Cold Husband, Don’t Seduce Me

C1577 Great Ending below Wife Let's Start Working Hard Tonight!

C1577 Great Ending below Wife Let's Start Working Hard Tonight!

0Mu Ying nodded and continued, "My brother has already given Mu Xuji a chance, but he is still stubborn. Don't blame my brother for being ruthless. . . More importantly, Mu Xuji actually wants to take your life. Of course my brother will not tolerate it anymore!"    


"Is what you said true? Xiao Ying, your brother really fired Cen Ruoxin and spent so much effort to save me?" Until now, Yin Yixin still did not dare to believe it. Her mind was still thinking about the heartless conversation between Mu Yifeng and Mu Xuji. She really did not believe that Mu Yifeng cared about her.    


"You can choose not to believe what I said. Then let my brother tell you personally. What do you think?" Mu Ying chuckled and said.    


Yin Yixin was stunned, "What do you mean by say it personally?"    


At this time, Mu Ying got up from the bedside and softly called out to the sick door, "Brother, come in. I know you are already here. . . Now is the time for you to confess your true feelings to him!"    


Yin Yixin was confused.    


In the next moment, she saw Mo Xin push open the ward's door and Mu Yifeng appeared in Yin Yixin's sight.    


After experiencing life and death, Yin Yixin felt inexplicably aggrieved and sad when she saw Mu Yifeng. Her eyes instantly became moist.    


Mu Ying directly retreated and at the same time pulled Mo Xin out, leaving the time and space for the two people in the ward.    


Yin Yixin looked at the tall and straight figure standing by the hospital bed and softly muttered, "Is what Xiao Ying just said to me true?"    


Mu Yifeng did not immediately answer Yin Yixin's question. His gaze fell on Yin Yixin's leg that was scratched by the bullet and wrapped in gauze. He frowned and asked coldly, "Does it hurt?"    


Yin Yixin first shook her head, then nodded and said, feeling wronged, "It hurts. "    


Mu Yifeng sat down at the edge of the bed but still had a cold face. He said coldly, "Mu Ying told me that when her subordinates saved you, you did not even dodge. If you were willing to dodge at that time, you would not have let Mu Xuji hurt your leg. "    


"At that time, at that time. . . " Yin Yixin did not know why, but she, who never stuttered, suddenly became speechless at this moment.    


"What was at that time?" Mu Yifeng asked seriously.    


Yin Yixin lowered her eyes and tried hard to adjust her breathing when she faced Mu Yifeng. She then said, "When I heard your conversation with Mu Xuji, I. . . I. . . I. . . "    


"You don't even want to live anymore?" Mu Yifeng scolded in a low voice.    


Yin Yixin suddenly looked up and stared at Mu Yifeng. "Why are you so fierce? My mind was blank at that time. . . I didn't have time to react. . . "Yin Yixin did not tell Mu Yifeng the truth because she was afraid that Mu Yifeng would know that she cared about him so much.    


Hearing this, Mu Yifeng's expression became a little better. He said softly, "Then you are really stupid. At such a dangerous moment, your mind is blank!"    


Yin Yixin muttered softly, "Only you are smart. I am stupid. Can I? Is it fierce or not? Don't you know that I am a patient?"    


Mu Yifeng obviously heard Yin Yixin muttering and asked back, "Am I fierce to you?"    


Yin Yixin heard Mu Yifeng's voice contained some gentleness and then responded, "Why not? You were angry with me just now. . . "    


Unexpectedly, Mu Yifeng suddenly hugged Yin Yixin who was leaning on the pillow and buried himself in Yin Yixin's hair that emitted a faint fragrance.    


Yin Yixin was stunned because she had never thought that Mu Yifeng would do that. After a while, she found her voice and said slowly, "Mu Yifeng, what are you doing?"    


"Do you really not understand, or are you pretending not to understand?" Mu Yifeng suddenly asked in a hoarse voice.    


"What do you mean you do not understand?" Yin Yixin had a feeling that Mu Yifeng was going to say something, but she still didn't know what to do. She didn't even know where to put her hand.    


However, Mu Yifeng still held her tightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Do you remember that rainy night?"    


Yin Yixin numbly nodded her head and asked. "Are you talking about the night you held the umbrella for me?"    


"Yes. "    


"Of course I remember. . . I was very grateful for that night. "    


"But that night. . . When you were drenched in the rain, for the first time, it made my heart ache. " Mu Yifeng said.    


