Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C50 Replay of an Old Play

C50 Replay of an Old Play

0She ignored them and Xia Xingcheng pulled Gu Xingxi over and said, "Just ignore them, let's go."    


Gu Xingxi was confused as to why Xia Xingcheng called him over to the studio, but he still listened and followed her quietly to the studio anyway. He then saw the camera equipment. Again, he got confused so he asked Xia Xingcheng what was going on.    


"Oh that's right, I forgot to tell you. Today, you're here to grasp the feeling of being filmed again. We will have you take a promotional photo of your character, the one you acted from 'Love Through Time.'    


Xia Xingcheng gave Gu Xingxi an encouraging smile. She hoped in the photo shoot, he would be able find that confidence again.    


She believed that after so many years of being hidden, this guy would not disappoint her.    


Gu Xingxi nodded but you can see the fear in his eyes. He was a bit frightened to see the cameras since it has been a few years ago, he was in front of a camera. He hasn't seen a camera for so long, he didn't know if he could do it.    


Sensing Gu Xingxi's concerns, Xia Xingcheng calmly but gently said, "Don't lose that confidence. You did it all those years ago and I trust that you can do now. I believe in you." "Go and get him ready for the shoot. We'll start a bit later."    


Afraid Gu Xingxi would be nervous, Xia Xingcheng left to deliberately speak to the photographer about grasping the mastery of the camera lens. When she return, she saw Gu Xingxi was staring at a corner in a daze.    


Looking at Gu Xingxi's thoughtful expression, Xia Xingcheng gently, walked towards him, signalling the filming is about to start.    


The photographer and the lighting technician were already in position. Gu Xingxi was about to take a step but he paused. The fear flashed in his eyes.    


"Gu Xingxi, you can do this, believe in yourself!" Xia Xingcheng called out in encouragement. Although her tone was very serious, you can hear the smile and comfort in the words.    


Gu Xingxi hesitantly took a step forward and another until he reached the position where he was to be photographed. Under the light in the studio, he was no doubt, an elegant young master dressed in a white shirt and black pants.    


Xia Xingcheng looked at him and was very satisfied with his appearance. She then announced it was time for the photo shoot and asked the photographer to begin.    


However, when the photographer raised his camera, started taking photos when he saw something and frowned.    


When Xia Xingcheng heard the camera stopped taking photos, she curiously went towards the photographer and asked, "Is there something wrong? Does Gu Xingxi need to have make up on?"    


The photographer shook his head, sighed helplessly and replied, "It's not that I have a problem, but it's just Gu Xingxi doesn't seem to be in the right state of mind. He actually subconsciously avoiding the lens every time I took the photos."    


Not a second later, Xia Xingcheng saw the photos that the photographer had just taken and she saw Gu Xingxi had turned away from the camera. She didn't even notice this happening.    


"Gu Xingxi, try not to be nervous and act a bit more natural. Let's do this again." Xia Xingcheng didn't blame him at all but instead, she smiled to encouraged him and cheered him on.    


"Okay, I ... I understand," Gu Xingxi said with a bit of a stutter, that sounded soft and timid. He tried to smile but it was an awkward smile.    


The second photo shoot started.    


However, the moment the flash on the camera flashed, it was back to the drawing board, Gu Xingxi was subconsciously avoiding the camera. He became even more nervous than before.    


The darkness that penetrated his heart for such a long time had the pressure increased. For that moment, he felt he wasn't able to control his body and he instantly got depressed.    


After a few failed photos, the photographer was starting to lose his patience. He sat aside drinking his water and playing on his phone while he waited for Gu Xingxi to get out of his depressed mood.    


Xia Xingcheng anxiety level was burning through the roof. She was pulling her hair out trying to think of ways to help him.    


Suddenly, she thought of Gu Xingxi's early performance in 'Love Through Time' when he just started out as a newcomer, his acting skills needed polishing at that time but he was able to express the first part of the classic drama in a relaxed and affectionate way.    


Xia Xingcheng walked over to Gu Xingxi and asked, "Do you still remember that character you portrayed a few years back? You were betrayed by the girl you liked, became crazy as a result and then you fell into the dark path of Demons? "    


Gu Xingxi was shocked for a moment. He then nodded confusedly and said, "Of course I remember, but this is not like I'm portraying a character to act in a show."    


"Yes, I understand, but it is similar. Maybe if you can find the feeling you had when you were in character and try using that for the photo shoot." Xia Xingcheng explained patiently to him.    


Although Gu Xingxi didn't feel he had the confidence, he still decided to try Xia Xingcheng's suggestion to remember the feeling he had back then when acting in front of an audience.    


Xia Xingxi was a bit disappointed to see the difference in his acting skills between when he started and now. She found Gu Xingxi was able to act so easily and carefree but now his performance looked forced and stiff.    


Just as Xia Xingcheng sighed, Gu Xingxi looked at her with a bit more confidence, "I'll try again. I might be able to familiar myself with it."    


Xia Xingcheng could only nod and accept it. She accompanied him several times, but his acting was very pretentious.    


Gu Xingxi got really frustrated, failing again and again. He was so anxious, his palms was almost sweating. The harder he tried, the more he failed. It was useless.    


Xia Xingcheng looked at him in confusion. The only thing that came to her mind was he probably doesn't have in him anymore. She felt quite angry thinking this.    


"If an actor can't act in the role that are supposed to portray, then they are better off joining the circus and take the job as the clown! Xia Xingcheng said in a stern tone with a frown.    


Feeling the sudden change in her attitude, Gu Xingxi felt scared like a frightened child. He was ashamed of himself that he didn't dare to make a sound. He felt he let her down.    


The photographer who was waiting on the side, couldn't just sit and wait any longer. He walked over to Xia Xingcheng, shrugged his shoulders and complained, "Listen, I have other appointments today as well. Can we continue now? If not, then let's reschedule instead of wasting people's time."    


The photographers have a small reputation in the industry, it is hard to get an appointment which is why Xia Xingcheng is sticking her neck out for Gu Xingxi to do this photo shoot.    


She was hoping to get the best photographer so she has the best publicity shots for Gu Xingxi.    


Then Xia Xingcheng caught a glimpse of Gu Xingxi's dull expression and she had enough. She couldn't hold back her anger anymore.    


"Why are you in a daze? Have you been hidden for so many years that your spirit and determination has disappeared? I want you to answer my question. Is my initial choice to choose you wrong? Are you only fit to sit in the corner, lower your head and feel sorry for yourself because you've been hidden?    


Xia Xingcheng scolded Gu Xingxi harshly. He was shocked. He opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it. He kept quiet.    


At the moment, in Xia Xingcheng's eyes, he seems useless making her more furious. She hoped that scolding him, would wake him up.    


She taunted, "Not talking anymore? Okay then. Let's forget about our co-operation and go our separate ways! If you wish to be in this sorry state, then you're on your own. I'll speak to the General Manager so you can switch to another managing agent!"    


Xia Xingcheng looked at him sharply. There was a trace of contempt in her anger, as though she had given up and no longer held any hope for him.    


With Xia Xingcheng scolding him, Gu Xingxi lowered his eyes and suddenly frowned. His body was trembling and he clenched his fists tightly. He looked like a person that was drowning struggling to survive.    


When other people in the studio saw how furious Xia Xingcheng was, no one dared to say anything at that moment. Her imposing manner really frightened them.    


She took a deep breath. She was ready to speak again when she looked up and saw Gu Xingxi staring at her. His eyes were filled with tears.    


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