Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C47 Have You Ever Filmed a Bedroom Scene

C47 Have You Ever Filmed a Bedroom Scene

0Zhou David's face darkened as he looked at his phone. The anger in his eyes was very obvious.    


Seeing Zhou David's expression, Xia Xingcheng knew this would happen. She walked up to Zhou David and asked with a smile, "Since you've already cleared this up, is there anything else? If not, I'll be leaving with him."    


Then Xia Xingcheng turned around to leave. She didn't want to look at that disgusting man a second more.    


"Miss Xia, please just a second!"    


While she took two steps, Zhou David suddenly called out to her.    


Xia Xingcheng turned her head suspiciously, not knowing what more Zhou David could say or what he had up his sleeve.    


Zhou David was in panic now. He lowered his tone and said, "Miss Xia, I know you want Xingxi because there is talent you see in him. However, Gu Xingxi has followed me for so long, and I really don't want to part with him. How about I give you my other artist."    


Seeing that Xia Xingcheng was unmoved, Zhou David said in hysterics "I can give you Zhou Zixuan, if you want!"    


Xia Xingcheng raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou David in surprise. She asked curiously, "Are you sure about that?"    


Previously, she had a brief understanding of Zhou David's artists. Even though there were a lot of them, the only one with a good reputation would be Zhou Zixuan. The rest of the artists didn't have that potential.    


This Zhou Zixuan was actually Zhou David's nephew, so he spent a lot of effort to push him up.    


Gu Xingxi's heart sank when he heard that. She was also a managing agent, so it was understandable if she would give up on him for the extremely famous Zhou Zixuan. That would be the most obvious choice.    


As a result, he was hidden for so long, he was pretty much forgotten. Even if his contract was terminated now, no one would want him.    


Nearly everyone knew not to underestimate Zhou David's ability.    


Zhou David saw Gu Xingxi's expression and as the seconds passed, Gu Xingxi's face being more defeated. Zhou David started to feel proud of himself.    


Just as he was to agree to give Zhou Zixuan to Xia Xingcheng, he heard Xia Xingcheng comment with a smile, "I'm not going to trade Gu Xingxi with you. You can keep those guys for yourself. I only want Gu Xingxi."    


Zhou David was fuming. He glared at Xia Xingcheng and said, "Xia Xingcheng, I'm only talking to you to give you face, so don't get too cocky with me. Do you know my status in this company?"    


"You dare to offend me today, are you not worried about your future in the company?" Zhou David's threat weren't said so casually.    


Xia Xingcheng snorted. "You think I'll give in because you threatened me? We'll wait and see how you are going to make it hard for me to stay in the company!"    


After finishing her comment, Xia Xingcheng proudly brought Gu Xingxi out of Zhou David's office.    


Zhou David was so enraged by them, he was boiling. He looked at Gu Xingxi's back and bitterly said out loud, "Gu Xingxi, before you go, I suggest you think it through clearly whether you want this unknown person as your agent?"    


Gu Xingxi's pause his footsteps and said: "No matter who it is, following any one is better than following you."    


Then he left with Xia Xingcheng without giving Zhou David a glance.    


When closing the door, Gu Xingxi suddenly felt a bit depressed. He then shut the door making a loud noise.    


Zhou David was livid as he shouted, "Good, very good! All of you better remember this!"    


However, how could the two people who just left not he his yelling? Xia Xingcheng was secretly pleased with herself, while Gu Xingxi was ecstatic. He had never felt this relieved for a long time.    


After Xia Xingcheng left with Gu Xingxi, she brought him back to her office. The company had arranged an office for her this morning. She made Gu Xingxi sit on her bed while she looked for the first aid kit. She wasn't familiar with the office yet so she had to search for it. Finally she found it and took it out.    


"Let's treat the wound on your hand. I don't want my artist to have scars on them before they became popular." Xia Xingcheng said casually.    


Throughout the whole process Gu Xingxi stayed very calm. He didn't say anything as he continued to clean his wound on his palm.    


Xia Xingcheng paid close attention to Gu Xingxi and realized that this person was more good looking at close up compared to before. The only difference was back then he used to have a face like jade, warm and gentle. now he has a cold and melancholy aura around him.    


Normal people can't imitate this type of aura. If he was to walk in public, every girl would be enchanted by him.    


The more Xia Xingcheng looked at him, the more satisfied she became. She finally open her mouth and asked, "Gu Xingxi, I'll be your manager from now on. We need to have a honest relationship, so I need you to answer a few questions for me. Can you answer them truthfully for me?"    


Gu Xingxi was a bit wary of his new manager that just took him over. But seeing Xia Xingcheng's gentle smile, he gradually let his guard down.    


"Yes, go ahead." Gu Xingxi nodded.    


"Your age?"    




"Your star sign?"    




"Are you in love with someone?"    


"Not at this moment."    


"Then how many girlfriends have you talked about in public?"    


He hesitated a bit but still answered honestly, "I haven't talked about anyone."    


"Is that so?" Xia Xingcheng nodded in understanding and continued to ask, "Have you been to bed before? Or to be more precise, have you ever been filmed in a bedroom scene?"    


At this moment, Gu Xingxi got a bit flustered and his face turned red. He was surprised with such a question and didn't know how to reply.    


Although he was an actor, he was a young and inexperience. Seeing how serious Xia Xingcheng was, he bit the bullet and replied, "No... I have never been filmed in a bedroom scene."    


Xia Xingcheng found him cute and laughed, "Really? You're joking? You're too innocent!"    


Even though she had to ask him but she knew the answer already. The way Gu Xingxi acted so tensely was the reason why she could tell. Zhou David must have forced Gu Xingxi to this point. Otherwise, there would no reason to be so tense talking about a bedroom scene.    


After being teased by Xia Xingcheng, Gu Xingxi's face turned red all over like a cooked lobster as he looked a bit angry at Xia Xingcheng, "I don't joke about these things!"    


Xia Xingcheng nodded and stopped her teasing. She changed the subject and continued to witht eh questions, "What about your family? What does your family do? "    


At this point, Gu Xingxi's expression clearly looked clouded. He finally said, "My parents are divorced and I live with my sister."    


Xia Xingcheng nodded in understanding. She got a general idea of Gu Xingxi's current situation. He basically came from a considered relatively innocent family. Even if he became popular, he wouldn't have too much skeletons in the closet ...    



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