The Scars

C21 Chapter 21

C21 Chapter 21

0“Could you please stop?” I succeeded to shut their mouths up. “Please leave. I don’t want to see you both here,” I asserted. Then, I wrested the object in their grip. Ruefully, it was tightly clutched in their fist. After three attempts, my weary body was slammed back. Reno and Kevin swiftly saved me before my head kissed the floor.    


“Are you ok?” They both said together due to being panic. I just gave them a nod.    


“I hope you leave me alone. I need to finish my unfinished work.”    


“No.” Again, they shouted together.    


“Whatever.” In a flash, I grasped the mop. Reno was faster than me. He withheld the mop when I was about to take it. “Hand me the mop please. I don’t have much time,” I revealed. “Could you please just leave?” This time, Reno might see that I was really fed up. I wanted to get my duty over soon.    


“I’ll do it for you. You need to take a rest.” From the way he stared at me, he did not let me to defy his instruction. Kevin snatched it back from Reno.    


“Such a big hypocrite!” he twitted Reno. “Don’t you hear? She has evicted you out of here.”    


“You both,” I corrected. “Please go out,” I pleaded. Instead of listening to me, they intently locked their glare. It was Kevin who started to strike Reno by hitting him on his face. Reno did the same thing as a defense. Kevin kicked Reno in return. But Reno successfully fended his backlash.    


“Please don’t fight here. If you think it is important to show off your power, find another place, not in the school for nobody will praise you both. You two won’t get any recognition.” They paused for a moment before continuing another war.    


“What are you doing?” A girl stormed inside. It was Vera with her hoodie hiding her face. “Should I report to headmaster or call the police officer?” They stopped. Reno got his lips bleeding. Kevin touched his bruised cheeks. “Ilana, let’s go home. It is not worth it to be with these seven-year-old kids.” Vera threw sarcasm.    


“Because you two are really eager to help me mop the floor, it’s time to do the rest.” I grabbed my bag on my desk and came with Vera who had gone out. All I heard after that was only silence. Kevin barked out after me. I didn’t see Reno behind. He might clean the rest.    


“I’m sorry for what happened to you,” Vera committed. “I just heard the news from one of my classmates that you had been slandered for something you never did,” she solaced me sincerely. She had a warm heart.    


“That’s ok. It is nothing,” I confessed. “I didn’t see you in last few days. Where were you? Were you sick?” She looked at another way. I guessed there was a secret she was trying to keep. I would find out later.    


“I was just tired. You know I have to work in the restaurant at night. It drains my energy.” She forced a smile.    


“I feel you,” I confirmed.    


“So, is everything clear now? Who is it the culprit?”    


“Not yet. But, the case is closed.”    


“Glad to hear that. Ilana, I have to go now. My mother is waiting. See you tomorrow.”    


“See you. Take care.” The tall woman in short blond dyed-hair kissed her cheek. And they got in the car. She was certainly Vera’s mother from the way she treated her.    


It was a very hot day. The sun scorched my skin. Ensconcing under the shady trees did not secure me from its light. My stomach roiled. It had been late for lunch. I never had my launch on time though.    


I could breathe out of relief after all the bad things that trounced me in a row. Nevertheless, there was one thing which still stayed on my mind, the thing I was probably involved in. It was the bribe Kevin gave to the school principal. And I was the reason he did so. But why did he do that? How did he know how to do that evil thing? That was supposedly of no concern to me.    


I resumed my journey after resting in the bus stop to fuel my energy. A young mother asked me why I did not take the bus. I just told her that I lived around here. She showed her pity on me. It might be because of my miserable appearance. She possibly wondered in her heart why I was not like other normal girls with my seedy uniform.    


I had left that woman behind and kept walking on the pavement. Sometimes, my shoes slowed my movement because I had to mind my steps. If not, I could slip and tumble and it surely would wreck them.    


Nearing my destination, a car stopped right before me. It cut my way. At first, I thought it was Vera in the car since it was the same as the one who took Vera with. I was not suspicious at all so I just got another way and moved. But, than someone, a bulky strong man grasped me and covered my mouth with handkerchief. Not only it clogged my breath, it also darkened my world.    


It was like a dream that I hope to wake up from. The room was sultry, plain and dim like I was trapped in a remote jail where the criminals were mostly exiled. There was no voice I heard and no face I saw. Only the time ticked in the midst of the quiet room. Even the tiny creatures did not show off themselves.    


Someone strapped me on a chair. With my hands cuffed and my mouth plastered, I struggled to set myself free from the strap which tied my body. I pray in tear that God would send me someone to rescue me from this shitty place. The strap had printed blisters on my wrists and arms.    


In panic, the door creaked. I peered through the ajar door. The one in a hoodie slid through the door. It sent a shiver down my spine. I was frightened yet vigilant.    


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