The Scars

C28 Chapter 28

C28 Chapter 28

0The men swarmed us, not giving even a tiny space for us to move out. It was suffocating that their number increased. That man was eagerly torturing us with his power by ordering his people to besiege us from all directions. It was his base anyway. Everyone would do anything under his order and control. Murdering might be the worst order.    


One man grabbed Vera’s shoulder while one of her hands was still clutched on mine. The stronger I defended her, the more forceful they pulled her away until we both tumbled down. Two bulky men brought Vera with them. Meanwhile, one muscled broad-shouldered man dragged me into the house.    


They detained me in a small room without a window. Mauve mostly covered its wall. The ventilations were too small where the sun penetrated its shine through them. The big fan was spinning on the center of ceiling. It did not really help to cool my sweating body. The dim light obscured my vision.    


“I am sorry.”    


“Vera, are you there?” At least I could let out of a relief. I was in the same room as Vera. I took some slow steps toward her. That girl sat in the opposite dark side with both of her hands tied on her back. Carefully, I untied her hands.    


“Are you hurt?” She touched my hand to make sure that there was no wound on it.    


“No. They did not treat me bad after locking me here.” We sat side by side on the chair. “We should find a way out of this shitty place,” I said in a low tone.    


“There was an exit. It was through the back door.”    


“Tell me how to get there?”    


“I was clueless, either.” She replied. “Thank you.”    


“For what?”    


“For reading the note I slipped into your skirt and trying hard to save me even though we probably will end up here. Sorry for getting you involved in this situation. I was indebted to you. And surely, I will pay for it later, in the future probably.”    


“Hey, what are you talking about? You never owed me anything. You had helped me a lot. That’s what friend is for, right?”    


“It was such a blessing to know you.”    


“You know what? The entire school would laugh at you if they heard what you said just now. I am the lucky one here to befriend with you.”    


“You didn’t tell Reno about my note?”    


“I wish I could. I was so careless. I just read your note on the way home.” I felt regret in my heart.”    


Abruptly the door was slammed hard. We spontaneously surged at our feet. Someone, a towering figure who was unmistakably that man got into the room. He stood at the opened door with a sneer on his lips. That was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen. He was striding toward us. We moved back until our back kissed the wall.    


“Because you have chosen to be here,” he was vividly talking to me, “ It means you want me to treat you the same way as I did to Vera.”    


“No…,” Vera yelled at him, rejecting. “It is me whom you want. She had nothing to do with our agreement.” I was shocked when Vera said that.    


“Your opinion does not matter.” In a blink, that man dragged me out of the room. Vera followed us. I did not realize what happened. I saw blood trickled down from his nose and mouth. Vera stroke Tony on his face with an iron stick in her hand. She did it like a heroine.    


Without wasting time, we ran out of the building carelessly. It was night outside. The day went by, the night came so fast. We successfully burst out the gate by snatching the key from the old man, a security guard. He was silent, puzzled with our situation.    


I once had dreamt of running away from home as far as possible. Going to a new place where nobody recognized me would be an interesting idea. I wished to be a new person in a new world where I did not meet those who had hurt me. Tonight, it seemed that I regretted that thought. Running was tiring.    


“Can we stop for a minute? I need to inhale,” Vera interrupted.    


“Yes. I think we have left them behind. They may not be able to chase us.”    


“You’re right. “    


“I have to call someone?”    


“How do you get your hand phone?”    


“It is not mine, but Tony’s. I stole it from his pocket when he collapsed”    


“Great! Whom will you call? Is it your mother?” I was getting curious.    




“What! Why do you call him instead of adults. Adult people will help more, I bet,” I suggested.    


“I don’t believe in any adult people.” Her words silenced me. She dialed the number and a voice on the line greeted her.    


“I will send you the address. I hope you kindly reserve a taxi for us. Thanks” Vera hung up the call.    


I initiated to rest on the bench under the tree while waiting for Reno. We did not have to worry because it was far enough from Tony’s house. Unexpectedly, there were five people who were still chasing us. This time, they would never give us a chance to escape.    


Their eyes shot our body like ripping it out. Vera had signaled that we had to run on the count of three. We passed those men’s lunge after Vera said three. Unfortunately, one of them grasped my shoulder strongly so that his hand tore my shirt. It exposed one side of my shoulders. He released his grip for a moment. We used that opportunity to run away from them.    


We ran and ran as if being chased by a lion and never looked back. Unwittingly, we had run too far. I had no idea where we were. I wrapped my body with both of my hands to protect from cold which bit my skin.    


“Where will Reno pick us up?” I was asking impatiently.    


“Just wait,” Vera said while gasping, “around here,” she continued after taking a breath.    


I clapped the mosquitos which tried to drink my blood. This place was noisy by the tiny creatures and the vehicles. We were standing until the car that we thought of Reno’s car came and halted before us.    


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