The Scars

C61 Chapter 61

C61 Chapter 61

0Days, weeks, and months passed. Time did not amend Angeline's demeanor. She and her gangs still bullied me whenever they had a chance to do that. Thankfully, school activities occupied me. The library was a place where I spent most of my time at school. Vera and I studied there or just read a book in our free time.    


Preparing for the state exam was struggling since I was not a typical smart student. It took more time for me to learn the lessons. Fortunately, I had Vera with me who was always helpful and supportive. And in few months we would have a state exam which determined whether or not the students could graduate from this school based on the standard set by the ministry of education. It was not easier for most of the students especially me as it included all the lessons we had learned from the first to the third year of senior high school.    


Vera was having a meeting with other school bulletin staff. So, she did not join other students in the library. That girl was still active managing the buletin despite just a few months left before the state exam. Yet it was good for her that she had been accepted in one of the universities without a test through school recommendation. I had no choice to continue my study. At least, graduating from senior high school was something I was grateful for.    


Taking a seat by the window, it was only the books on the table which my brain focused on. I have read three books so far when Kevin closed and seated on the opposite chair. He cupped his chin with his hand and grinned. I glanced around to ensure that there was an empty chair. Unfortunately, all the seats had been taken.    


"So, which university have you decided to go to?" He queried with his peek at his book. I bet that book did not attract him a lot. Reading or studying might not be his main objective to be here. Talking to him seemed not interesting to me, either. I let him babble out. "Or what major do you plan to take?" He kept asking. Didn't he know studying at University was something I could not afford? "I heard that you like writing. I suggest you take literature or communication." Why was this guy so disturbing?    


"Could you please be quiet? It's hard for me to concentrate on what I am reading."    


"I will. But, you must answer my questions," he required.    


"I won't. Besides, which university I'll go to or what major I'll take, that doesn't have something to do with you." I got angry.    


"Alright, I ask no more." Shortly, the content of the book engulfed me back. It was the only quietness I heard afterward. All the library visitors gave a hundred percent of their focus on the books they were reading. If there was a sound, it came from the pen they used to write. After spending almost two hours, I went back to my classroom. As matter of fact, we were only in the classroom for about five hours a day as we used the rest to study in the library or did the assignment.    


Kevin was still in the library. That was better since he would not be around me doing absurd things or asking unimportant questions. He might be trying to befriend me. However, it was not easy to mingle with him after what he had done.    


I just reached the door when someone tapped my shoulder. Looking back, Angeline had been standing behind with her gang. Her smirk confronted me. She was never enough with what she did to me.    


"Don't worry. You've been through a lot of hurdles because of me. I'm inviting you to attend my birthday party on coming Saturday night." A pink envelope was handed to me.    


"So, is it an apology or what?"    


"Just suppose it is." She proceeded into the classroom with her gang. I just took a glimpse at the square pink invitation card in my hand and followed them in. They swarmed in Angeline's seat and shared laughter. I was clueless about what they were talking about, they looked delighted.    


The class began ten minutes later and ended after two hours. It took shorter for me. I did not get what the teacher explained. I was not brainy like most students in this class. It was only my big motivation to study which stimulated me not to give up.    


"You got the invitation?" Kevin neared me as soon as the teacher left and held the card with puzzled eyes. He hardly believed that Evangeline invited me to her party.    


"Well, as you can see. I might not come."    


"Come with me."    


"No, thanks." I packed my books and stationery, being ready to go home after the last class was over.    


"Is Reno that important for you?" I stopped packing my things. "What do you expect? He may have a girlfriend now, a pretty American girl." He was trying to provoke me. Why bothered? I meant it was his right to have a relationship with any girl he wanted.    


"That's none of my business." I turned my eyes to Angeline who fired me with her unpleasant look. "Angeline is waiting for you. You should see her," I suggested.    


"Are you jealous?"    


"How can you think such a thing? Of course not." I smiled wryly.    


"You're lying!"    


"I couldn't be more serious than this." I slung my bag on one side of my shoulders and took a leave. However, his hand kept me where I was. I could not move even an inch. "What are you doing?"    


"Stay! I am not done yet."    


"Who do you think you are can dictate what I should do?" I wagged his hand forcefully. It evoked Angeline to move toward us. Kevin signaled her to stay where she was. That girl just obeyed his order.    


"Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude to you," he said. I soon ran out of the classroom.    


"Vera..." I called Vera who just passed my classroom. She smiled at me.    


"What's that in your hand?"    


"Invitation card from Angeline... You get one right? I asked to make sure.    


"No, I guess you are one of the VIP guests."    


"You must be kidding."    


"I am not. As far as I know, Angeline only invites some students she considers as VIPs in this school. Not even all students in your class got the invitation." Vera's explanation scared me. I got skeptical to attend her party. I would not come, not only because she did not invite Vera, but I did not have a gown to wear to that party. We walked out of school in silence after that short conversation.    


"Ilana...." Angeline shouted out through her car's window. "I hope you can come to my party to show that you accept my apology."    


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