Yin Yixin could not believe it. Her eyes widened and she asked with uncertainty, "Mu Yifeng, say it again? You said you feel sorry for me?"    


"Yes. "    


After answering, Mu Yifeng slowly let go of Yin Yixin. His handsome face was just inches away from Yin Yixin's. His eyes, which were as bright as the stars, focused on Yin Yixin's face, which had a creamy skin. He said seriously, "I don't know why you made me feel pain at that time. I only know that in the days after that. . . I'm already used to having you by my side. . . After that, regardless of our wedding, we'll go to the Santiago together to 'spend our honeymoon'. I'm already used to having you by my side. "    


At this moment, Yin Yixin's eyes were filled with tears that were about to fall. She asked again with uncertainty," Mu Yifeng. Is everything you said true? Are you really used to having me by your side?"    


Mu Yifeng sincerely nodded his head, his eyes focused on Yin Yixin's beautiful face. "At first, I thought this habit was only because I needed you. I needed you as a partner. . . All the way until we were in Santiago and experienced so much together. Whether it was at the gambling table, or on the rooftop, when we pretended to be lovey-dovey, or when we pretended to be lovey-dovey. . . Or when we're in danger and you're brave, it all deeply attracts me. . . I originally thought that I would never be involved in relationships again. But when I found out that you left me, I realized. . . So it turns out that I have already taken a liking to you. . . "    


" Mu Yifeng, is what you said true? Do you really care about me?" At this moment, Yin Yixin had tears streaming down her face, because every word that Mu Yifeng said was something she desperately wanted to hear. She couldn't believe that he had really heard Mu Yifeng's confession at this moment.    


"If I, Mu Yifeng, have a lie, I will be struck by lightning in the future. . . "    


Hearing this, Yin Yixin hurriedly covered Mu Yifeng's mouth and choked, "What are you talking about? Big fool. . . How could I not believe you? I just can't believe that you really love me. . . "    


" I came to the hotel to find you last night because I wanted to tell you about the matter between Cen Ruoxin and me. I know that you misunderstood my relationship with Cen Ruoxin, that's why you left without saying goodbye in Santiago. . . I also want to tell you. I care about you, I like you. I don't want you to leave me anymore, I want you to keep following me. . . "    


Yin Yixin, who had tears in her eyes, hugged Mu Yifeng tightly when she heard this. She wept as she allowed her snot and tears to wipe Mu Yifeng's expensive suit. She choked and said, "No wonder I found something wrong with what you said last night. . . But I can't believe that you have me in your heart. Because all this time, you only treated me as a partner. . . "    


Mu Yifeng slowly pulled Yin Yixin away and wiped her snot and tears away. He said affectionately, "If I only treat you as a partner, After you misunderstood my relationship with Cen Ruoxin, why would I ask Cen Ruoxin to resign? Also. . . After coming back from Santiago, why would I not want to see me because of you? And in the room, you were so angry that your lungs were about to explode? Also, you came to New York ahead of time. Why was I in such a hurry to chase after you when you didn't come with me?"    


" But you have always emphasized that you have never intended to be involved in relationships in your life. . . "Yin Yixin said, feeling wronged.    


Mu Yifeng gently held Yin Yixin's delicate and beautiful face with his warm hands. He did not even blink his eyes to look at her big eyes, which had become even more lively and clear after being moistened by her tears. He said seriously, "I did indeed have such a plan in the past. I did indeed think that I would never fall in love with another person in this lifetime. . . But you appeared in my world. You were caught off guard and broke my original silence. Your every frown and smile has entered my heart. . . You have completely made me unable to get used to not having your world anymore. "    


" Mu Yifeng. . . " At this moment, Yin Yixin did not want to say anything more. She hugged Mu Yifeng tightly and did not have any scruples anymore. She hugged him tightly.    


Mu Yifeng also hugged Yin Yixin tightly. He asked in a hoarse voice, "Yi Xin, are you willing to follow me and be a real husband and wife and continue to accompany me to complete Second Grandpa's last wish?"    


Yin Yixin nodded vigorously and replied in a hoarse voice, "I am willing, of course I am willing. . . I am willing to continue walking with you. I love you, Mu Yifeng. . . "    


Mu Yifeng hugged Yin Yixin tightly and that strength seemed to want to rub Yin Yixin into her bones. At this moment, their world was only one, and the whole world was quiet. . .    


