CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C1055 They Loved Each Other for a Whole Wedding Night

C1055 They Loved Each Other for a Whole Wedding Night

0In the end, it was Hua Yuqing who advised him and he reluctantly left.    


Not long after he left, he called Hua Yuqing again.    


"Why did you call? Are you home?" Hua Yuqing asked after picking up the phone.    


"I just arrived. I miss you and my son." Gu Si said.    


Hua Yuqing did not know whether to laugh or cry. "I only left for less than an hour."    


"I can't leave you guys for a minute." Gu Si said.    


"Yes, yes, I won't be able to leave you. Can I have a video with you?" Hua Yuqing asked.    


"Sure." Gu Si was naturally willing.    


Then, the two of them picked up the video through WeChat.    


Gu Si watched the video. Hua Yuqing was sitting on the bed with the child in her arms. She asked in surprise, "Are you ready to sleep?"    


"Yun aunt said that I have to get up early tomorrow morning to put on makeup. She wants me to sleep early." Hua Yuqing replied.    


"Then you sleep. Don't talk to me." Gu Si immediately said when he heard Hua Yuqing's words.    


Hua Yuqing snorted and laughed, "If I wanted to sleep, I wouldn't be recording with you."    


Gu Si hummed in acknowledgement. Then he said, "Then let's talk for a while. When you are going to sleep, you can just sleep."    




After that, Gu Si and Hua Yuqing talked a lot about their past and their children.    


Finally, Hua Yuqing said and fell asleep.    


After Gu Si found that she was asleep, he did not turn off the video. Instead, he let the video play on. He watched the wife and son in the video until they fell asleep.    


At around four in the morning, Hua Yuqing was woken up by Yun aunt.    


After Hua Yuqing woke up, she realized that the video was not related.    


On the other side, Gu Si was sleeping.    


She raised her finger and touched the screen, then closed the video and looked at her son in the cradle.    


She went to the bathroom to wash up, then left the room.    


aunt and the makeup artist were waiting outside.    


Seeing Hua Yuqing come out, Yun aunt immediately called her over and ate something to fill her stomach.    


Because after putting on makeup, she was afraid that her makeup would be worn off and she would not be able to eat anything.    


It was a bit too early and Hua Yuqing was somewhat unable to eat.    


However, she still forced herself to eat a little bit and then asked the makeup artist to put on makeup for her.    


It took her three hours to finish it.    


It was only at 7: 30 that the bride's makeup was finished.    


Then, she changed into her wedding dress.    


Just as she changed into her wedding dress, there was a bang outside.    


Hua Yuqing turned her head and just happened to see the flowers blooming in the air outside the window.    


It was very beautiful.    


Amidst the sound of the flower, Hua Yuqing was surrounded by the bridesmaids.    


Then, there was noise outside.    


It turned out that Hua Yuqing's cousins were blocking the outside and making things difficult for the groom.    


"The groom first needs a hundred pushups to practice his waist strength."    


Gu Si took off his coat and did pushups at the door.    


A hundred pushups were done without a drop of sweat.    


Then, he put on his coat again.    


The second question was to let the groom sing a love song.    


Young Master Gu could be said to be omnipotent. He knew everything.    


He had even trained his culinary skills.    


However, he really didn't know this song.    


In the end, he changed the song and shouted, "Yuqing, I love you. Marry me.    


Young Master Gu shouted more than ten sentences outside before letting him pass.    


The next test was to test Gu Si's understanding of Hua Yuqing.    


What Hua Yuqing's birthday, ID number, etc.    


Gu Si naturally answered the questions fluently.    


Finally, one of Hua Yuqing's cousins asked Gu Si, "Young Master Gu, after the marriage, who is in control of your family's finances?"    


"Our family's financial power has always been in Yuqing's hands. I want pocket money, it all depends on her mood." Gu Si replied.    


"Wow, Young Master Gu, you are lying, aren't you?" Some people didn't believe it.    


"If you don't believe me, you can ask Yuqing." Gu Si replied.    


"Is that true? Yuqing." Everyone looked at Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing smiled and nodded." 'Yes, I was in control of the finances before I got married.'    


In the midst of everyone's envious voices, they entered the final stage.    


It was to send out red packets.    


Whether or not they could take the bride away depended on whether the groom's red packet was sincere enough.    


Gu Si waved his hand and gave the order.    


