Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C2 Complete Deportation

C2 Complete Deportation

0Xia Xingcheng suddenly raised her head and bit her lips. She was so angry that she couldn't utter a single word.    


Her whole body was trembling with fury. She couldn't understand why Xia Xingyan would ruin her life like this.    


"So what if you feel indignant?" Xia Xingcheng played with her curly hair and sneered, "Your fiancé, Xu Hao, doesn't believe you. Your father doesn't believe you either. You can go abroad and live on your own. "    


Xia Xingcheng was furious, "Xia Xingyan, why are you doing this to me? Why?"    


She rushed forward hysterically and strangled Xia Xingyan, but she didn't resist. She only blinked pitifully at her with a wronged expression, "Elder sister, don't hurt me …It really wasn't my fault last night …"    


"Xia Xingcheng, what are you doing!"    


Hearing the commotion, Uncle Xia became so angry that the veins on his neck stood out. He raised his hand and pushed her down to the ground. "Are you crazy? Are you trying to kill your sister? "    


Xia Xingcheng fell onto the ice-cold floor where she remained. Unable to bear the pain any longer, she was on the verge of tears. She thought of her mother and her childhood but no matter how hard she wished, she would never return to that time.    


Luo Qiong, her stepmother, was right behind her. When she saw the shallow marks on her daughter's neck, she was so angry, just like her husband, that she raised her leg and kicked Xia Xingcheng.    


"You uneducated dog! You're the same as your mother! You might as well die!"    


The more she kicked, the harder each kick became. However, Uncle Xia only stood beside her, as if he was only concerned about Xia Xingyan's injuries.    


As this continued, her vision went blurry from the blows, but all she could feel was the coldness in her heart, as if all warmth had left it .    




At this time, in the office of the Shengshi Group, Sheng Yeting was looking at the assistant in front of him with a malicious expression.    


"What's going on?" His face was so gloomy that his gaze could bore holes through the other party. "How is the investigation going?"    


Although, the assistant was sweating because of his stare, he swallowed his saliva and told him the news. "Yes, it's the Qin family's Qin Ji Sen."    


He knew of this Qin Jieshen. A while ago, Qin Jieshen and the Shengshi Group had worked together on a project, and he had taken a lot of kickbacks from it.    


Sheng Yeting didn't like his way of handling things, so he sent his men to destroy the Qin family. Right now, the Qin family was on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse.    


"Qin Jieshen bribed the hotel's waiter and drugged you. He probably wanted to use this to…"    


The assistant's voice trailed off until he was no longer breathing.    


The situation was clear now, it was obvious that Qin Jieshen was behind all of this. He never thought that something would go wrong and that he would completely deviate from his original plan.    


"I checked, Qin Jieshen did book a room in the hotel last night." The assistant looked up at him hesitantly, then looked down again. "But you didn't go in …"    


Sheng Yeting's expression suddenly changed, and he asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"    


The assistant was confused by his question. He could only look at his expression and repeat hesitantly, "You didn't go there yesterday."    


If he didn't go, then who was that woman lying on his bed?    


In his mind, he saw broken images of the woman's flushed cheeks and her body writhing beneath him, but what he remembered clearest were those cries of grievance and heartbreaking pain.    


He suddenly thought of the crimson spots on the sheets that he had noticed before he left — the woman was actually a virgin.    


Sheng Yeting's brows couldn't help but knit together. He told the assistant in front of him in a deep voice, "Go check the identity of the woman that was in my room immediately."    


He wanted to know where she had come from.    


When the assistant received the order, he immediately began on his task. However, no matter how fast he moved, he was unable to find any useful information.    


The hotel's surveillance had already been cleaned up by Xia Xingyan. How could she intentionally leave behind evidence to let others know that she was the one who framed Xia Xingcheng? Naturally, she had her crimes wiped away long ago.    


After doing all this, she still pretended to be an innocent person and gloated as she watched Xia Xingcheng being kicked out of her house in a sorry state. She didn't even stay a night before being packed and sent out of the country.    


Xia Xingcheng lugged her heavy luggage onto the plane. She had been completely exiled without knowing when she could return.    


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