Enchanting Alchemist



0"Master, I haven't fully understood what you've taught me before, so I'll pass down more of this to you in the future." Ji Ming rejected.    


"In the future, I don't know where I'm going. You just have to slowly comprehend it." As Hua Ruge said this, she flipped her hand and threw a jade slip over. It was the jade slip that she had taken out from the almighty hall.    


Ji Ming carefully took it, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master."    


Hua Ruge teaching him so unreservedly had also made him overjoyed. He had never heard of such a thing before.    


"You are the chief alchemist of the Nine Regions Pill House, if you don't have some ability, how could you control it? Learn well." As Hua Ruge spoke, he gave the Increasing Yuan Dan, Natal Opening Pill and Natal Opening Pill to him.    


Ji Ming received it and took a look, discovering that it was his master's most recent signature pills, his hands began to tremble with excitement, and without saying a word, he kowtowed to Hua Ruge and said, "I will not let Master down her cultivation."    


"There's no need to be polite. I just wanted you to learn so that you could work for me. Go." After Hua Ruge finished explaining, he waved his hands and chased them away.    


Ji Ming then stood up and went back to his own residence to study.    


Hua Ruge watched the fatty leave, rubbing his chin while muttering to himself, "I wonder when this fatty will be able to learn it."    


She only wanted to be a shopkeeper who shook her hands and was too lazy to care about her business, not to mention the hard work of concocting pills.    


Su Nianxia sat on the wall and said: "Big sister, aren't you afraid that he might have second thoughts?"    


"If there's one, change it. It's no big deal." Hua Ruge laid on the chair and waved to her: "Since you have nothing better to do, why don't you go read some books?"    


After Su Nianxia heard this, he nodded his head repeatedly, "Alright."    


As she said that, she jumped over the wall and went out with Hua Ruge.    


The two of them sat in the teahouse. The storyteller was talking about something important, something that happened in the continent.    


"Everyone should still not know, the current hall master of the Space Temple has two disciples, but has anyone heard of the name of the hall master's junior brother?" the storyteller asked.    


A customer shook his head. "I've never heard of it."    


"Then, have you all heard of the Space Staff?" the storyteller asked again.    


All of the customers nodded their heads, "Isn't that the holy object of the Space Temple, a treasure that can control the order of space."    


"That's right." The storyteller first nodded his head, then revealed a smile and asked: "Have all of you heard about the appearance of this treasure after the inauguration of the current Hall Master of Space Temple for a hundred years?"    


"It's not like it's a big deal. Who's going to take out the treasure?"    


The storytelling teacher shook his head and said, "There are rumors in the continent that the two of them once fought for the position of hall master. Although the current hall master obtained this position, that junior of his stole the sacred object and disappeared."    


"Does Mr Lee have a reason for saying that?" a teahouse asked.    


"This matter has been spread around recently, but the Space Temple has been completely ineffective. I think they must be feeling guilty." The storyteller continued.    


The customers discussed animatedly, all sorts of things were said.    


Hua Ruge tapped his melon seeds as he listened to the gossip, and then asked Su Nianxia: "What do you think?"    


Su Nianxia ate the pastry in his mouth and drank his tea. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I'm afraid it's not empty talk."    


"That Old Hall Master looks like a pretty good person, but this time he might be in trouble." Hua Ruge said.    


When the two of them spoke out these words, the people beside them heard them and turned to ask, "How can you two say that? Do you know something? "    


Hua Ruge shook his head.    


"How can you guess?"    


Hua Ruge looked at the room full of gossips, thinking that there was no harm in talking about it, he said: "This was spread out very recently, right?"    


The storyteller nodded.    


"Was there any news before?" Hua Ruge asked again.    


The storyteller shook his head this time.    


"What's strange is that the news only spread out a hundred years ago. Don't you find it strange?" Hua Ruge asked again.    


One of the customers reacted and said, "What you mean is that someone intentionally spread the news."    