Then, countless red packets fell from the sky.    


The people who were blocking the door all dispersed and started to snatch the red packets.    


Gu Si took the opportunity to enter the bedroom.    


He knelt in front of Hua Yuqing with one knee and said to Hua Yuqing, "Yuqing, I love you. Marry me."    


After Hua Yuqing nodded, Gu Si picked up the wedding shoes and put them on Hua Yuqing.    


Then he held Hua Yuqing up horizontally.    


Hua Yuqing wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "Son, and our son."    


"I didn't forget." Gu Si raised his chin in the direction of the door.    


Hua Yuqing followed his line of sight and saw Ning Qianyu and Mu Shengchen carrying the child there.    


"Let's go." Gu Si said and carried Hua Yuqing out.    


He carried her to the wedding car.    


Then, he headed to the hotel.    


The hotel was in the city. So, there were no gifts or anything.    


However, they used flowers.    


When Gu Si got off the wedding car with Hua Yuqing in his arms, the sky was filled with the flower petals of the tulips.    


They scattered all the way to the wedding venue.    


At the same time, on the stage at the wedding venue, Zhang Heng was acting as the host. "Dear guests and friends, thank you for taking the time to attend the wedding. I represent them to express my sincere gratitude to everyone for Gu Si and Miss Hua Yuqing's wedding."    


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a round of applause at the wedding venue.    


Immediately after, the wedding music started.    


Zhang Heng said loudly, "Everyone, please give us a warm round of applause. Our two newbies today."    


In the midst of the applause and wedding music, Gu Si and Hua Yuqing came in from outside among the flowers.    


Under the blessing, they came to the stage.    


The wedding ceremony officially began.    


The first was the wedding oath.    


"Gu Si, sir, may I ask if you are willing to marry Miss Hua Yuqing, regardless of whether she is poor, rich, healthy, or ill? Do you love her forever?"    


"I am willing." Without any hesitation, Yes, he was willing. He couldn't wait any longer.    


"Miss Hua Yuqing, you are willing to marry Gu Si, sir. No matter if he is poor, rich, healthy, long life or sick. You will never leave him and never give up on him. Do you love him forever?"    


Listening to every word the master of ceremonies said, Hua Yuqing recalled the scene of her and Gu Si.    


So, after the master of ceremonies finished speaking, Hua Yuqing did not react.    


On the other side, Gu Si saw that Hua Yuqing did not reply and became anxious.    


Could it be that Yuqing was not willing to marry him?    


It should not be.    


Then what was wrong with her?    


"The bride won't regret it, will she?" The people below the stage saw that Hua Yuqing did not speak for a long time and felt somewhat anxious for them.    


"I don't think so. Everyone knows that the two of them love each other."    




While everyone was anxious, Hua Yuqing spoke.    


"I don't regret it. I'm not unwilling. I'm just thinking about the matter between us."    


Hearing Hua Yuqing's words, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.    


Hua Yuqing continued, "Between Si and me, we have gone through a lot. The tide rises and falls, and it goes back and forth. I hope that we can be together for the rest of our lives."    


"The rest of our lives will be together forever." Gu Si reached out and held Hua Yuqing's hand.    


As the host, Zhang Heng finally let out a sigh of relief.    


To be honest, he was really shocked by the scene just now.    


He was still thinking about what he would do if Young Mistress regretted it.    


Sighing deeply, Zhang Heng said, "New people exchange rings."    


Senior Gu handed the wedding ring over. It was a pair of platinum diamond rings.    


Other than a big diamond on it, there was no extra decoration. However, inside the ring, the other party's name was carved.    


After the two of them put on the rings, it was time for the bride and groom to kiss.    


"groom, you can kiss your bride now." The emcee said.    


Gu Si did not stand on ceremony. He reached out and pulled Hua Yuqing into his arms. Then, he eagerly kissed the person he loved to the bone.    


The applause was getting louder and louder. All the guests stood up and applauded the newcomer.    


After the kiss ended, it was time to serve tea to the elders.    


Because Hua Yuqing's parents were no longer around. Of course, even if Hua Zhenqiang was not dead, Hua Yuqing would not tell him to come over.    


The elder of Hua Family was Old Master Hua.    


On Gu Si's side, it was Du Zhongyu and Ning Shujun. Not to mention why Gu Xiaoyu and Qiao Xiao did not come, they were still exiled on curry island.    


