Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C39 He has Not Touched a Woman All These Years 

C39 He has Not Touched a Woman All These Years 

0The moment Sheng Yeting entered his office, he could not help but recalled how happy Nanny Chen looked when she first met Xiaobao. He suddenly felt slight heart ache. If he had a little boy, would he be as cute and adorable as Xiaobao?    


Still in a daze, Jiang Xiyun suddenly rushed into his office and asked him directly, "Brother Ting, did you really get married?"    


Sheng Yeting wasn't too happy that someone already found out, "How did you know?"    


Since Sheng Yeting did not deny it, Jiang Xiyun confirmed his guess. He quickly said, "My aunt told me. I couldn't believe it at first. So it's true?"    


They always say woman loved to gossip but men were much worse. Jiang Xiyun's face was filled with gossip. If his aunt wasn't working in the Civil Affairs Bureau, he wouldn't have gotten such an important juicy information so quickly.    


When Sheng Yeting heard this, his frown deepened. How could he have forgotten Xiyun's aunt worked at the Civil Affairs Bureau? Jiang Xiyun's aunt loved to gossip just as much as her nephew.    


"Go and give your aunt a call and tell her to keep it a secret," Sheng Yeting said with a headache.    


Jiang Xiyun nodded: "Don't worry, Brother Ting. I've already informed her. Now, quickly tell me, how this happened? You got married! This is really unbelievable! WOW! Who is the lucky lady?"    


For this dignified and prominent CEO, Sheng Yeting to get married, it was definitely news of the century. Something must have happened to him, for him to be so cunning!    


Sheng Yeting couldn't be bothered with Xiyun and ignored him. Even though Jiang Xiyun kept blabbering on and on by himself, Yeting continued to focus on his documents he will use for his meeting.    


Jiang Xiyun was trying to guess who this woman was that Sheng Yeting had married, but seeing how calm Sheng Yeting was, he could not help but think of one particular person. He decided to risk it and asked doubtfully, "Brother Ting, you didn't marry Miss Xia from last night, did you?"    


Sheng Yeting stopped reading the documents, raised his head and asked, "So what if I did?"    


So did this mean he is admitting it?    


Jiang Xiyun slapped his thigh. So it really was Miss Xia. He saw there was something between the two of them but he couldn't pin point what.    


"Brother Ting, I can't believe you're actually married. I thought you would be single for the rest of your life." Jiang Xiyun couldn't help but sigh, but at the same time, he couldn't fathom the surprise.    


Sheng Yeting cast a cold glance at Jiang Xiyun and said, "You're over thinking things. I had no intentions of getting married only for a short period. It doesn't mean I want to stay single forever."    


Jiang Xiyun was his good brother and friend. Therefore, if this was someone else asking these questions, Sheng Yeting wouldn't even consider the need to explain.    


However, Jiang Xiyun obviously had doubts with Sheng Yeting's explanation. He couldn't help himself so he pressed further, "I still think that's strange move. You were obviously deeply hurt back then. Otherwise, why haven't you touch a woman all these years......"    


Before Jiang Xiyun could finish his sentence, Sheng Yeting gave him a death stare so he immediately swallowed his words and shut up in horror.    


When Jiang Xiyun had finally stopped talking, Sheng Yeting looked away and said lightly: "Xia Xingcheng is my wife now. She has nothing to do with anyone else. As for me being deeply hurt? Who in this world is qualified to hurt me deeply? That will never happen!"    


While thinking this, he suddenly recalled that enchanting night, five years ago. That was the only time in his life when he had ever lost control and had slept with a woman he didn't know. Normally, he was able to control his urges including his feelings.    


Jiang Xiyun quickly nodded in agreement, "Alright, I get it. Brother Ting. Look, I said the wrong thing, okay?"    


Most of the incidents that happened that year was spread by that woman. Whether it was fact or fiction, who knows?    


The discussed subject seemed to have concluded. Then, Jiang Xiyun got serious again and had another curious question, so he asked, "Brother Ting, Xia Xingcheng has a child that is not yours, would your family accept this marriage?"    


Sheng Yeting scorned, "Do I need someone's consent when I do things around here?"    


Jiang Xiyun nearly choked to death and became speechless. It was a fact that even the great Old Master Sheng couldn't control his precious grandson. Was he overly concerned about it?    


Jiang Xiyun gave a helpless sigh and didn't press any further. He knew everything Sheng Yeting did, there were always a reason behind it.    


"Brother Ting, you just got married. Why not invite a few of your brothers out for a drink to celebrate?"    


He only asked that because he wanted to see how Sheng Yeting treats his new wife. After all this tme knowing him, he has never seen the caring, gentle side of Sheng Yeting. It would definitely be an eye opener.    


Sheng Yeting shook his head to refuse, "She hasn't had anytime to socialize. Let's talk about it some other time."    


Jiang Xiyun could only stop talking about the subject and thought, 'So now that Brother Ting is married, he is arranging sister-in-law's daily schedule. Will sister-in-law ever have a say in future?'    


Indeed, Xia Xingcheng was quite busy but not as to what Jiang Xiyun thought. Once they returned home from the Civil Affairs Bureau, Nanny Chen gave the mother and son a tour of Sheng Yeting's estate. By the time the estate tour was finished, it was already afternoon.    


Even though they were now married, Xia Xingcheng didn't really want to rely everything on Sheng Yeting. She still wanted to be independent and work hard. Most importantly, she needed to try and get rid of the Xia Family as soon as possible.    


However, when she arrived at the company, Xia Xingcheng found that the atmosphere in the company was not like other companies and everyone was very anxious. Confusingly, she got the receptionist's attention and enquired, "What is going on? Why is the company like this at the moment?"    


That's right, not many people was in the company now. Even those who always had work to do, were no longer working. Everyone was standing there idle.    


When the receptionist saw a new face, she was quite surprised. She didn't expect the company would be recruiting someone new at this time of the year. She replied honestly to Xia Xingcheng, "Recently, the company's performance has not been doing well, so they are restructuring now. Many people here are losing their jobs. Of course, everyone will be like this."    


Xia Xingcheng was also more confused. Was this the kind of luck she needed? She now had to deal with this situation, did that mean she could lose her job before she even started?    


Wanting to know where she stood, Xia Xingcheng went to HR Department to look for the HR Manager who interviewed her.    


When the HR Manager saw Xia Xingcheng, he was slightly taken aback. Then he remembered he recruited her more so to do with her looks, although she had talent as well.    


"Manager, what's is going to happen to the company? You didn't mention anything about this when you offered me the job." Xia Xingcheng asked directly as she didn't want to waste time beating around the bush.    


The HR Manager sighed helplessly and explained, "Little Xia, This unfortunately is not my decision to make. I can only do what the higher-up instructs me. The company will be restructuring in the next two days. I'll inform you then whether, you are staying or not."    


Although he knew that Xia Xingcheng was a rare gem. Her talent was hard to come by, but until the higher-up's has inform the managers of who stays and who goes, they was only so much the HR Manager can do.    


Xia Xingcheng sighed helplessly. There was nothing she can do but wait. She had no choice but to leave, feeling extremely frustrated.    


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