The Scars

C46 Chapter 46

C46 Chapter 46

0Tears and laughter always came one after another. Today your life might be full of sorrow. Nobody guaranteed that tomorrow would not bring happiness. Woefully, misfortune tormented me like there was no tomorrow. There was no light after darkness.    


Future was a mystery. For me it was obvious. Conquering my last effort, those three men persecuted me. Something was whacked on my shoulder once. It was enough to tumble me down. Half-fainted, I heard they laughed discovering money from my bag. Possessing that small amount of money was my biggest mistake. It probably would send me to death.    


It was like the white glow surrounded me and dazzled my sight after the dark vanished. I felt a headache thumped me. My stomach wanted to throw something out because I was too starving. I restrained it. Moving my hand, I messaged my head. The small vanity and the mirror on its side caught my attention. It was not that golden small table with the makeup appliances on it that shocked me. It was where I was lying that startled me. Where was I? My school uniform had changed into a pajama. Who did it?    


Carefully I got up and glanced through every corner of the room. I found only a big room with an elegant design. The wall was painted white while the door was brown. The concept looked simple but luxurious. A big tawny wardrobe stood against the wall on the left side of the room. The bed covered by light green sheet where I was at the moment was huge made of teak. Three people with the same body size as me would be able to lie here. I rolled down the Tosca blanket. I was still glimpsing around in awe. For the rich, this wonderful room was not something new. For me, it was like being in paradise.    


"Why am I here?" I finally panicked as soon as I acknowledged where I was. It was in someone else's house, someone's bedroom exactly. The door was instantly opened from outside. "Doctor..." He smiled. Handsome and brawny were the most appropriate words to describe his appearance. A plain white shirt with striped black and blue tie and dark pants perfectly coated his muscular body. His black slide parting hair was tidy just like done by a professional hairstylist. His face was sculpted masculine with a strong joy and a little beard, appointed nose was decorated flawlessly. Today, he was wearing glasses that framed his two brown sharp eyes. Walking mindfully, he brought a bowl of porridge and a glass of milk on a tray. "Why are you here?" He did not react but putting the tray on the small table and took a seat beside the bed. "Wait! Is it your house? And who changed my pajama?    


"Let me reply your questions one by one. My assistant did it. This is my wife's bedroom." When he mentioned his wife, of a sudden, the nurse's words were echoing on my mind. This doctor's wife had passed away. But her room was well-organized as though being used every night. "How do you feel now?"    


"I am well. Five minutes ago my head ached. But the pain is gone."    


"You just got shocked and tell fainted. You'll recover soon. That place was an unsafe zone. Do you live around there?" I gave him a nod.    


"The robbers hit me by hand but not on the head. But, I guess I am okay."    


"I found you lying unconsciously at the edge of the road. I do not have an idea where your house is. So, I took you to my house. Besides, you are Reno's friend. Your condition is not so serious. But, you still need to take a rest."    


"How could you be in that area?" I asked him back.    


"Apart from my job as a doctor, I am also a volunteer. We have a nonprofit organization that served free medical aids to needy people. Mostly, they are from lower-class communities. Last night I just visited one of my patients before I discovered your unconscious body."    


"That's awesome. You are truly kind-hearted." He just showed his white teeth through his smile.    


"You should eat." He passed me a spoon full of warm porridge. I received that spoon and devoured the food on it. Hunger had weakened my body. I had not gotten anything since yesterday. "Reno talked a lot about you." I almost choked when Reno's name was slipped out of his lips.    


"Reno? What did he tell you about me? Did he say something bad about me?"    


"Don't worry. You are the nicest one he has ever known." I was a hundred percent convinced that my cheek blushed. "There are only two persons he introduced me to as friends?"    


"They are?"    


"You and Vera…." His answer did not surprise me.    


"Thank you. I am full." I said after chewing and finishing the last portion.    


"I have to go to the hospital. If you need anything, just tell me. You can call me using the telephone in the living room. My number is written in the phone book. Have a rest." He was about to leave, but my call stopped him.    


"Doctor..." He veered around to me.    




"I want to go home. My mom must be looking for me right now."    


"Sure. If you feel fit, you can go home. My driver will drive you home. He is always ready."    


"Thank you."    


"You have said that word "thank you" a lot."    


"I have and I will."    


"Alright, just tell my driver whenever you want to go home. Your uniform has been washed and packed in a paper bag. My assistant put it on the sofa." He pointed to a sofa on the right side after the door. I did no pay attention to that side so I did not notice there was a medium sofa there.    


"That’s very kind of you."    


He just smiled sincerely and finally his steps took him out of the room. His footsteps disappeared in a minute. He might have been outside or in his car. Excitedly, I got out of the bed and took a shower.    


I packed my things in my bag. Putting on my school uniform, I got ready to go out. But, something captivated my scrutiny before my hand touched the door. It was a hoodie hanging in the ajar closet. I was in fear and wonder at once. That object reminded me of the worst tragedy in that rainy night several years ago in which I was almost raped.    


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