Cold Husband, Don’t Seduce Me

C36 Why Are You Still Hugging Her?

C36 Why Are You Still Hugging Her?

0Gu Qingyou only found out when she arrived at the airport that Jiang Juan arranged for her friend, An Yaru, to pick her up.    


When she was parting ways with Jiang Juan at the airport's security office, her shoulder was lightly patted.    


Although Gu Qingyou did not turn around, she also knew who patted her shoulder. Her gaze was still on the tall and straight figure that was already far away, and her eyes were somewhat absent-minded.    


An Yaru stood beside her and fiddled with her phone as she said, "You are still looking at him. He has already walked that far. "    


Gu Qingyou said faintly, "I am just thinking, he is already so rich, why is he still so busy every day? The money he has now, he probably won't be able to spend it all in a few lifetimes, right?"    


An Yaru turned her head and glanced at Gu Qingyou, "Why does it sound like you are feeling sorry for him?"    


Gu Qingyou calmly shook her head," I just do not understand. "    


An Yaru sighed with emotion, "Humans have unlimited desires. Not everyone likes to live a leisurely life. Maybe Boss Jiang likes this kind of feeling of dominating the business world. "    


Gu Qingyou agreed with An Yaru's words in her heart. She turned her head and found that An Yaru was seriously looking at her phone. She casually asked, "What are you looking at?"    


An Yaru found it hard to say. "I am looking at Boss Jiang. I saw Boss Jiang himself. I just took a lot of pictures of Boss Jiang!"    


Gu Qingyou was speechless.    


An Yaru moved the phone screen in front of Gu Qingyou excitedly and said happily, "Look at this picture I took. Do you and Boss Jiang seem to have a lot of love?"    


Gu Qingyou casually glanced at it but in the next second she was slightly stunned.    


This picture indeed looked very loving.    


Jiang Juan hugged her waist, and she inadvertently lifted her gaze to look at him. Her eyes were filled with a trace of affection.    


This was a scene that only couples would have.    


However, this scene was obviously just a coincidence. Without acting, why would she look at him with deep affection? Probably at that time, when she raised her head, she only looked elsewhere, but because of the lights and angles at that time, she seemed to be looking at him with deep affection.    


Gu Qingyou recovered her senses and instructed An Yaru, "You can delete it!"    


An Yaru frowned, "Why?    


" If other people see it, I'm afraid there will be trouble. "    


"What trouble will you have?" An Yaru pouted. "If someone sees this photo, I will say that it was downloaded from the computer. After all, there are some photos of Boss Jiang and Xia Qingchen's love in the news. "    


"Alright then. You can keep this meaningless photo!" After Gu Qingyou said this, she dragged her luggage and walked straight ahead.    


An Yaru hurriedly chased after and said, "Why is this photo meaningless? If one day you finish the transaction with Boss Jiang, this photo can be kept as a memento!"    


Gu Qingyou was glad that there was no one in the hall of the professional airport that specialized in service of Private Aircrafts. Otherwise, with An Yaru's shout, she was afraid that her relationship with Jiang Juan would already be known by everyone.    


Gu Qingyou took off her makeup in the washroom of the airport and put away her brand bag. She changed back to the clothes she used to wear before and only then did Gu Qingyou leave the airport lobby with An Yaru.    


When she and An Yaru sat in the car that was already parked at the airport parking area, Gu Qingyou did not know why but she suddenly opened her mouth and asked An Yaru, "Actually there is a huge difference between Xia Qingchen and me, right?"    


An Yaru was stunned for a moment and then stopped the action of starting up the car engine. She turned her head and looked at Gu Qingyou suspiciously. A shrewd light burst out from her eyes, "Why do you suddenly ask this?"    


Gu Qingyou shook her head, "I was just casually asking. "    


An Yaru looked at Gu Qingyou, "You don't seem to be casually asking. You must have thought of something, right?"    


Gu Qingyou looked at An Yaru unhappily, "What am I thinking about?"    


An Yaru chuckled, "You are thinking about Boss Jiang. Why else would you suddenly care about the difference between you and Xia Qingchen?"    


"You think too much. I was just casually asking. " After saying that, Gu Qingyou looked indifferently at the windshield in front of her.    


An Yaru smiled and started the engine of the car. It was only when the car steadily got onto the highway that An Yaru replied, "Trust me, only those who are not familiar with you will feel that you are like Xia Qingchen and those who are familiar with you will feel that you are completely different. "    


Gu Qingyou's hand was on her forehead and her eyes were slightly dim, "Is that so?"    


"Of course it is like this. You and Xia Qingchen's appearance are only 70% similar. The reason why you look so similar to her now is mainly because you imitated Xia Qingchen's makeup and clothing. In fact, If you dress according to your own temperament, I believe that no one will think that you are like Xia Qingchen when you walk on the road. Because you and Xia Qingchen's temperament are completely different. You belong to the quiet and quiet little girl type. Xia Qingchen belongs to the elegant and exquisite type. "    


After Gu Qingyou heard this, she did not speak for a long time.    


An Yaru looked at Gu Qingyou. She saw that Gu Qingyou did not put on makeup but there was a faint sadness on her clear and moving face. She asked seriously," You don't really like Boss Jiang, right? "    


"I am very sure that I do not have any fantasies about him. " Gu Qingyou immediately replied seriously.    


An Yaru looked at her suspiciously, "Then why do you care about the difference between you and Xia Qingchen?"    


Gu Qingyou thought for a while and replied, "Probably when I was in the airport washroom just now, looking at me wearing Xia Qingchen's coat, I felt that I did not look like Xia Qingchen at all. I am very worried!"    


When An Yaru got such an answer, she felt bored and curled her lips and said, "Don't worry. Previously when you accompanied Boss Jiang to the charity banquet, Xia Qingchen's friends did not notice that you were a substitute. This means that you have no flaws. However, when you were with Boss Jiang every night, Boss Jiang was so handsome and rich. Do you really not like him?"    


Gu Qingyou did not wait for An Yaru to finish speaking before she calmly interrupted An Yaru," This is an immoral act to destroy other people's families. I have never thought of this before. Of course, I know that there is a world of difference between me and someone like Boss Jiang. We will not have any interactions. "    


An Yaru sighed softly," That's true. Boss Jiang and you are not from the same world. Furthermore, from the way he treats Xia Qingchen, his relationship with Xia Qingchen is very stable. "    


"Yes. "    


The conversation between the two did not continue to revolve around Jiang Juan. An Yaru and Gu Qingyou talked about Aunt Shu's recent situation. Because of her concern for Aunt Shu's health, Gu Qingyou decided to go to the hospital to visit Aunt Shu first. Hence, An Yaru drove the car to the Central Hospital in the city of C City.    


At the same time, Que Yan was flying in a luxurious Private Aircraft that was ten thousand meters high in the sky. He was sitting on a leather seat with red wine in his hand. He seriously asked the person who was resting on the chair next to him, and said softly, "I just saw you hugging Miss Gu in the airport lobby. It seems that there are no reporters or idle people in the airport lobby that specialize in serving Private Aircrafts. You don't need to act at all. Why are you still hugging Miss Gu affectionately? "    


Jiang Juan frowned because he was disturbed by sleep, but he still maintained his patience and replied, "I'm just used to it. "    


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