in the middle of the hall.    


These high rank Exquisite Spirit Crystal were shining with a rainbow light, tens of thousands of pieces of them put together seemed like a big Spirit Crystal Mountain, the rainbow colored light was so dazzling that people couldn't even open their eyes.    


Seeing this, the Palace Mistress and the other merchants were secretly shocked. This person took out so much money but still didn't sell his house. He didn't need to borrow money from other stores and carried it around with him. One could imagine how thick this house was.    


Hallmaster thought to himself: "This is the God of Fortune, it's not a loss to be on good terms with him, so he said:" Good, this is really an amazing junior. Come, accept the money. "    


When some disciples came forward to store the Spirit Crystal in the space, the Palace Mistress could not even close her mouth from the laughter. She never thought that the economic crisis would not only be solved, but also earn thirty million, this was truly an unexpected surprise.    


"This is something this little one should do." Hua Ruge said as he bowed again, with as much sincerity as he could muster.    


Hallmaster felt that no matter how petty his anger was, it would not be justified, so he said to Protector Zhao: "Protector Zhao, quickly start your brush."    


Protector Zhao could only agree after being forced to this point. He gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes."    


Hua Ruge flipped his hand and took out a parchment and a pen, personally handing them over with a smile.    


Protector Zhao wanted to kill him.    


He reached out to take the brush, but Hua Ruge withdrew it and said: "Lord Protector, this matter was permitted by Hall Master, and is supported by the Scarlet Flame God. When you write, you should think it over carefully, if there are any mistakes, you will be punished by the God."    


"You ?" Protector Zhao's face turned red, he felt that the last path had been blocked.    


Hua Ruge then smiled and handed the brush over, and said: "It is my heart, please do not be angry, please."    


Protector Zhao grabbed the pen in annoyance.    


In Master of Divine Hall's eyes, he knew that the two would not fight, so he sent a sound transmission to ask the Protector Liu for the reason.    


After Protector Liu said this, Hallmaster was a little surprised. He did not expect this Hu Yue to not only have money, but also good skills.    


As for the contest between the two of them, as the hall master, he did not care. As the hall master, he should have the airs of a hall master.    


"Protector Zhao, you should write it down clearly. The latter half of her power is not deep enough, don't make her unable to understand it." The hall master instructed.    


He thought it was good to have such a good relationship. As for the Protector Zhao, he was the one with the most thoughts in the shrine, so he took this opportunity to defeat the Protector Zhao and make him more obedient in the future.    


Protector Zhao had no other choice but to write honestly.    



Hua Ruge bowed to the hall master again, "Thank you Hall Master for your consent."    


"It's all because of your sincerity. Go back and sit." The more Hallmaster looked at Hua Ruge, the more satisfied he felt.    


If there were more generous people like this, he wouldn't need to worry about not having money.    


Thus, Hua Ruge turned around and went back home, sitting down as he continued to eat.    


When the others saw her expression, they were greatly puzzled. Spending so much money just to buy a palm technique was worth it?    


Forget about the others, even Sun Batian, who had followed Hua Ruge for a long time, couldn't understand it either. He secretly thought that he must ask his master about it later.    


The Protector Zhao finished writing very quickly and sent it over to Hua Ruge. When Hua Ruge fought with Peng Chong, she had a rough understanding of the Great Vajra Palm, and according to her understanding of the moves, she should be able to understand it correctly after looking at it from top to bottom.    


"Thank you, Protector Zhao." Hua Ruge kept the parchment paper and cupped his hands towards Protector Zhao.    


If he had obtained thirty million Spirit Crystals, he would have taught her this palm technique. But with so much money, he did not even see the slightest hair on her body before he decided to pass on his skills to her. It would be weird for her to not be angry.    


Hua Ruge secretly laughed as he looked at his expression, thinking that this was just the beginning, the moment when you get angry is still far off.    


She was in a good mood as she ate a lot more and drank a whole pot of wine. By the time she left the shrine, she could no longer walk.    


"Master, do you feel pain now?" Sun Batian asked.    


"What kind of eyes are you talking about? I'm holding on!" Hua Ruge said as he slowly walked forward.    


Sun Batian saw that she did not put the matter in her eyes, and asked: "Master, you like the King Kong Palm that much?"    


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