Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C6 A Hundred Dollars on the Face

C6 A Hundred Dollars on the Face

0The car soon drove out of the airport. After a while, Sheng Yeting looked to the front and said in an indifferent manner, "You're still not letting go."    


Only then did Xia Xingcheng come back to her senses. She immediately let go of the hand she was holding and fiddled with the hair beside her ear awkwardly. "Thank you for just now."    


Xiaobao, who was sitting at the side, also shouted excitedly, "Thank you, dad!"    


"Don't shout." Xia Xingcheng quickly reached out her hand to cover the child's mouth while shushing him."You can't randomly call someone else 'father'."    


"Why?" Xiaobao blinked and looked at her in confusion. "It was father who helped us just now, he stopped those bad guys from bullying us …"    


Xia Xingcheng was stunned by his words. She didn't know why Xiaobao would treat this man as his father, nor did she know how to explain Sheng Yeting's actions.    


She coughed lightly, looked at him apologetically, then lowered her head and said in a soft voice, "This uncle, he is not your dad, he just saw us being bullied by bad people, that's why he stepped out to help us."    


She reached out her hand and gently tapped the child's nose as she laughed, "So, you can't do this anymore. Do you understand?"    


Sheng Yeting stared out of the window with a cold expression. He seemed to be deep in thought until he heard Xia Xingcheng's words, then he said sharply, "I pitied your child, so I helped you. Don't think of my kindness as some kind of charity, that you can ask for and get at anytime."    


He turned his head to look her up and down, then folded his arms and turned back. "Not to mention taking the blame for a woman like you who doesn't know how to live properly."    


Obviously, Sheng Yeting had heard what Xu Hao had just said about Xiaobao being a bastard.    


These words stabbed into Xia Xingcheng's sore spot, causing her expression to turn hard. She was originally grateful towards him for saving her, but now it seemed like there was no difference between him and Xu Hao and Xia Xingyan. They both viewed her as nothing more than a speck of dust in their eyes.    


"Stop the car."    


She didn't want to say anything more, so she signaled the driver to stop with an expressionless face.    


Sheng Yeting looked at her in confusion. When the car stopped, she reached out to pull Xiaobao out of the car and left. He quickly asked, "What are you doing?"    


However, she just removed her luggage, took out 100 dollars from her wallet and threw it on the car seat. "Thank you for your good intentions, this is the taxi fare. I hope we never meet again."    


After saying this, she held Xiaobao's hand, pulled the suitcase and strode off towards the edge of the platform. She prepared to take a taxi again, not giving the man any time to react.    


Sheng Yeting looked at the hundred dollar bill that was thrown and squinted his eyes dangerously. Since when had he ever been treated so straightforwardly by a woman?    


Women did not dare to be angry with him, not even when he was being rude to them.    


He gritted his teeth and threw the bill out the window. Then, he gestured to the driver in front of him, "Drive."    




Xia Xingcheng didn't go straight home after getting off Sheng Yeting's car. Instead, she took a taxi to her grandma's house.    


After all these years, grandma's courtyard was still the same as it had been in the past. It was only her grandmother that had aged quite a bit.    


She quickly stepped forward to hug the old woman. Suddenly, her heart warmed and her eyes became moist. "Grandmother, I missed you so much …"    


"Xingcheng, my sweet granddaughter …" The old lady gently pat her back, and with a gentle yet calm laugh."I wonder how much suffering you've endured away."    


She was naturally overjoyed to see her precious granddaughter, let alone the cute Xiaobao. She even doted on him, wishing that she could keep him locked up in her heart.    


After experiencing so many things, the old lady naturally knew what to ask and what not to ask. And since her granddaughter didn't seem to want to bring it up, she didn't ask about the child.    


Xia Xingcheng rested at her grandma's home for the night. The next morning, she brought Xiaobao to go out for a stroll.    


She thought of the places she went to when she was young and couldn't help feeling a little happy. She just didn't expect that she would run into Xu Hao and Xia Xingyan who had come looking for her just as she walked to the entrance of the residential complex.    


She immediately put away the smile on her face and stared harshly at the two people in front of her. "I don't think there's anything else we have to say to each other. Please don't disturb me."    


Xia Xingyan did not come here on her own initiative. She deeply hated Xia Xingcheng and didn't want to meet her, so why would she actively come looking for her?    


"Do you think I wanted to come here?" She twisted her lips and said, "It's Daddy who wants to see you. He wants you to go home."    


Hearing her father's words, Xia Xingcheng suddenly became silent. She didn't really want to have anything to do with that family anymore, but she still hadn't made this clear, and so she needed to talk to him face to face.    


She stood there quietly for a long time before she took Xiaobao and got into their car.    


Along the way, everyone had their own thoughts, so no one said a word.    


The car soon arrived at the villa area. Looking through the window, she observed that the scenery in the yard was not much different from when she had left.    


However, the situation now was completely different. She could no longer face this family with a calm demeanor as she had before.    


"You're finally back."    


Just as she stepped into the house with Xiaobao, her stepmother Song Qiong hurriedly came over. She put on a warm and gentle appearance and said, "You must have worked hard to get here. Did you feel uncomfortable? Are you hungry? Auntie prepared some food for you."    


Xia Xingcheng looked at her fake sincerity and felt extremely disgusted. She had obviously ignored her for the past five years and had never cared about her in the least, yet now she was showing such enthusiasm.    


"I know you don't like me." She gave her an unappreciative look. "You don't have to bother doing this."    


"What did you say to your mother?!"    


Uncle Xia's sullen voice came from the living room. When he arrived and looked at the child in Xia Xingcheng's hand, he frowned. "I sent you out of the country to reflect on yourself, but instead you brought a bastard back! "    


His entire body was filled with anger, and his finger trembled as he pointed at Xiaobao who was behind her. "Let me tell you, I will not admit that he is of the blood of our Xia Family!"    


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