The Cold CEO is My Husband

C33 You Can't Just Randomly Take the Medicine

C33 You Can't Just Randomly Take the Medicine

0Mo Yanann felt her stomach-churning. Finally, she could not hold it in any longer and said to him, "I'm sorry, CEO Ye. I'll need to go to the washroom."    


"Alright, go. I'll wait for you." After saying that, Boss Ye gave her a lewd smile, causing her to feel even more disgusted.    


She immediately fled to the washroom but did not expect that the moment she closed the door, a pair of huge hands would grab her arm.    


She almost cried out in alarm. Oh my god! Why was there someone else in the washroom?!    


"Don't scream, it's me." A deep devilish voice sounded in her ear.    


She then turned around and saw a familiar handsome face appeared before her.    


Mo Yanann rubbed her eyes in disbelief. She could not believe what she had just seen, she just had a shocked of her life.    


She looked at the bathroom, then at the man in front of her.     


What was going on?     


This should be someone else's room, should it not?!     


"Ann Tianhao, what are you doing here?" Mo Yanann blinked her eyes as she asked curiously.    


Ann Tian hao lifted the corner of his lips and smirked evilly, he then pinned her against the wall with white tiles behind her.    


He whispered into her ear with his ice cold lips, exhaled softly, then said in a seductive and charming voice.    


"What's the matter? Don't you wish to see me?"    


Mo Yanann held her breath as her heart was about to pound off her chest.    


"I…" Mo Yanann felt an itch in her ears and slightly shrink her neck. However, she did not expect that this cute reaction would make Ann Tianhao wanted to tease her even more.    


"Didn't you wish to see me?" Ann Tianhao's deep voice seemed magical, making her fall for him the moment she heard it.    


"No, what I mean is, why are you here? This is supposed to be someone else's room."    


To be honest, she really never expected him to be here. How could this man find out her location anytime and anywhere? Even when she was in her dorm or here, he always had his way to find her.    


Was he even a human?!    


Ann Tianhao squinted his eyes, with a hint of threat.    


He stared at Mo Yanann with displease, "Then why don't you tell me the reason you're in that man's room?"    


He reached out his broad palm and carefully caressed her chin. His deep and sharp eyes were fixated on her.    


Mo Yanann bit her lower lip and said nothing.     


Why was she here?     


When she thought about what Wang Chunli had done to her, her eyes immediately filled with hatred. There was nothing else she could do for her grandmother except for this.    


Ann Tianhao understood all the subtle changes of emotion in her eyes.    


Mo Yanann was forced to lift her head as soon as he exerted some strength in his hand, then her teary eyes met with his indifferent eyes.    


"Do you want to have a business deal with me?" Ann Tianhao moved his lips closer to hers as if he was going to press his lips hers. The warm breath touched her lips, making her lips moist and warm. Moreover, their gestures were ambiguous.    


Mo Yanann's gaze flickered and filled with bewilderment.    


"What kind of business? I know nothing about business, and I'm not a businesswoman."    


An unpredictable look appeared in Ann Tianhao's deep gaze. He stretched out his wide palm and gently touched her delicate face as if he was stroking something precious. He stroked it so carefully, afraid that she would be hurt.    


"It'll sure be a good business deal. I'll never let you suffer any disadvantages in our deal." Ann Tianhao went close to her ear and said bewitchingly.    


Mo Yanann had no idea what he was talking about. Just as she was about to ask him for an explanation, she heard painful screams coming from the outside.    


"Ah! It hurts, my penis! It hurts so bad!"    


"Hmm? What's that sound?" Mo Yanann was slightly nervous as she did not know what was going on outside. Ann Tianhao, on the other hand, seemed to have anticipated what was going on and his eyes were bloodshot.    


"Come with me."    


"Uh? Where are we going?"    


Before Mo Yanann came back into her senses, Ann Tianhao had already carried her up like how a prince carried a princess, making her to blush instantly.    


"It hurts! Ahh! Wang Chunli, what the heck did you gave me?!"    


Ann Tianhao looked indifferent as he hugged Mo Yanann with his strong arms and pushed open the bathroom door. He then walked out without any restraint of arrogance in his eyes.    


At this moment, CEO Ye was rolling on the ground in pain.    


Mo Yanann could not help but wanted to take a look at the miserable scream, but was stopped by Ann Tianhao.    


"Don't look! Cover your eyes!" He forced her to cover her eyes with her hands.    


"What are you doing?!" Mo Yanann struggled.    


"What's the matter? He's naked, you want to see it?" Ann Tianhao said in a terrifying cold voice.    


In an instant, Mo Yanann was so frightened that she immediately covered her eyes with her hands. However, her heart was filled with doubt and shock, wondering what was really going on there?    


"Why is he naked? Why didn't he wear his pants?!" She could not help but ask curiously.    


"What do you think?!" Everything was fine before she asked, but once she asked, Ann Tianhao's voice instantly sounded terrifying, as if he was interrogating her. What else could a man do in a room with a woman?    


Was this woman dumb?!    


"How should I know?" Mo Yan muttered and immediately had goosebumps. Because Ann Tianhao had admitted a cold aura around him.    



She secretly glanced at him and saw that his face sunk. She became silent right away as she covered her eyes and let him carried her out of the room.    


"Who are you? Let go of my woman. Guards! Where did he go?! Who allowed him to enter my room?! Damn it! It hurts so much!" The naked CEO Ye was stupefied when he saw a stranger came out from his washroom and the worst thing was that he was carrying Mo Yanann.    


Ann Tianhao did not even spare CEO Ye a glance at him as he walked past him arrogantly.    


CEO Ye covered his lower body with a twisted face as he constantly moaned in pain. His body was feeling strange after he ate the viagra that the waiter gave him.    


The lower part of his body was severely swollen. Most importantly, it was extremely painful and felt as if it was about to be crippled. If he had known, he would not have eaten the viagra.    


That 'thing' was now extremely swollen. Just with a slight touch, he would feel an incomparable pain like it was about to burst. Furthermore, it was becoming more painful as time went by, and he felt like it was burning too. This was definitely not a normal situation.    


He had taken the several types of Viagra pills before, but this had never happened to him!    


Even so, he did not dare to make a phone call for help due to it was too embarrassing. If this matter was to spread, would he not lose all his face?    


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