"Smart." Hua Ruge acknowledged his words for a while before continuing: Then what kind of person would spread such rumors that were detrimental to Space Temple?    


"It must be the right person."    


"That's right. Although I don't know who it is, someone should have their eyes on the Space Temple." Hua Ruge concluded.    


Everyone finally understood.    


After everyone had gone to discuss it, Su Nianxia said, "Elder sister, do you think it might be the Temporal Temple?"    


"It's hard to say. These shrines have deep backgrounds and intertwined roots. It's not something we can understand just by coming here for the first time." Hua Ruge shook his head.    


"Indeed." Su Nianxia nodded.    


The two of them ate for a while, listened to another story, and only came home a little later.    


When they returned home, Hua Ruge told Tuoba Rui some more. Because he did not know the inside story, he did not continue to explain it.    


With the rise of the Pill Pavilion, Hua Ruge's days were no longer so leisurely. She had to undergo closed door cultivation every few days to refine pills, but fortunately, her spirit energy was dense.    


Every few days, she would ask Ji Ming about his progress in alchemy. Ji Ming had a rather high comprehension in alchemy, to the point that he was not inferior to Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge had previously trained this technique several hundred times a day, so he was able to master it very quickly. However, with Ji Ming's strength, he could only train it a few times a day and would only be able to weaken it.    


In this way, the speed of progress was over a hundred times slower.    


After looking at it a few times, Hua Ruge knew that he might not be able to master it all in the recent years.    



After realizing this, she decided to wait until her fame spread. These few medicines could be sold at a limited price of one per month. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to take it.    


Tang Ru had a hard time understanding alchemy and had not created new Pill Pavilion s recently, but he did not stop building new roads. He was currently preparing to open auctions at other Divine Domain s, which could be considered as an easy business, and could be used to scout out out the road.    


The business of Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce was growing larger and larger. Not only did it give Hua Ruge a lot of money, it also gave him an even louder reputation. The various divine halls were discussing about her not only as the overlord of the east, but more so as a potential financial backer.    


In a West Continent with such scarce resources, with spirit crystals in hand, it would be hard for him not to have a high status.    


In a flash, another two months passed. Everyone had been living quite comfortably during this period of time. The shrines that had once been the masters had not sent anyone to pick a fight with them. They probably knew that a small number of people would be of no use, but they did not have the opportunity to gather.    


Hua Ruge still hoped that life would continue like this, steadily developing his own business. After they had reached a larger scale, even if the various shrines wanted to move against her, they would have to consider their influence.    


Today, when she came back from the Chamber of Commerce, she was elated at the profits. Who said that money wouldn't work in this foreign world? If she was really anxious, she could just use money to smash a few temples to death.    


When she returned home, she immediately saw Tuoba Rui, Su Nianxia and the other two sitting in her courtyard. There were even two letters on the stone table.    


Looking at the pondering expressions of those few people, she asked in surprise, "Who will be the one to deliver the letter to us?"    


"Take a look." Tuoba Rui said as he passed one of the letters to Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge took the letter and scanned it with her Divine Yuan. She never would have thought that the person who sent the letter would be the Old Hall Master from Space Temple.    


The old man said that there would be a great crisis in Space Temple and even asked them to come and help.    


Hua Ruge then looked at the letter in front of Jun Tianxia. It had the same content, but it was only for him.    


"A major crisis?" Hua Ruge sat on the table and threw the letter on the table, then said to Su Nianxia: "You sure got us right."    


Su Nianxia nodded and asked: "Elder sister, do you think we should go?"    


"That old man is not bad. If we want to survive in this place, we have to be on good terms with him. I think we should just go through with the Space Temple." Hua Ruge said again, "Moreover, if it wasn't for this major event, this old man wouldn't have begged us for help. We should also understand a bit."    


"You're really not afraid of anything." The one who spoke was Young Master Wu Hen who had walked in from outside.    


Xiao Jiu followed behind Young Master Wu Hen, happily walking in.    


Hua Ruge tilted his head and asked: "It looks like you've received the letter as well?"    


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