After some time, Mu Yifeng broke the silence, "Later, I will take you to host Second Grandpa's memorial ceremony. I will announce in front of the entire family, in front of the whole world, that you are my wife, the future female lead of Mu’s Family. . . "    


"Are you joking?" Yin Yixin suddenly stepped out of Mu Yifeng's arms and looked at him in shock. "How can I preside over my current situation with you. . . "    


Mu Yifeng looked at her in amusement and said in a pampering tone, "I will hug you. "    



"Yin Yixin's face suddenly turned red and she said awkwardly, "This is not good. . . "    


"What is wrong with it?" Mu Yifeng gently scratched Yin Yixin's nose. "Other people will only think that we are husband and wife loving each other. "    


"But at your memorial ceremony, aren't we a bit sorry for our ancestors by doing this. . . " Yin Yixin said worriedly.    


Mu Yifeng still had a doting expression and said gently, "What if I can give everyone a reasonable reason?"    


"What reasonable reason?" Yin Yixin asked curiously.    


"For example. . . " Mu Yifeng deliberately paused for a moment and whispered in Yin Yixin's ear, "Pregnant. "    


Yin Yixin pushed Mu Yifeng away and said in shock, "Are you crazy? You actually want to use my pregnancy as an excuse?"    


"What? Are you scared?" Mu Yifeng looked at Yin Yixin calmly and said with great interest.    


"I. . . I am not afraid. It is just that I am not pregnant. How will I explain it to Mu Family's people?" Yin Yixin said worriedly.    


"It is a child's matter. As long as you are serious, it will happen very soon. . . " When Mu Yifeng said this, he had already lifted Yin Yixin from the bed. "Let's go, wife, we have to rush to the ancestral mansion. . . "    


"Mu Yifeng, don't be impulsive. We don't have a child yet. . . " Yin Yixin lightly pounded Mu Yifeng's chest, trying to persuade this man who had already become dishonest.    


Mu Yifeng lowered his head and kissed Yin Yixin's chattering lips. He then said seriously and seriously, "Wife, let's start working hard tonight!"    


"Yin Yixin buried her face in Mu Yifeng's chest and muttered, "Mu Yifeng, you haven't said that you love me. . . "    


"Say it in the future. "    


"No, say it now. "    


"Mo Xin and my sister are both here. "    


"I want you to say it in front of them. . . "    


“. . . ”    


" Hurry up and say it. "    


"All right then. "    


"Why haven't you said anything yet. . . "    


"Wife, we're going into the elevator!"    


"I want you to say those three words. . . Mu Yifeng, don't change the topic!"    


"Okay. "    


"Then hurry up and say it. . . "    


"Which three words did you say?"    


"It means' I love you '. Ah, idiot! "    


"I know. "    


"Mu Yifeng, I'm not going with you to the ancestral mansion anymore. Hurry up and put me down. . . "    


The elevator door just closed at this moment. Mo Xin and Mu Ying, who were standing outside the elevator, looked at each other and laughed at the same time.    


"Miss, do you think Boss Mu will bully Madam more in the future, or Madam will bully Boss Mu more?" As he patiently waited for the next elevator, Mo Xin, who was in a good mood, asked.    


Mu Ying had already taken out her phone and was ready to report good news to her friend. Before dialing the number, she answered Mo Xin contentedly, "It must be my brother. . . Don't look at how arrogant my brother is now. He will definitely be eaten by Yi Xin in the future!"    


A look of anticipation appeared in Mo Xin's eyes. He smiled and said, "I think Windy Villa will be very lively in the future!"    


"That's right. There will definitely be a lot of little guys running around in the villa in the future. . . " Mu Ying said with anticipation.    


Mo Xin nodded and his eyes were full of longing. He said, "I can finally explain to Old Mu Dong!"    


Suddenly thinking of Cen Ruoxin, Mu Ying turned back to her serious tone and asked, "Oh right, how will my brother deal with Cen Ruoxin?"    


Mo Xin answered truthfully, "She intends to collaborate with Mu Xuji to harm Madam. Boss Mu has already arranged for Cen Ruoxin to bear the charge of hurting Mu Xuji!"    


Mu Ying clapped her hands in satisfaction, "Perfect!"    




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