The Scars

C84 Chapter 84

C84 Chapter 84



I reread the message from Alice that she was in Jakarta. I could sigh in relief Ilana did not wonder who called me while we were on our way to Bandung. But, I would surely explain to her everything about Alice when the time came.    


Having parked my car, I proceeded to the sixth floor of the apartment where I lived. I jerked back to see someone familiar sanding with the back facing me. In a second, she swiveled around. Her long blond hair tucked on both her ears. She wore a knee-length red sleeveless dress which displayed her perfect curve. She took off the sunglasses and revealed her blue big eyes.    


"Hi, Reno! It’s nice to see you again." Alice idly smiled at me, straightening with one hand clutched on her suitcase. "You must be wondering how I can get to your apartment. Your brother, Kevin, told me." She stayed standing. It's not surprising how she can get to know. I introduced her to Kevin on a summer holiday three years ago when he and our father visited me in New York.    


"What do you come here for?"    


"What do you think I come here for? It's for you. I miss you so much." She took steps closer and I flicked her hand before she pulled me into her arms. "Why don't you let me in?"    


"Sorry, I don't think I can. I have engaged now. You can stay in the hotel." I just walked past her to the door. Her hand stopped me.    


"How could you let me stay in the hotel? I am new here. I know nothing about this country."    


"I didn't expect that you were that selfish." Kevin was striding toward us. "You have not even contacted me yet. I am your brother."    


"I'm sorry. I tried to contact you. But, your secretary told me that you were too busy at the time. I asked her to inform you to call me back." He just shrugged his shoulders.    


"Hi, Alice!"    


"Hi, thank you for giving me Reno's address by the way."    


"No problem."    


"I don't think it's good to stay in the corridor all night long. It will disturb your neighbors, I guess." Kevin quipped. I did not see other choices but to let them in.    


Kevin headed directly to the fridge and took a bottle of drink. He acted as though it was his own house. Meanwhile, Alice pushed and put her luggage next to the sofa. She plunged herself into that sofa.    


"It seems Reno can't treat his guests with respect." Kevin passed Alice a glass and poured the water into it."    


"Thank you." Alice sipped her drink and relaxed on the sofa.    


"I heard that you have engaged with someone. That's good news. Congratulations, anyway. By the way who is that lucky girl?"    


"Ilana." I finally spoke after a long silence. Kevin choked after the word Ilana slipped out my mouth.    


"Ilana.... that poor girl?"    


"I don't think poverty as a weakness."    


"Yeah...besides, she has become a famous writer now."    


"I don't know why I feel jealous though we are no longer in a relationship," Alice muttered. "I wish all the best for you." She trembled when saying that. "I hope you would kindly introduce me to her."    


"I will."    


We had some chats afterward. Kevin dominated the conversation, engaging more with Alice in the talk. They were blended in conversation. Seeing how enthusiastic Kevin was when talking to Alice and how he excitedly initiated to get her a hotel to stay in, I assumed that he might have a crush on her. That was good news. They left my apartment at almost midnight.    


I was thinking of telling Ilana about Alice. She had to know what happened between Alice and me including that night's incident. How could I say that to her? Could she accept me after what I had done, sleeping with another girl? Ilana was a conservative girl, abiding with certain norms and values. I was not a virgin. I raked my hair with my fingers, walking back and forth in my room, trying to resolve the issue. Until it was dawn, I got no solution on how to cope with this situation.    


I had only two hours of sleep before the morning came. After the quick shower, I prepared to catch up with Ilana in Bandung to discuss our marriage preparation. Since she lived in Bandung, it was better if we wedded in Bandung. I started the engine, someone knocked on my car's window. It was Kevin greeting me. It was a bit strange that he came to my apartment this early. He was not alone, Alice was walking behind him.    


"Where are you going?"    


"I had to leave for Bandung today."    


"Can I join you?" Alice interrupted.    


"Come on Reno. Alice is a tourist here, anyway. You should treat her well."    


"You and Kevin can come with me." This was not a bad idea to get Kevin with us.    


"Let's go!" Kevin agreed and took a seat at the back while Alice proceeded to the passenger seat. I climb out of the car and asked Kevin to drive.    


"Since you are in my car, you have to drive. And you Alice stay where you are. I lacked sleep last night. So, I think it will be good that I sleep during our journey to Bandung." Alice did not argue. Kevin ignited the key; the car carried us to Bandung.    


It took about three hours to arrive at the restaurant where we had planned to meet. The restaurant was simple; it was not a typical luxurious modern restaurant. It was a traditional one. The visitors crowded seats in many gazebos. Kevin, Alice, and I headed to the gazebos where Ilana was waiting. She looked gorgeous in a pink dress and a dark scarf. She was a bit startled to see us because I did not inform her that I would come with these two persons. Besides, it was her first time seeing Alice.    


"Ilana, this is Alice, my friend. Alice, this is Ilana, my fiancée."    


"Pleased to meet you, Ilana, you look so stunning with that..." she pointed to her own head to indicate the scarf she was wearing, covering Ilana's head.    


"Hijab," Ilana continued her sentence. "Pleased to meet you, too," she responded to Alice with her soft voice.    


"I'm of my Muslim friends wear that too."    


"Congratulations on your engagement by the way. Why did you go home earlier from reunion event?" Kevin engaged in the talk.    


"I had another schedule."    


"Well, it's no wonder. You have been a famous writer now."    


"No, I mean...I was just a bit busy."    


"It's ok. Don't feel guilty." Kevin kept talking. "When's the day?" Her eyes traveled from Ilana to me, "the wedding."    


"It will be next month," I spoke up this time.    


"How long have you two been dating?" Alice's questions made Ilana a bit surprised.    


"We don't date," Ilana answered.    


"What? It is weird. How come?"    


"We have been best friends since high school. We meet again after ten years. I have a feeling for her, I proposed to her to be my wife." I tried to distract Alice's intimidation.    


"Well, I thought you both have dated. I still remember how we dated for the first time. We even slept together. I won't forget that moment." Ilana's face turned red. It was not that she was embarrassed. I saw fire as well as a disappointment in her big eyes. But, her lips were locked.    


"What? So, you two have...." Kevin did not finish his sentence.    



"Alice... Kevin! Please stop. Ilana is different." I bet I looked like a fool and a loser at the same time at this moment. I did not have power to protect the woman I loved. I did what Alice confessed. I was not a good man.    


"Why? It is just a common thing the couples usually do. How about you, Ilana? When was your first kiss? Was it with Reno?" Ilana closed her eyes then surged at her feet.    


"Well, I get headache. I have to leave earlier. Sorry." Ilana barged out of the gazebo.    


"Ilana..." I ran after her.    


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