Cold Husband, Don’t Seduce Me

C143 Fate Still Wanted Them to Intertwine

C143 Fate Still Wanted Them to Intertwine

0Gu Qingyou's life seemed to have returned to peace.    


Jiang Juan's appearance was like a friend that she had not seen for a long time. She greeted him politely and continued on her own path in the future.    


After coming out of the court today, Gu Qingyou was in a sorry state by the roadside because the rain had not stopped for two days.    


It could not be helped, You Li got sick and asked for leave. She came to court alone today, so not only did she have to hold the umbrella by her hand, she also had to take the case's information. However, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was no sign of it stopping.    


Gu Qingyou could not help but sigh.    


Although London was good, the weather was a big problem.    


It was always rainy here, and it lasted for a long time.    


Gu Qingyou waited for a long time and finally waited for a taxi to come over in the misty fog. But before she could reach out to grab it, the taxi had already whizzed past her.    


She did not notice it and the umbrella was lifted off by the wind and mist brought by the taxi. Instantly the things in her hands fell to the ground. The information that needed to be reviewed in the court fell on the road filled with rain.    


Gu Qingyou did not want the documents to be damaged and immediately threw the umbrella away to pick up the documents. A few pages fell on the road. Gu Qingyou wanted to pick them up at an extremely fast speed but did not want to force a black car to stop.    


Gu Qingyou immediately bowed to apologize to the person in the car and continued to pick up the documents.    


. . .    


The rain brush was blowing rhythmically and the scene in front of the car was blurry but clear.    


The driver was very sorry, "Boss Dan, there's a car next to it, it's not easy to avoid it. I'm afraid we can only wait for this lady to pick up the documents before we drive away. . . "    


The man sitting in the backseat, half of his body fell into the shadows. At this moment, his gaze had already stopped on the young woman who was picking up the documents in front of him.    


What a beautiful woman.    


The headlights of the car just happened to illuminate her clean and flawless face, as if she had been carefully carved by God. Dressed in a black professional suit, her figure was pretty. The ponytail that she combed revealed her bright and full forehead and her slender and beautiful neck. However, a few strands of messy hair fell because of the rain. Instead, it revealed her true beauty and her slender fingers fell on the document. The action of picking it up seemed to be playing the musical notes of the summer. . .    


Everything was just right and moving.    


"Go and help that lady pick up the documents!" A proud and arrogant voice, full of steadiness and resolution, came out in a deep voice.    


The driver did not dare to delay and immediately got out of the car.    


After a while, the documents had been picked up. When she put the documents in the document bag, Dan Yan saw the words "Mo Qing Hua law firm" on the document bag.    


She repeatedly bowed to the driver in gratitude, then quickly retreated to the side of the road.    


The driver returned to the car and restarted the engine. When the car drove past her, the corner of Dan Yan's mouth curled up slightly.    


. . .    


When Gu Qingyou returned home, she was already like a chicken in soup.    


The little brat ran over and hugged her. "Mommy. . . "    


Because Gu Qingyou's entire body was wet, she hurriedly lifted the little brat away. "Mommy's clothes are wet. I'll carry her later. . . "    


The little brat obediently let go and ran to the second floor. His clumsy footsteps came down from the second floor and handed a clean towel to Gu Qingyou.    


"Mommy, quickly wipe it, don't let it get sick. . . "    


Gu Qingyou originally wanted to wipe her hair but when she saw her son's sensible and obedient face, she couldn't help but take off her wet coat and pick up the little brat who was wearing the little Superman print coat. "Mu Mu, what are you doing at home today?"    


"I'm watching TV upstairs. Just when I went downstairs to look for my mother-in-law, I saw Mommy coming back. Mommy, didn't you bring an umbrella?"    


"The umbrella is broken. . . "    


. . . "Then Mommy, support my umbrella tomorrow. Granny said it will rain tomorrow!"    


"Mommy has already bought the umbrella. Mu Mu is going to school tomorrow. Remember not to let yourself get wet when you only hold the umbrella. "    


"I know, Mommy. "    


Gu Qingyou rubbed his little head lovingly and could not help but kiss him again.    


At this time, Gu Qingyou's phone rang.    


"Mommy, your phone rang. "    


"Yes. " Gu Qingyou immediately put the little brat down. "Be good, go and play by yourself. . . "    


"Mommy, remember to wipe your hair dry. " The little brat finished explaining and then ran away.    


Gu Qingyou used a bath towel to wipe her wet hair as she took out her phone from the Business Packs.    


She didn't expect Boss Mo to be the one calling. Gu Qingyou immediately answered. "Boss Mo. "    


"Counselor Gu, I didn't disturb your meal, did I?"    


"It's fine. My family hasn't eaten yet. Is Boss Mo looking for me for something?"    


"It's like this. The law firm just took on a case. It's a very big case. I want you to come to the law firm tonight. Let's have a meeting "    


"Okay, I'll be there after dinner"    


"Yeah, it's not easy to take a taxi in the rain. Remember to call a taxi in advance. "    


"Okay. "    


. . .    


Gu Qingyou hurriedly finished dinner at home, changed her clothes, and rushed to the office.    