Because Old Master Hua's seniority was higher. Therefore, they started from Old Master Hua's side.    


Hua Yuqing and Gu Si held the tea in their hands and handed it to Old Master Hua respectfully.    


"Grandpa, have some tea."    


The old man drank the tea happily.    


Then he gave Hua Yuqing and Gu Si each a big red packet.    


Then he gave Du Zhongyu and Ning Shujun tea.    


Similarly, Hua Yuqing and Gu Si served tea to Du Zhongyu and Ning Shujun respectfully.    


"godfather, have some tea!"    


"Aunt Ning, have some tea!"    


Both of them finished their tea and each gave Hua Yuqing and Gu Si a big red packet.    


The end of the tea ceremony meant the end of the wedding ceremony.    


Gu Si led Hua Yuqing down from the stage.    


Ning Qianyu was holding their son and waiting under the stage.    


She did not know if she recognized her daddy or mommy, but the child stretched out his hand towards them.    


Hua Yuqing and Gu Si reached out to carry the child at the same time.    


In the end, before the child could be carried, the red packets in their hands were grabbed by the child.    


"With the red packet, daddy and mommy don't want it anymore." Ning Qianyu smiled.    


The baby seemed to understand Ning Qianyu's words. He held the red packet and opened his hands towards Hua Yuqing.    


When Hua Yuqing reached out to receive it, he directly threw himself into Hua Yuqing's embrace.    


Gu Si leaned over and kissed the baby on the cheek.    


A flash came from the other side. It froze the happiest moment of the family of three at this moment...    


Hua Yuqing and Gu Si's wedding night.    


En, due to Gu Si's pressure, the big guy did not dare to disturb the bridal room.    


Previously, when he went to the Hua Family to fetch Hua Yuqing, Gu Si had accompanied him and caused a ruckus. It was already considered magnanimous.    


No one had the guts to come and mess with him on such an important day on the wedding night.    


Logically speaking, the wedding night should be very happy. However, there was an accident.    


In order to lighten the mood, Hua Yuqing and Gu Si lit a festive red candle in their master bedroom on the night of the wedding night.    


The entire room was dyed red by the red candle. It was a little red, along with the red bed and the floor full of red flower petals. It really did feel like a wedding night in ancient times.    


When Gu Si came out of the bath, Hua Yuqing was carrying her son.    


He reached out his hand to take the child from Hua Yuqing's arms and asked, "Why didn't the nanny take the child with her?"    


"Bring him over and drink milk." Hua Yuqing replied.    


Gu Si replied, "Oh. Then he said, "The water is ready. You go take a bath first."    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing nodded and then got up and went into the bathroom.    


After Hua Yuqing went into the bathroom, Gu Si immediately carried the child and got up from the sofa, ready to send the child to the nanny.    


What a joke. Although he loved his son very much, tonight was his and Yuqing's wedding night.    


No matter how much his son loved, he had to stand aside first.    



When Gu Si came out of the master bedroom with his son in his arms, Ning Qianyu happened to come over.    


Gu Si asked in surprise, "Qianyu, are you here for something?"    


"I went to the nanny's room to look at the child, but the nanny said Yuqing brought her over and fed the child. She was not in a good mood and disturbed you guys, so I came." Ning Qianyu said.    


Oh, "Gu Si said. Then he said, "Then I'll have to trouble you to help me carry the child over."    


"No problem." Ning Qianyu shook her head and then carried the child away.    


So, after Hua Yuqing took a shower, she came out of the bathroom.    


She found Gu Si in his pajamas leaning against the bed.    


Their son was not there.    


"Why are you alone? Where's your son?"    


"He was taken away." He stared at Hua Yuqing.    


Under the flickering light of the candle, Hua Yuqing's face looked even more charming.    


She looked into his eyes. They were clear and bright, and there was a flickering red candle in her eyes.    


Ever since Hua Yuqing got pregnant, he had never touched Hua Yuqing again.    


Gu Si could not help but raise his hand and stroke Hua Yuqing's cheek.    


"Who came to carry her away?" Hua Yuqing asked.    


"Qianyu..." Gu Si answered, then lowered his head and kissed Hua Yuqing's lips.    


Hua Yuqing raised her hand and wrapped it around his neck to respond to him.    


The candle flame seemed to be blessing them, jumping even more happily.    


On the red bed, it had been a wedding night...    


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