The Scars

C15 Chapter 15

C15 Chapter 15

0That tattooed man had been facing me with his wild gaze. His eyes sized up my body from top to toe that induced inconvenience in my heart. My brain alerted that I had to run away from that place as soon as possible. I swiveled around. It was too late. His swift grip on my arm prevented my feet took another step. He pulled me into his cuddle and wrapped his arm around my waist.    


“ me....” My voice choked in my throat. I couldn’t even mutter something now since he covered my mouth with his palm of hand. I struggled to get loose with all might. Yet, his embraces adhered on my body too strongly.    


“Let her go.” We, this bastard and I turned to the one who had a nerve to intervene this bad situation. It was Reno there with one fist clang on a backpack slung on his shoulder. Where were his spectacles? His sharp eyes shot on the man that still folded my body in his arm.    


“Do you want to be a hero for this girl?” He pressed his hands on mine, not allowing me to move even an inch. “This is none of your business. Leave or she will die.” His hands strangled my neck that I hardly breathed.    


“Alright, easy! I’ll go. But, please take your hand off her.” Reno lifted both of his hands, giving up. He took some steps back. His eyes could not deny that he looked panic. He finally freed my neck of his hand.    


Suddenly, Reno hit the man’s shoulder without his notice because he was busy guarding me. Reno promptly took my hand with him. However, the man swiftly retuned the blow on Reno’s nose before we even could run away. Reno fell backward. Thick blood dripped from his nostril. I was supposed to help him up yet the bastard prevented me from doing that. He forcefully tugged my hand.    


Reno managed to get up and imprinted his fist on the man’s face. He made it although he couldn’t save his face from that man’s strike that turned it black and blue. At the end, Reno successfully knocked that man out. We left the man as soon as possible when he groaned after tumbling.    


We ran quickly without looking back. That man’s voice followed us. But, he did not chase us. He could not do that since Reno’s fist hitting on his private part caused unbearable pain.    


“Wait! I don’t think I can run anymore.” I paused, inhaling. The sweat flowed down my cheek.    


“Are you ok? Who is that man? How do you know him?” I lifted my chin with my mouth gaped catching a breath before I answered his questions.    


“His name is Karno. My father owed him. He cannot pay his debt. As a result, that bastard chases me. He will use me as a bail. That’s all I know.” I blurted out.    


“Sorry to hear that,” he said very softly. I almost could not hear it. He stepped closer to me. His rueful face got closer and closer.    


“It’s ok. I am getting used to it. I know my life is sucked but I can handle it. No need to worry about me.” I averted my gaze from him. He reached out his hand and touched my shoulders. Our eyes met for a moment.    


“Listen, I’ll always be there for you. You may not trust me yet. I am not the one you consider as a friend. But, I am all ears. Please, share with me, your entire burden, hardship and even your pain. Don’t keep it only for yourself.” For a moment, I sank into his brown eyes. I swiftly flicked his hands when I came back to reality.    


“I’m fine. Thanks, anyway. Don’t risk your life for me. I am not the one who deserved that.” I turned around. He grabbed my arm.    


“Let’s go to school together. We have been a half hour late.” He showed me the time. We walked side by side to the school which was near.    


The school gate had been closed. The school guard inspected us with some question regarding our retard. Then a teacher in charge came with a stick in his hand.    


“Where have you been? Why are you two late? Do you know what time it is?” This teacher never tolerated the lateness.    


“I’m sorry. This is my fault. I....”    


“The bus stalled. We missed another bus. So....”    


“That doesn’t make sense. What happen to your face?” He observed Reno intently. “And you...” he turned to me. I was just watching my shoes. “Your hair and uniform looked like you were just safe from the lion’s chase or even a storm.” He tilted his head.    


“Someone tried to rob me on the way to school.” I was lying. He squinted. I was convinced he did not buy my story. “Reno saved me from the robber. He was almost killed because of me.”    


“No. I mean the man robbed her. But, everything is fine. Please don’t tell my parents about this.” He begged the teacher.    


“Your parents must know what has occurred to you both. Before, I contacted them; you have to be punished for being late today. So, your punishment is cleaning the toilet and also the store room in the rooftop. Do it now.”    


We did his instruction without complaining. The strict teacher gave us a hell. The store room was so disorganized. The chairs and tables straggled everywhere. This place reminded me of my nightmare of how Kevin caged me here. That was truly bad. I shook my head.    


Reno brought two brooms for us. He put aside the broken tables and started sweeping the floor. He did not question me who was still stuck where I was.    


“Are you fine doing all of this? You look unwell. You’re bleeding and your face needs a treatment. I’ll tell the teacher that you need to go to the infirmary,” I suggested.    


“Are you worried about me?” Instead of accepting my suggestion, he asked me a question I did not know the answer. I did not even know what I felt of him.    


“You hurt because of me.” I ignored his question. Grabbing the broom, I cleaned another part of the store room.    


“If you can bear the scars in your heart, why shouldn’t I? Moreover, it is not something I need to concern about. Life is never easy, right?” He continued his duty. I was stunned by his unexpected response.    


“Why don’t you put on your glasses by the way?” I changed the topic.    


“I use contact lenses.”    


“It looks great on you.”    


“Thanks.” The nuance was different, indeed. Even though we often interacted in the classroom, we felt awkward.    


“What happened to you last night? I mean it is about your father. I heard he scolded you. I am sorry I didn’t mean to overhear.” I babbled out.    


“Just a little argument, you no need to worry about that.” He was still focusing on his job.    


“I have put you into trouble.”    


“No. My father is just quiet strict yet a nice person.”    


In the middle of our conversation, I heard the door banged very strongly. Someone locked the door from outside. It was too late for Reno and me to run toward the door. The door closed and locked us inside the store room.    


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