Usually, when the office received important cases, they would have a meeting and find the person who was most confident in handling this case. However, when Gu Qingyou went to the meeting room today, she found out that Boss Mo was the only person in the meeting room.    



Gu Qingyou sat down in confusion. "Boss Mo, are we the only ones having a meeting?"    


Boss Mo was in his fifties, but he looked very young and approachable. In the law firm, he gave them the impression of an elder brother.    


"Yes. "    


Gu Qingyou was even more confused when she heard the answer.    


Boss Mo immediately pushed a document in his hand to Gu Qingyou and said in a deep voice, "This is the case I just took over. The person over there sent the information. Take a look first. "    


Gu Qingyou nodded, but she was puzzled that Boss Mo did not call other employees to discuss the big case today.    


After seeing the contents of the document, Gu Qingyou covered her mouth in shock. "This. . . Boss Mo. . . Is this really the case that we are going to take on?"    


Boss Mo obviously expected Gu Qingyou to be surprised, because when he received this case, he was as surprised as Gu Qingyou. "If we win this lawsuit, our firm can go to court for a year. "    


"But. . . " Gu Qingyou put down the document helplessly. "Such an important lawsuit, why would the Ming Ren Corporation want to fight us? Furthermore, the other party's lawyer must be powerful. How can we be confident?"    


" I don't know about that either. The phone suddenly rang. Just say that there's a case for our firm, and I just got to know the situation. The other party has already paid 1 million USD in advance. . . I have already said that with the strength of our company, we will not be able to beat the lawyer of Jiang’s Group. But the other party said that he believes in your strength. " When Boss Mo said this, He frowned and looked at Gu Qingyou. "I thought that there might be someone there who knows you. Judging from your expression just now, it doesn't look like it. "    


"Boss Mo, I don't know anyone from Mingren Group. . . "    


"That's strange. " Boss Mo leaned against the back of the chair in confusion and frowned deeply. "Then why did you suddenly give us such an important lawsuit and ask you to be a lawyer?"    


"Call for someone?" Gu Qingyou suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind. "Could it be. . . "    




Gu Qingyou's face turned pale and she shook her head. "Uh, nothing. " Could it be that Mingren Company knew about her relationship with Jiang Juan and wanted to make use of this? But that didn't make sense. She had a relationship with Jiang Juan before, but it didn't mean that she could win this lawsuit. . .    


Boss Mo felt that Gu Qingyou was hiding something, but he didn't press her. He felt that perhaps Gu Qingyou just didn't want to say that she was related to the Ming Ren Corporation. "Counselor Gu, since the other party has already paid us a commission for this lawsuit, Boss Mo said. Then you should prepare for this lawsuit. . . The other party said. If this lawsuit loses, one million will be our reward. If we win, the other party will give us another three times the price. "    


"Boss Mo, I. . . "    


Seeing that Gu Qingyou wanted to refuse, Boss Mo immediately pressed down on the document Gu Qingyou pushed over. He said seriously, "Lawyer Gu. You see, I've always taken good care of you. You said you wouldn't take on the case in China. I've never forced you. . . But this case has such a generous commission, and it's a lawsuit in London. I really hope you can help me!"    


Thinking of Boss Mo's care these two days, Gu Qingyou wanted to say something but immediately became mute in her throat.    


Boss Mo pushed the document in front of Gu Qingyou again and continued, "You better put your heart into this lawsuit. If you win, I will give you 40% of the commission. . . "    


"It's not because of the money, Boss Mo, I really. . . " Gu Qingyou could not reject Boss Mo again because Boss Mo was looking at her with a begging look, so she did not continue to speak.    


Boss Mo saw that Gu Qingyou did not refuse again, so he gently patted Gu Qingyou's arm and said, "Recently the entire law firm will be focusing on this case. If you need anything, you can order other lawyers. Even if the other party is powerful, you have to do your best to call them. . . "    


Gu Qingyou lightly sighed and finally bit her lips,. . . "Okay. "    


Boss Mo was relieved and let out a sigh of relief. "Then let's discuss this case now. . . "    


Gu Qingyou could only nod her head.    


. . .    


After Boss Mo left, Gu Qingyou sat alone in the office. Her heart could not calm down for a long time.    


She suddenly accepted the case of Mingren Company. This meant that she would have to confront the Jiang’s Group in the future. . .    


This was a situation that no one could have imagined.    


Most importantly, the Mingren Company had already reached an agreement with the Jiang’s Group. Why did they break the contract now?    


What kind of organization was the Sun Group? Why did the Mingren Company choose this group instead of cooperating with the Jiang's?    


Also, would Jiang Juan come to London again because of this lawsuit?    


A series of questions followed and bombarded Gu Qingyou's head. Coupled with the pattering of rain outside, Gu Qingyou held her forehead in frustration.    


In the past three years, she had almost never encountered any problems that were difficult to solve at work. She did not expect that the first problem she encountered was actually related to the Jiang's. . .    


Was the heavens deliberately torturing her?    


Gu Qingyou leaned against the back of the chair and sighed heavily.    


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