CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C7 Civil Affairs Department Marriage

C7 Civil Affairs Department Marriage

0After entering the Civil Affairs Bureau, staff gave Ning Qianyu and Mu Shengchen each a form.    


Ning Qianyu was in a trance, gazing at the marriage application form, feeling so unreal. She had imagined the scene of Mu Jinbo and her coming to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a thousand times, yet she had never thought she would come with Mu Shengcheng instead.    


Ning Qianyu glanced at Mu Shengcheng, filled in the marriage application form in a glimpse of an eye and waited for the photo session.    


During this period, she stood quietly beside Mu Shengchen. Unlike other couples, being lovey-dovey, or like a divorced couple, she was disgusted with them. They were the strangest scenery in the entire hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau.    


"Mr. Mu Shengchen, Miss Ning Qianyu, it's your turn to take a photo, please take a seat here." The photographer shouted their names. Just when Ye Xi was about to push Mu Shengchen, he was stopped by Ning Qianyu, "Let me do it."    


Since they were now husband and wife, she should be the one who should push him along to take their marriage photo, whether it was an agreement or not.    


Ye Xi glanced at Mu Shengchen, who nodded.     


Mu Shengchen and Ning Qianyu sat upright in front of the festive-looking red curtain as if they were like students who were listening attentively in class.    


The photographer's voice sounded passed their ears, "You two are too far apart! Get closer."    


Ning Qianyu looked down at the distance between her and Mu Shengchen and took a step closer to Mu Shengchen.    


"Closer, husband and wife should be closer…" The photographer urged.    


Ning Qianyu's face sunk because there was only a tiny gap between them, how could she even get close? If she was to get closer, she would need to move next to his side.    


Suddenly, a hand grabbed her left arm. Before she came back to her senses, Mu Shengcheng had already dragged her to his side. They were so close to each other that she could even see Mu Shengcheng's facial hair. He raised his eyebrows, with the dazzling sunlight shone on his handsome delicate face, he looked just like an angel descended from heaven.    


The time froze at that moment, thinking that the happiness she felt was real. Sadly, everything was just an illusion and it was only a paper marriage.    


"Is it that embarassing for you to marry a cripple like me?" Suddenly, he asked with a mocking tone.    


Ning Qianyu came back to her senses and realized that Mu Shengchen was staring at her face.    


She stupefied at her position then said, "Young Master Mu, we've already registered for the marriage certificate and we are now a legal husband and wife. We are now one. Although I, Ning Qianyu, have asked for your help, I still understand what a wife should do," When she mentioned 'husband and wife,' Ning Qianyu slightly blushed, feeling the heat grew in her cheeks.    


Mu Sheng Chen was startled gazing Ning Qian with with his dark coal eyes.    


At this moment, the cameraman's voice sounded again, "It's done. Next couple, please."    


Ning Qianyu and Mu Shengchen came back to their senses at the same time. Ning Qianyu's face looked a little awkward, but Mu Shengchen was emotionless. His hands were propped on the chair as he prepared to move to the wheelchair.    


A pair of hands appeared beside him, causing Mu Shengchen to stop what he was doing. His gaze fell on Ning Qianyu's right arm.    


"Don't need." After that, he shook Ning Qianyu's hand away and sat on the wheelchair with a slight push.    


Ning Qianyu stared blankly at her empty hand, lifted her head, and looked at Mu Shengchen back figure as he moved his wheelchair. Did he dislike her touch? It was the same as the last time too…    


In that case, why did he marry her? Would it not be better to find someone her liked instead?    


Ning Qianyu went after him with a wry smile.    


Standing on the podium, exchanging their marriage vows.    


After the marriage oath, their marriage ceremony had officially ended. Ning Qianyu still did not understand, they could just fake a marriage ceremony, after all, it was a contractual marriage. However, Mu Shengcheng chose to get married in the Civil Affairs Bureau.    


Until many years later, when she found out the reason behind all of these, she cried in Mu Shengchen's arms. Of course, those were all future events.    


Two bright red identity book were a symbol of their marriage and from now onwards, they were legally husband and wife.    


After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Ning Qianyu thought that Mu Shengchen would have some other plans, but she did not expect him to order Ye Xi to send her back to the hospital.    


"Miss Ning, sit on the back seat. I'll need to put something on the front passenger seat." When Ning Qianyu opened the front passenger door, Ye Xi called out to her immediately    


She was going to ask him to put it in the backseat instead, why must he put it in the front passenger seat? She then glanced at Mu Shengchen on the back seat and finally understood. Right, how could he place something beside Young Master Mu?    


"I'm sorry, Young Master Mu." Ning Qianyu smiled apologetically at Mu Shengchen and sat beside him.     


Mu Shengchen glanced at Ye Xi, who was smiling like a cat who just stolen the owner's food, and said to himself, "Young Master Chen, I can see that you like Miss Ning sitting beside you. Enjoy while you can!"    


Ning Qianyu did not understand why Ye Xi did that, but she knew that Mu Shengchen did not like her to get close to him. Therefore, she tensed up her body and sat as close as possible to the door.    


Mu Shengchen could felt Ning Qianyu's nervousness and thought that she hated sitting in the backseat with him, causing his face to sink along the way.    


Ning Qianyu noticed the unsightly expression on Mu Shengchen's face and thought it was because of her sitting beside him. Therefore, she stuck even closer against the car door. Due to this, both of them were having a hard time along the way, misunderstanding each others' thoughts.    


When the car stopped at the Third General Hospital, Ning Qianyu opened the car door and got off the car immediately.    


"Young Master Mu, thank you for sending me here." She stood by the car nervously, clutching her dress, hoping that Mu Shengchen would follow her into the hospital to visit her mother, but she did not dare to make such a request.    


A complicated look flashed through Mu Shengchen's inky black eyes, his adam's apple slid vigorously a few times. He had seen through her thoughts, but in the end, he ordered, "Ye Xi, drive."    


Ye Xi looked at Young Master Chen, then looked at Ning Qianyu, and moved his lips as if he wanted to say something. In the end, he still remained silent, started the car, and drove away.    


Mu Shengchen's gaze sunk and darkened as he stared closely at the rear view mirror.    


Ning Qianyu's figure became smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror and finally disappearing from his sight. A hint of reluctance appeared in his dark eyes, but less then a second, it spiralled into a state of nothingness.    


Ye Xi glanced sneakily at Mu Shengchen and said cautiously, "Young Master Chen, the madame wants you to go back to the courtyard."    


"Did you spill the beans?" Mu Shengchen rolled his eyes.    


Ye Xi immediately explained, "Young Master Chen, the madame brought many photos and asked me to choose one for you," Ye Xi truly felt that he was innocent.    


"Ehm! Send me back to the courtyard," Mu Shengchen leaned against the back seat, the seat she was sitting on just now. The car was filled with the fragrance of her hair.    


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