The Scars

C11 Chapter 11

C11 Chapter 11

0It took me a second to realize where the destiny had sent me to. The figure before my eyes who stared at me in disbelief affirmed that I was thrown to the event I had tried hard to shun, Kevin’s birthday party. Awkwardly, I muttered the boy’s name who still kept his eyes on me.    




“What are you doing here?” he questioned me with his gaze falling on my costume. My mouth gaped to reply. Yet, one of Mrs. Ali’s employees told him what we were here for.    


“We are from Ali Catering.” Soon he realized that I was one of the waiters in charge of serving the banquet in his brother’s birthday party. I couldn’t figure out what’s on his mind. He was the one with a mind that wasn’t easily read.    


“Let’s get inside, then.” The bodyguard opened the gate. I was considering whether to enter or escape from here. However, the house rent charge had been waiting. Getting into the house was the only way to get money for the rent. Finally, I decided to escort Reno and other Mrs. Ali’s employees to pass the gate.    


Reno took us to tour around his house. The party was held in the backyard. We walked through the big door to get to a very large living room. I could see that this house consisted of two floors or even more. I kept my eyes on my way. The girls in front of darted her eyes back and forth as if sizing up the room. It was her first time to be in a big house as well.    


The guest had gathered around when I stepped my feet in the backyard. The lightning shone all the faces there. They looked so ecstatic. The woman wore beautiful gowns while the men stood elegantly in expensive suits.    


I spotted Angeline in the middle of the crowds. That girl looked flawless with her green silk mini dress. Her blonde hair remained loosely reaching her back. She tucked her hair behind one of her earlobes. It was obvious that her appearance caught all eyes at the party. The guests’ lips were even full of compliments for her charm. As an extroverted and confident girl, it didn’t take time for her to easily chum with others no matter their age gap. She was having a chat with the woman around forty years old in a bun hair at the moment. The woman wore a classy long black sleeveless dress. They both laughed. I didn’t know what stimulated them to be that thrilled.    


Standing at the corner, I felt chilled due to the breeze since the event was held outside. Without shifting my eyes, I saw a boy in a grey coat. His big dark eyes were glancing around as if inspecting and ensuring nothing would ruin his night. That was Kevin. In a second, Angeline and the woman with her came closer and joined him. I could guarantee that the woman was Kevin’s mother from their interaction. The woman acted like a mother to her son.    


My eyes kept observing, I didn’t find Reno among people who immersed themselves in conversations. He might be still preparing. It was no wonder as he just arrived less than a half-hour ago. The groups of people grew larger and larger like no place to hide from their attention. In the distance, the man in his early fifty who looked like Reno descended the stair. All the eyes diverted to his muscular tall body. His handsomeness didn’t fade away even if age turned his black hair into grey. The man was Mr. Wijaya, Reno and Kevin’s father. He genially greeted all the people there.    


“Welcome to my son’s birthday party. It’s such an honor to have you here,” he paused followed by the applause from the guests that boomed the room. “Now, let me introduce you to my both sons, Reno Wijaya and Kevin Wijaya,” hee continued stretching his hand toward the boy in the opposite side while searching for Reno who wasn’t spotted in the crowd. Some people murmured like bee heaving in my ears. They unmistakably mooted about Reno. To cope with the situation and smother his disappointment for Reno was not there, Mr. Wjaya changed the subject.” Today, I would like also to congratulate all the employees of Wijaya Enterprise for your hard work and accomplishment.” Again, applause from the guests filled the room.    


Mr. Wijaya lifted the glass of his drink and cheered all the guests. The happiness gushed out of his smile. It only lasted a few minutes before a boy in a striped shirt and black pants with glasses appeared and hypnotized the people with his coming. They automatically slanted to him. He just idly passed them by. The way he walked showed that he relished being a center of attention.    


“Is he Reno Wijaya? He looked like a nerd, much different compared to Kevin,” whispered one of the guests, a man in a blue suit. The woman with him nodded her head in agreement although she kept her mouth shut.    


“Poor him! She lost her mother and now her father ignores him.” The old woman in tawny gown commented on him. “If only his mother didn’t leave this world that soon.” She expressed a rueful face. Her distance was only a few meters from me so I could vividly catch what she said.    


I didn’t feel bothered with all I heard. After all, other people’s problem didn’t interest me. Reminding myself of my only goal to be here, I got back to my work. As it was the time for gala dinner, we served the menu. I trailed behind one of the waiters to offer and pour the drink.    


We went to one person to another. Without my notice, my elbow nudged someone’s hand. Her drink spilt the dress she was wearing. I spontaneously asked for an apology. Instead of forgiving me, she lowered her head to my ear and spat the venomous words.    


“How can a poor bitch like you be in this place?” She mocked me in a very low voice. I was just silent as I thought giving a response would be futile. “You’re seemingly one of the waiters.” She looked at me in repugnance as if I were repulsive.    


“What happened?” The woman, Kevin’s mother sneaked into the throng. Dismay made her quickly walked toward Angeline who was still drying her dress with the tissue.    


“It’s fine, aunty. She just outpoured the water on my dress by mistake.” She was great at acting.    


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...,” I defended myself. But that middle-aged woman didn't allow me to finish my sentence.    


“Be careful, Miss,” she alerted. I nodded and sneaked out of the crowd. The guests shot me with a cynical gaze. Yet, Kevin’s voice kept my feet where they were.    


“’re here. Thank you for coming. Mom, this is Ilana, Reno’s girlfriend.” In an instance, I looked at Kevin who blatantly embarrassed me as well as Reno at the party. Kevin successfully made me and Reno become an object of the gossip. I could see that Mr. Wijaya’s face turned red. Kevin’s words ignited the fury in his eyes.    


“I didn’t expect that my son had affair with the girl from the lower class,” Kevin’s mother quipped with a scornful sneer.    


“No. You’re wrong. I’m not one of the guests here. I work for Ali Catering. Besides, Reno isn’t my friend.” I didn’t mean to disown Reno, but I had to defend him although it would be useless. It was a little bit weird that I didn’t feel worried inside me even though I could make sure that the effect of this incident could be dire. As a rich, Kevin’s mother or even Angeline had the power to break my life into pieces.    


“Ilana is my friend. I invited her to the party. I think there’s nothing wrong with that. Social status doesn’t matter as long as we are a human being.” Reno silenced Kevin’s mother. All attention at the party went to Reno who was standing confidently and proudly in the center of the room. Mr Wijaya clenched his hands into fists. It was clear that he was holding back his wrath. Yet, he said nothing.    


“May I have your attention, please?” I was relieved of hearing the MC’s voice. The girl in dark short hair knew how to deal with the situation. “I want the birthday boy to join me here on the stage.” She waved her hand to Kevin who slowly marched to the stage. I hurriedly went back to the food counter. I hid among the other waiters who were still wondering what the matter with me was.    


“You may be safe this time, but not at another time.” Angeline’s sentence still echoed on my mind. She intimidated me just after Kevin and his mother got on the stage.    


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