Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C48 Happy Co-operation

C48 Happy Co-operation

0After Xia Xingcheng got the questions out of the way, and got the gist of Gu Xingxi's basic situation, she felt more positive about Gu Xingxi. He was a good seed and a good gem.    


Then, Xia Xingcheng asked about Gu Xingxi's normal working schedule and his work schedule for the past few days. She noticed Gu Xingxi was clearly very angry when he answered her.    


"I haven't had a work schedule because Zhou David has not accepted any jobs for me these past few years."    


Up to this point, Gu Xingxi's anger towards Zhou David increased immensely. If Zhou David didn't do this to Gu Xingxi, he wouldn't be like this.    


Xia Xingcheng was surprised for a moment, but she also felt angry. She had no idea, Gu Xingxi was hidden for so long.    


Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but ask, "What about your normal living expenses?"    


Gu Xingxi's clenched his fists tightly and relaxed again. His movements felt he was trying to suppress something with all his might. He gritted his teeth and said, "I've been out doing odd part-time jobs all this time."    


Xia Xingcheng frowned when heard this, "No, that can't be right? Doesn't the company gave artists a base salary? That is written in the contract!"    


Gu Xingxi didn't reply, but his face darkened. Xia Xingcheng immediately understood the situation. It seemed this Zhou David planned to force this person to death. He not only refused to accept any jobs for him but he didn't give Gu Xingxi his base salary. This is unbelievable!    


"No, this is too much! You just wait for me to give you an acceptable explanation."    


Xia Xingcheng gritted her teeth with anger and said to Gu Xingxi. She quickly took out her phone and called Zhou David.    


Zhou David did not know Xia Xingcheng's phone number, so as soon as he answered the phone, before he could even react, he heard Xia Xingcheng demanded, "Zhou David, you'd better pay back all the salary you took from Gu Xingxi the past year, or I'll go directly to the higher ups to report you have been stealing the artist's salary!"    


Originally, Zhou David was angry already, but now with Xia Xingcheng threatening him, his anger doubled. He yelled angrily into the phone, "Who do you think you are? You dare get involved in my matters? Don't be shameless! Get lost!"    


Xia Xingcheng was very angry but she somehow found the humor and started to laugh, "Alright, just don't regret it."    


She hung up from Zhou David and called the General Manager.    


Ten minutes later or so, Zhou David called Xia Xingcheng back. He sounded quite angry, he said to her while gritting his teeth, "Xia Xingcheng, just remember, if you dare offend me, you'll suffer terribly for it."    


"Do as you please!"    


Xia Xingcheng wasn't concerned at all. After hanging up, she waved at Gu Xingxi and said, "Your base salary for the past year have been sorted. I'll send it to you in a few days."    


Gu Xingxi was shocked. With his little sister being seriously ill, he needed a large amount of money for her medical fees. Although his salary was less than 30,000 yuan a year, but the salary could at least solve the critical situation right now.    


Gu Xingxi was used to being a cold person but with Xia Xingcheng's help with the salary, he was touched. He could only softly say to Xia Xingcheng, "Thank you."    


Xia Xingcheng shook her head in disagreement, "You don't need to thank you. I am your manager now, so I will fight for your rights and interests. Starting from now, all of your daily necessities including food, housing, clothes, social media accounts, friends, and dealing with the outside world, will be arranged by me … As for things that happens occasionally, you can tell me and I will help you deal with it."    


"Is there any issues with our agreement? If not, we will then have a good co-operate."    


After Xia Xingcheng finished speaking, she stretched her hand out to shake on it and politely looked at Gu Xingxi.    


Gu Xingxi looked at Xia Xingcheng's stern expression. He compared her expression to Zhou David's threatening yet seductive expression and found the latter was obviously more encouraging. He gradually let his guard down and relaxed as he shook Xia Xingcheng's hand with agreement, "Happy co-operation."    


Xia Xingcheng nodded in satisfaction and told him, "That's it for today, you can go home to rest. I'll see you tomorrow at 10am. Don't be late!"    


Before Gu Xingxi was about to leave, Xia Xingcheng gave him her contact details.    


After Gu Xingxi left the office. He felt he haven't left the company for a long time. Everything felt quite surreal, like it was all a dream.    


Xia Xingcheng's comments were going around his head over and over again. He still couldn't believe this was happening and he still doubted himself. Why did this person decide to choose him? Was he worth anything?    


He had been buried for so long that he started to lose faith and give up....    


After Gu Xingxi left the company, Xia Xingcheng started to organize all the information in her office. She had some free time and researched some online resources. Because she was not 100 percent familiar with the company, she had to incorporate herself as soon as she can.    


After finishing her work load, Xia Xingcheng went to Zhou David to review Gu Xingxi's personal account. She then managed to logged in, changed the password and sort out all irrelevant things on Gu Xingxi's personal account.    


During this time, it was inevitable that Zhou David would be mocking and ridiculing them, but Xia Xingcheng did not care about Zhou David. Being a qualified managing agent, she knew this was just the tip of the iceberg.    


It didn't matter. By the time Xia Xingcheng raised her head, everyone had gone home. She looked outside and saw that it was already night time.    


With a long sigh, it was time for Xia Xingcheng to go home. Before she went home, she went and bought a cake for Xiaobao to celebrate his enrolment to the academy as well as her success for taking over the job.    


When she got home, Sheng Yeting wasn't home. There was a feeling in her heart, but she couldn't quite explain it. Xia Xingcheng just assumed the man would not come back and it never occurred to her to ask Nanny Chen. However, when Xia Xingcheng was getting ready for dinner, Nanny Chen placed a pair of chopsticks on the table.    


When dinner was about to start, Sheng Yeting came back suddenly. Xia Xingcheng was slightly surprised for a moment, but she didn't show it on her face. She greeted just a few words.    


However, Sheng Yeting was not acting like his usual self today. He looked at Xia Xingcheng and asked, "How was your day at work today?"    


Seriously, he rarely took the initiative to care about others, let alone be concerned about their day. He even surprised himself when he asked such a question. He lowered his eyes to hide the strangeness in his eyes. Xia Xingcheng, who stood in front of him, didn't notice it.    


"It's good, no issues with work. I can look after myself." Xia Xingcheng replied confidently.    


Sheng Yeting nodded and did not comment further.    


The dining room suddenly became very quiet. Nanny Chen felt something was not right in the dining room. Although Nanny Chen, knew Sheng Yeting had a cold attitude, she couldn't help to poke and asked Sheng Yeting, "Young Master, Xiaobao will go to the academy tomorrow. Do you want to take Xiaobao to school together with Xingcheng?"    


Xiaobao looked up from his cake when he heard Nanny Chen's question. Some butter cream was smeared on his face. He looked at Sheng Yeting with hope in his eyes, "Dad, can you?"    


Sheng Yeting frowned slightly. His expression changed very subtly. He didn't answer straight away.    


Listening to this conversation, Xia Xingcheng felt very embarrassed and awkward. Although the two of them were married, but Sheng Yeting had no obligation to humor her son. So she quickly coax Xiaobao, "Daddy is very busy with work so Mommy will take to you to school."    


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