The Scars

C24 Chapter 24

C24 Chapter 24

0Hardship haunted me throughout my life. Day or night, I was always surrounded by darkness as if I walked through a long tunnel I never knew where it ended or at least when I found the source of light. It was a feeling I struggled with every day.    


For some people, rewinding childhood memory would be great escapes from all the nightmares they were facing. Yet for me, it was all the same. There was no a phase of my life in which I could reminisce as a good memory. All of them left me with pains.    


I witnessed how my mother remained starving on order to let me eat. She protected me from my father’s brutality, sacrificed her life for her only daughter. I could not imagine how hurt she was to know that her daughter was kidnapped and hospitalized.    


“Good morning.” One of the nurses in perfect feature greeted me. I brushed the tears away. “The cloth fits on you.” She was distracting me from the sorrow she might see through my watery eyes. The nurse changed my dirty school uniform with this pajama.    




“The doctor will see you at ten,” she informed. It inflicted nothing on me. “He is very good doctor. He has an angelic heart. You know what? Many nurses and female doctors here fall for him. Yet, the doctor chooses to be single after he lost his wife two years ago.” That nurse babbled out while checking my blood pressure. She was talkative. It disturbed me instead of comforting me. “You are beautiful” She was the first and last person who had ever complimented me.    


“Are you done?    


“Yes. Sorry for your inconvenience. Why don’t look the world from different point of view. Life is not that sucked although sometimes you meet villains. The antagonists will always play in the drama, right? They color the main’s characters’ life.” I did not get what she actually wanted to convey.    


“You should sometimes look at the world from other’s point of view as well,” I commented. A minute later, she left without commenting back. She actually tried to console me yet she just didn’t know how to do that. I was probably too rude to her. The thing happening in my life was not something I could compromise that influenced my mood. I rolled out of the bad, sitting at the edge of it with an IV plugged on my hand. Someone burst out with tears.    




“What happened?” She hugged me tightly. ”Reno told me that someone has kidnapped you.” I regret that Reno revealed the truth. I let go of her arms.    


“Who do you think will kidnap me, mum? We are not rich. What will they get in return but disappointment?” I teased her. That drew a smile line on her cheek.    


“You are right. I can’t protect you.”    


“You are always there for me, mum, Because of you, I can bear all the hardship.”    


“I know you are a tough girl. I have something for you.”    


“I love you, Mom. I am sorry for everything.” She took out four apples out black plastic bag and put them on the small table next to the bed.    


“Mum, you shouldn’t bring me anything.”    


“Why? You don’t like apples?” she asked when staring at my rueful expression. “I bought them special for you. I chose the biggest ones. I didn’t purchase them from the supermarket though. Trust me, they taste sweet.” It was so touching. I could not hold my tears falling down.    


“I like them. Thank you. Apple is one of my favorite fruit.” She grabbed one and peeled it with a knife for me. “Thank you, mum.” If it was necessary, I would say my gratitude to her even a thousand times. My mother who never eats apples in her whole life brought me these fruit today.    


“Good morning.” We turned to the person who just greeted us.    


“Reno, it’s glad you’re here, dear. Join us here.” My mother invited him in excitement. “Take it.” She fed Reno a slice of apples. I looked away because I saw Reno’s uncomfortable expression with the way my mother treated him.    


“Thank you,” he said.    


“Thank you for saving my daughter.”    


“No. I just.....”    


“Don’t say anything. Here’s for you.” My mother forced Reno to open his mouth. Reno’s face blushed.    


“Your mother must be a noble woman.” My mother’s word instantly changed Reno’s expression    


“Mom, I’ m hungry.” I distracted her before she said something that might hurt Reno.    


“Alright, wait a second. Let me prepare for you.” She spooned rice with chicken flakes into my mouth. I glanced at Reno was just silent. “Do you want it too?” My mother asked Reno.    


“No, thanks.”    


“Are you sure?” She seemed suspicious that Reno had not eaten anything.    


“I have had my breakfast already. I’ll be waiting outside.” Reno stepped out of the room.    


“Is he alright?” my mother murmured.    


“He is fine,” I responded.    


Staying in the hospital was just like living in a place you eagerly wanted to run away from it no matter how cozy the room was and how humble the people were. You would always look out and search the way to go away from that place.    


I had been the hospital for five days before finally leaving that huge building. Just after checking out of the hospital, I knew that it was that handsome doctor who paid for my hospital charge. I owed him for the rest of my life. I remembered once the nurse said that not only did he have a handsome face, but he also had a good heart.    


My school and its people remained the same. The students were busy preparing for the mid-term test. The library was full of the students. I missed many classes due to five days of being hospitalized. To keep updated with the lesson, Reno and Nina help me to study the subjects I missed. I spent most of the time in the library during school hours.    


I spotted Nina among the students who were studying. She was busy flipping her book. I smiled every time I saw her. She saved my life that night. I did not care whether that mattered to her or not. I would not forget what she had done. I would always keep on my mind that I had owed her something.    


Focusing too much on the test, I got stuck in the library two hours after school. I almost reached the library door when the librarian called me. She ordered me to put few ripped old books in the store room upstairs.    


I dragged my feet to the last floor where the store room was. A group of students attracted my attention. They seemed standing where there was someone in the center. Driven by my curiosity, I approached them.    


“Please forgive me,” I heard someone begged, the one in the center of those flock of students. I sneaked into the throng and found out that it was Nina there, being bullied by her gangs. I ran toward her. I used my body as a shield when those five girls were trying to kick Nina. I fended off their legs and hands with my feeble hands. It was futile. Their feet landed on my hands, arms, and jaw. Flood pooled at the tips of my mouth.    


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