The Scars

C32 Chapter 32

C32 Chapter 32

0She disgustedly passed the muddy road toward us who got stuck in solitude. Bad smell, Tarnish Street, and filthy place vividly described a slum area. I bet it would bet that it was her once in lifetime experience to be in this kind of place. Her reaction clearly depicted how she loathed being here. She did not come here for her own will. It was Reno the reason why she visited this area. I had no idea how she could find Reno. I cared no about that since it was none of my business.    


She fanned her body and swabbed her forehead with her light blue handkerchief. That handkerchief could not seal her blush vexed face. Her red eyes showed indignation. Despite not recognizing her in person, she was deniably merciless person when it came to everything about Reno. The meeting with the school principals underlined her treat toward Reno. She was not his biological mother. But I did not believe in a stereotype the society had set that a stepmother was cruel until I saw with my own eyes how this woman treated Reno unfairly.    


“Why do you have to do this?” Her question went to me, instead of Reno.    


“What do you mean?”    


“Is it the way you live your life?” I did not fathom what she actually meant. “Approaching Reno was the thing you think can bring you into our family.”    


“She is not a girl like what you’re thinking about. She is.....”    


“Who gave you right to speak up?” She did not allow Reno to continue his sentence. “Is this the manner your mother ever taught you? She did not even teach you courtesy.” She frowned.    


“Please my mom has nothing to do with all of this. Besides, I have lost my mom since I was a baby. And you are the one who takes care of me. It is you who is responsible for the way I behave.” Reno did not swerve when that woman slapped her hand on Reno’s cheek.    


“I think there is a misunderstanding here,” I was trying to reconcile. “I never asked Reno to come with me to this place. Most importantly, I have no intention to approach your family through Reno or whatever it is you believe I do.” I endeavored to be calm. “And you, Reno. I hope you go with your mother.” I spun away.    


I should not have been sad just to listen to what Reno’s stepmother said. It had been her habit to look down people she thought of being in the lower level than her. However, her poisonous words worsened my day. Getting bullied at school was not worse if it was compared to being slandered by Reno’s mother.    


It was very hot, both outside and inside of me. It was not only the sun that burnt me, but also all the things I faced today. Suddenly, I recalled about Vera, the way she acted at school. Her cheerfulness made people would think that she was truly happy with her life. Why did she do so after her confession yesterday that she did not want to live? I just wished she had forgotten all her past and pains.    


I spent most of my time in the bedroom since the test was over. My mother got suspicious because of that. It wasn’t me that I used to be. I just convinced her that I was fine and healthy. That was enough to make her tranquil.    


It was almost 7 o’clock at night. My mother just left me alone. I heard a knock on the door. I was afraid every time there was knocks. It was my father the one who usually did so. But, he did not come back after more than a week of leaving us. The knock was tenser and tenser.    


It was surprising to see Reno outside with his hands wrapped his body. It was cold outside indeed. I was wondering why he was desperate to come at this hour.    


“Sorry to visit at this hour. But, can I come in? I am hungry.”    


“What? Do you think that my house a shelter for refugees?”    


“I have run away from home.”    


“What did you say?” I barely believed in what I just heard.    


“My mother locked me in my room; not letting our assistant sent me food. I am starving. Your house is the first place that comes up on mind where I can go to,” he honestly admitted.    


“My mother isn’t at home. There was no one in my house. So, I can’t let you in. But, I’ll treat you instant fried noodle. There was a vendor who sells good instant fried noodles around here. I’ll take you there.” He did not argue.    


After ten minutes of a stroll, we got to the place where it had been full of people. We chose the seat in the corner. I ordered a bowl of instant fried noodles for Reno.    


“Why don’t you eat?”    


“I am not hungry,” I reasoned. My money was only sufficient for one portion of fried instant noodles. She enjoyed the food as if he had never eaten for a year. “May I suggest you something?” I broke the silence.    


“Yes.... why not?” he answered with mouth full of food.    


“Choose your battle.” He stopped eating. “It seems your mother is not a battle you can win. Obey her. Be a good boy. That’s not difficult thing to do for a smart person like you.” He did not reply. “Don’t put yourself in hard situation. She is the one who has taken care of you since you were a child, anyway." He finished his food.    


“No matter how hard I have tried, she ignores me. You won’t probably trust my words. But that’s the fact.” I did not have time to say anything; the beep from Reno’s hand phone distracted our conversation. I could see clearly that it was Vera name appeared on the screen. Nervously, Reno received the phone.    


A voice of a panic girl was heard on the line.    


“Reno, I was on my way escaping from my aunt and that bastard. Can we meet in the cafeteria near the school in a half hour?”    


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