CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C97 Young Master Mu's Possessiveness

C97 Young Master Mu's Possessiveness

0The next morning, Ning Qianyu woke up. Her eyes squinted under the morning rays. She tilted her head to the side to see that her husband was still buried under the sheets, soundly asleep.    


The corners of her lips inched upwards as she leaned over to kiss Mu Shengchen's forehead. However, just as her lips grazed against his skin, a burning sensation scorched her. She drew back in surprise.    


"A fever!" she exclaimed. She didn't even care that she was only wearing pajamas as she raced out of her bedroom. "Yan Rui! It's Shengchen!"    


It didn't take long for him to respond. Within a few seconds, a team of doctors and nurses entered the room. Their faces were gloomy, and their eyebrows were furrowed.    


Paying no heed to what's happening around them, they immediately surrounded Mu Shengchen's bed and took his body temperature. "A high fever," one of them murmured as they took off his clothes to look at his injury.    


Ning Qianyu nervously gazed at them. "Doctors, how is he?"    


"The patient's wound is showing signs of inflammation. With his high fever, his conditions don't look like they're improving." The doctor sighed, running his hands up his hair. "We have to take a closer look at everything."    


"Then what should we do?" Ning Qianyu clasped her hands together.    


"We must arrange for him to be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible," the doctor replied. "That way, we could get him to receive the treatment that he needs."    


The doctor didn't even finish when Yan Rui turned to his bodyguards. "Quick," he snapped. "Prepare to send him to the hospital."    


Just then, Mu Shengchen had just woken up. When he saw that Ning Qianyu was still in her silky pajamas, his gaze darkened.    


"Why haven't you changed?"    


"Oh." She didn't even appear flushed as she glanced at her clothes. "I was in a hurry to find President Yan that I forgot."    


He immediately picked up a towel from his bedside towel and draped it over her shoulders. Before she could react, he shot a glare at all the men in the room as if daring them to say anything.    


Yan Rui had to roll his eyes. His boss was already suffering from a fever, yet he still managed to act possessively around his lover. This time, he didn't contest as he turned the other way. When the others saw Yan Rui's actions, they strangely followed.    


When Mu Shengchen saw that Ning Qianyu still hadn't changed, he frowned. "Change your clothes."    


She tightened her hold around the towel. "You're suffering from high fever," she snapped. "Can't we just go to the hospital first?"    


"No, change your clothes." His voice left no room for arguments.    


'Can't they pick a better time to fight?' Yan Rui thought to himself as he rubbed his notes frustratedly. Truly, they were both so stubborn.    


Knowing that she couldn't do anything about it, Ning Qianyu obediently went into the bathroom to change her clothes.    


Without another word, they all headed to the hospital. Mu Shengchen's fever was much higher than the doctors had initially estimated, and that scared her a lot.    


Even after they had cleared him out after the treatment, she still didn't allow him to leave the hospital. Heck, even she wouldn't leave the hospital, spending the next few hours accompanying him.    


Coincidentally, Qi Yuwei also stayed in the same hospital.    


Ning Qianyu had just bought soup from the restaurant outside the hospital. She didn't even pay attention as she took an elevator back to the ward.    


However, as soon as she stepped inside, she heard a surprised voice.    


"Qianyu, why are you here?"    


Turning around, Ning Qianyu's eyes widened at the sight of Weng Bisa and Old Madame Mu standing behind her. Just her luck!    


Her face froze. "Mrs. Mu, Old Madame Mu."    


Weng Bisa's gaze fell onto the thermos that Ning Qianyu was holding. Her eyebrows furrowed over as her face morphed into something ugly. "You've already caused Yuwei's miscarriage, and now you're off to give her that thermos?" she demanded. "You don't have the right to see her."    


Everyone else on the elevator couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.    


Ning Qianyu held onto her thermos so tightly that her fingers had turned white. "I've already said that Qi Yuwei's miscarriage has nothing to do with me," she said calmly as if she were talking about the weather.    


"Not only are you vicious, but you're also a coward. Everyone saw that you pushed her," Weng Bisa snapped, staring at her as if she wanted to spitfire. "Even Yuwei said that you did it."    


Sure enough, Qi Yuwei had accused her once again. Although Ning Qianyu had been prepared for the woman's blatant accusations, her heart still felt bitter.    


It seemed that this family really thought that lowly of her. Just as Weng Bisa was about to add more, the elevator dinged, and they stopped on the 20th floor.    


"I've already said what I need to say," she stated. "As for this thermos, this isn't for Qi Yuwei."    


She didn't even wait for the two elders to say anything as she strolled out of the elevator. If they didn't believe her, so be it. The truth will come out soon.    


Weng Bisa clenched her fists. "It's her fault," she murmured to herself. "How dare her? That–That bitch!" If she could strangle her right now, she would.    


Old Madame Mu simply gazed at her retreating figure, deep in thought.    


Inside Mu Shengchen's ward, the atmosphere was as cold as the oceans. Ye Xi stood in front of Mu Shengchen's bed with a pile of documents in his hand. "Young Master Chen," he stated. "We've already investigated Qi Yuwei's matter."    


He cocked up an eyebrow. "And how did it go?"    


"As what you've expected..." Glancing around him, Ye Xi whispered what he had found.    


As soon as his suspicions were confirmed, Mu Shengchen's gaze darkened. The paper in his hand crumpled from the weight. "Inform all of them to gather in Qi Yuwei's ward tomorrow," he stated. "I have something that I need to announce."    


"Will–" Just as he was about to say something, the door to the ward opened.    


"Shengchen, what do you feel about chicken soup?" Ning Qianyu stepped inside the room. However, when she saw Ye Xi standing beside him with a lump of documents on his bedside, her gaze darkened inevitably. "Didn't I tell you not to work anymore?"    


Mu Shengchen raised his hands almost innocently–like a deer caught in the headlights. "I didn't look at them."    


Not even bothering to speak to him, she turned to Ye Xi. "Assistant Ye, I'll say this once and for all, you're not allowed to bring any documents into the ward," she instructed. "If I see you here again, I'll chase you out the front door."    


Although she was normally very cordial and sweet, there was something about the way her face had twisted that made it seem she wasn't joking around. Assistant Ye bowed his head. "Yes." With her threatening to chase him out, how could he stay any longer? Without another word, he left with the documents in his hand.    


After Ye Xi had left, she angrily poured the soup out of her thermos and handed it to Mu Shengchen. "The two of you, I swear," she murmured to herself, shaking her head.    


"My hand hurts," he said deliberately, glancing up at her. "I can't carry the soup."    


Ning Qianyu clearly knew that he was only saying it to calm her down, but it wasn't like she could refuse him. With a sigh, she grabbed the bowl and fed him.    


"Ye Xi really didn't come here for work, you know," he explained.    



She cocked up an eyebrow. "Then why did he come?"    


"You'll know tomorrow," he simply responded.    


Tomorrow? Ning Qianyu waited for him to elaborate, but when he didn't, she resisted the urge to sigh. There were times when she really didn't know what this man was thinking.    


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