Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C33 Don't Bully My Mom

C33 Don't Bully My Mom

0Sensing Xiyun's burning gaze, Sheng Yeting glanced at him, raised his eyebrows and said, "You've been talking non-stop since you got here. Is the food here not to your liking? Shut up and start eating."    


Jiang Xiyun choked after hearing that. This restaurant is part of Sheng Yeting's subsidiary company. Who would dare say the food here is not to their liking? He could only bite his tongue.    


All of the sudden, there was a slight awkwardness in the room's atmosphere.    


Fortunately, not long after, the food started to come. Xia Xingcheng had no choice but to lower her head and focus on her food. Her intention was to leave with Xiaobao after a while.    


However, it ended with Xia Xingcheng finishing her meal, but Xiaobao was reluctant to leave. Seeing that his mother was going to leave with him, he held Sheng Yeting's hand and shouted, "Daddy, Xiaobao wants to be with dad. Daddy, don't leave."    


Sure enough, this cheeky trick was very useful all the time, and right this moment was no exception. Sheng Yeting immediately hesitated a bit after hearing Xiaobao's remark. Seeing Sheng Yeting's hesitation, Xiaobao quickly continued, "Dad, don't go, okay? Xiaobao needs Daddy. Daddy will protect us. Mommy and I won't be bullied by bad people."    


After Xiaobao finished his sentence, Xia Xingcheng could only wished the earth would open and swallow her up. She was gobsmacked and didn't know where Xiaobao had learned to say these things.    


She was very embarrassed and was about to explain, when Sheng Yeting frowned a bit and asked Xia Xingcheng: "Where do you live now, we'll send you home."    


Xia Xingcheng hesitated for a moment, but she realised it was very rare for Xiaobao to be so reliant on someone. With that in mind, she gave in to her heart as she told Sheng Yeting their address.    


So Sheng Yeting asked Xia Xingcheng to get in the car and drove them to their home.    


Xiaobao was very excited during the drive. He couldn't sit still, he was so curious about everything. Touching here and touching there while in Sheng Yeting's arms. Whereas, Xia Xingcheng stared out of the car window in a daze as if she had something on her mind.    


Jiang Xiyun focused on driving, looked in the rearview mirror. He saw Sheng Yeting's gaze, intentionally or unintentionally, then glanced at Xia Xingcheng's side profile. He was even more bewildered seeing their reactions.    


It seemed they did not have a close relationship but it certainly wasn't that simple!    


The car soon arrived at Xia Xingcheng's residence. Xia Xingcheng heaved a sigh of relief and gratefully said, "Thank you for today. We'll head in now."    


After she thanked them, Xia Xingcheng was about to carry Xiaobao out of the car, but instead, Xiaobao looked at Sheng Yeting with his big eyes and asked, "Daddy, aren't you coming in with us?"    


Xingcheng did not know what's got into Xiaobao today, constantly pestering Sheng Yeting and calling him father. When it happened once or twice, she could forgive for not being sensible but now he went a bit overboard. She wasn't pleased and was losing her patience. She immediately scolded Xiaobao softly, "Xiaobao, stop being naughty. Come with Mommy now!"    


Seeing his mom was getting angry, Xiaobao immediately let go of his dad's hand and nodded his head with a sad expression.    


"I'm sorry Mommy, Xiaobao was wrong. Xiaobao didn't mean to make Mommy angry. I just missed daddy." Xiaobao's eyes were getting red as he stared at Xia Xingcheng, tears started falling from his eyes. He felt wrongly scolded by his mom.    


Sheng Yeting had no intention of going up with them but seeing Xiaobao's appearance made his heart ached again. He was hesitating but did not move.    


Jiang Xiyun saw the little guy's adorable face and his heart started to melt. He immediately urged Sheng Yeting: "Brother Ting, how about you take the little guy up? I'll wait for you here?"    


He gave Sheng Yeting a wink as he spoke, ensuring Sheng Yeting understood his meaning.    


Sheng Yeting glared at Xiyun while thinking he was very irritating.    


Jiang Xiyun touched the tip of his nose awkwardly and laughed it off without saying anything. Knowing Sheng Yeting had a bad temper, he didn't want to provoke him.    


"We've have troubled you enough already. It's really fine, there's no need." Xia Xingcheng refused politely, "Xiaobao, say goodbye to both uncles. We'll be leaving now."    


It was difficult for Xiaobao not to show his disappointment on his face but he obediently listened to his mother and said farewell to Sheng Yeting.    


Just as Xiaobao was about to get out of the car, he reluctantly asked Sheng Yeting, "Dad, will you come and visit Mommy and me?"    


Sheng Yeting instantly had a perplex expression. Seeing Xiaobao had a hopeful look, he nodded his head.    


Xiaobao was very happy and rejoiced. He then went home with his mom.    


Through the window in the car, Sheng Yeting stared at Xia Xingcheng and Xiaobao as they walked further and further away, his gaze never leaving them.    


On the side, Jiang Xiyun realized Sheng Yeting was not the child's father. He assumed the little boy must have mistaken Sheng Yeting as his father.    


However, the way how Sheng Yeting was handling the situation had actually surprised him. It was obvious Sheng Yeting didn't despise the child. This was miracle.    


After a moment of silence, Jiang Xiyun knew there was no point in questioning Sheng Yeting about this as he would not give him an answer, so he asked casually: "Brother Ting, are you going home now?"    


Sheng Yeting withdrew his gaze from the window and with a cold expression, he said "Yes, let's go."    


Jiang Xiyun said no more. He quietly started the car and drove away.    


Xia Xingcheng had actually felt Sheng Yeting's gaze on her in the car and her thoughts confused her. When they got back home, she planned on telling Xiaobao, in future not to continue to call Sheng Yeting as his father anymore. This poor kid was missing a father's love, so Xia Xingcheng felt more and more sorry for him. However, she can't continue to let him go around calling Sheng Yeting his father when he wasn't.    


As Xia Xingcheng walked up the stairs and she saw a familiar person at the entrance of the corridor.    


When she saw him, instantly Xia Xingcheng's face turned cold, "What are you doing here? You're not welcomed here. Go away."    


Xiaobao also saw this person and subconsciously stood in front of his mom, protecting her and shouted, "You're a bad person and you're not allowed to bully my Mom."    


Xia Xingcheng was worried that Xiaobao would get hurt, so she pulled him behind her and shielded him. Xingcheng looked cautiously at the person in front of her.    


It would be very easy for the Xu Family to investigate where she was living if they wanted to. She was furious at that thought.    


The person standing in front of her was the person she had the stand off with this evening and didn't want to see, Xu Hao.    


Xu Hao probably came here when he left the restaurant, waiting for her to return since he hasn't even changed clothes yet.    


Xu Hao looked at Xiaobao and he started to feel restless. Thinking back, had the accident not have happened, he would still be together with Xia Xingcheng. It would be him standing beside Xia Xingcheng instead of this little boy.    


While thinking all this up till now, Xu Hao's expression didn't look good. He glared at Xia Xingcheng. "Xingcheng, we've known each other over a decade, and you know how I treated you. I, Xu Hao, did not want to hurt you excessively, all because of our past."    


"Stop it."    


Xia Xingcheng interrupted him coldly, "I don't want to talk about the past, so there is no need to say anymore."    


As soon as she said that, she felt a pain in her heart. If Xu Hao had believed in her at the beginning, would they have ended like this?    


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