The Scars

C26 Chapter 26

C26 Chapter 26

0It was so unbelievable that Vera had a spouse. She was too young, only seventeen years old. It could be someone else, the girl who just looked like her. Vera might have a sister. Or is it my brain which did not function well after all I had undergone? I speculated.    


“Miss, sorry. But, you may go out now.” The woman politely urged me out of the house. I walked off with curiosity in my head.    


In my whole life, no one occupied my thought except my mother. Witnessing the intimate physical contact of a girl who resembled like Vera with a man, I could not help but concerning about Vera, the only student beside Reno who treated me with respect at school.    


Vera acted normally at school on the following day as if nothing agitated her. If the girl I saw in that house were truly Vera, then she could perfectly cover up her secret. She looked more than happy when she was joking around with her friends.    


“Hi! What book are you reading?” she greeted me when she just took a seat opposite me in the library. Her broad smile indicated that she was fine.    


“The Old man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway,” I displayed the titled to her. “It is Indonesian version,” I added.    


“That’s a great book. I finished reading it at Elementary school.” the fact blew me away. “Why don’t you write for the school bulletin? We are waiting for your works.” She expressed it enthusiastically when she emphasized the last sentence.    


“I was busy preparing for the test. So, I decide to have one week of hiatus. I promise to show you my new poem as soon as the test is done.”    


“I can’t wait for that.” She got back to her book. Its contents absorbed all her focus. The book was flipped page by page.    


“Are you busy after school?” I blurt out.    


“Not really. Why?”    


“No. I am just asking.” I did not know where to start yet I was curious to inquire about the girl who looked like her. It was not that I wanted to get myself involved; Vera had been one of the people I was concerned of. “There is something I would like to tell ....”    


“Hi! May I join you two?” Reno suddenly came up and cut off my sentence.    


“Sure,” Vera and I replied simultaneously. With Reno with us, it was not the right time to talk about what I saw.    


“What is it you want to tell me?” Vera’s question addressed to me.    


“Just forget it. It is not an important issue to discuss.” I was trying to dissemble my edginess. “Please send my regard and gratitude to your uncle.” I address to Reno to switch the topic. “I haven’t met him since I checked out of the hospital.”.    


“No worries,” Reno commented.    


“Hospital?” Reno and I just slightly bowed responding to Vera’s question. “Wait! You mean, you missed classes because you were hospitalized?” Vera asked for my clarification. My nod confirmed it. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She sounded peeved.    


“I am sorry”    


“No. No need to say sorry. I am just worried about you.”    


“Thank for caring.”    


“Don’t mention it. We are friend, right?”    


“Yes we are.” It was Reno who confidently responded.    


We were engaged in a conversation. As smart students, Reno and Vera sometimes could not avoid debating on something. I never thought Reno was talkative enough when it came to talk about the topic he was expert at, science. To be honest, I admired them both if it relates to academic matters.    


I did not expect that I finally had them I proudly called as friends. It was something out of my imagination that I could have them to share my life with. I was too thrilled to have close friends who would ask whether or not I was good. I did not want to ruin everything by having suspicion on Vera that she might keep something from us. After all, I created a good moment today after all the suffering I had been through. The bell ended our togetherness in the library    


The last class began. Unfortunately, I desperately needed to go to the rest room. Getting out of the toilet, I found Vera in front of the mirror. She combed her short hair. Then, I stood side by side with her. Working under the sun, my face tended to be dull. The mirror clearly reflected the difference between Vera and me. Her charm astonished me. She was pretty, tall, and slim. Her eyes were big, round and dark shaded by thick eyebrows. Her pointed nose and thin pink lips made her feature perfect. She was few inches taller than me.    


It only lasted five minutes until that girl was in a hurry out of the restroom. We did not converse a lot. She seemed busy, either preparing for her test or bulletin program.    


Nothing changed. Everything revolved around its orbit. My classmates still ignored me. Nevertheless, Having Reno and Vera was more than enough to draw a smile line on my face. They accepted me the way I was sincerely.    


As a routine, I was always in a rush to go home as soon as the class was over. Yet, I was not lucky today. I left the book I have borrowed from the library in the drawer. Reluctantly, I strode back to school.    


Before I reached the gate, I noticed Vera with her mother near their car. It was the same car she used to go with yesterday. She seemed having argument with her mother. I had no idea what it was they were debating on, but I was pretty sure Vera had a problem with the woman she told me as her mother.    


I was more suspicious when that woman towed Vera to the car. I spotted Vera was crying inside the car. I knew that this was not my concern to involve in their life. However, Vera was my friend. I was anxious that something bad might happen to her. I had nothing on my mind but following the car. One of the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the public transportation halted when I waved my hand. And I got into it.    


The car in front of me swept the road so fast. It rushed to the housing where I sent the package of the food. Strangely, the car stopped in front of the house I came to yesterday. My eyes bulged that it was the same man I caught with that girl I thought was Vera who welcomed them. He directly embraced her into his arm. Vera did not reject him. The three got into the house.    


I sculpted where I was, speechless with what was presented before my eyes. I did not want to speculate anything. She had her reason. He could be her brother despite their age gap.    


I decided to go home. At least, Vera was fine. Nothing bad occurred. She was safe with her mother. Isn’t it a mother the safest place you can always go to? I worried too much. My worry could not be helpful. It only would hurt my feeling, instead. From now on, I would not go further to find out everything about Vera.    


I raptly walked home. Since only took more or less twenty minutes to get to my neighborhood on foot, I didn't have to speed up my steps. I slipped my hand into my skirt pocket. It was odd that my pocket looked ticker. There was a folded paper in it. A short note was inked on the paper written by Vera; please help me!    


Please help me!    


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