Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C24 Why Did You Kiss Her

C24 Why Did You Kiss Her

0Sheng Yeting had been silently observing Xia Xingcheng's situation. Actually, even he didn't realize that he was so concerned about this woman. Originally, he had planned to call for his underlings to bring Xia Xingcheng back after the business deal was concluded.    


Thinking of this, Sheng Yeting retracted his gaze and continued to discuss business with his friends. He couldn't help but find it funny, since when did he care so much about her.    


On the other side, Xia Xingcheng didn't know that Sheng Yeting was also there. Although she had been sitting beside Mr. Qin , she had been too distracted planning how to escape in her mind.    


At that moment, a waiter came to deliver the dishes. Xia Xingcheng saw an opportunity and immediately knocked over the table when she got up.    


With a loud noise, the dishes on the table were scattered all over the place and the scene immediately became extremely chaotic. Uncle Xia's two lackeys ran over to grab Xia Xingcheng, but she quickly threw the soup near her hands at them.    


They were stopped. Uncle Xia reacted and immediately called for his other men to block the way.    


He was infuriated. When he caught this unfilial daughter of his, he planned to punish her severely.    


Xia Xingcheng, of course, was not that foolish. She had already expected her father to do this so she grabbed hold of a waiter and asked anxiously, "How do I get to the back door?"    


Shocked by Xia Xingcheng's panicked expression, the waiter hurriedly pointed her in a direction.    


Seeing that the bodyguards were about to catch up, Xia Xingcheng didn't have time to thank him and just sprinted away.    


There were no bodyguards at the back door, so Xia Xingcheng didn't dare to slow down until she reached the road. She wanted to stop a taxi, but there wasn't even a shadow of a car anywhere.    


She quickly became extremely anxious. Even though it was June, she couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. If she was caught this time, her punishment wouldn't be something as simple as marrying that old man.    


As she ran, she felt despair. At this critical moment, a Maybach suddenly stopped in front of Xia Xingcheng, blocking her way.    


It was obvious that the car was coming for her. Xia Xingcheng thought that her father had sent people after her, so she couldn't help but stare at the car with a pale face, forgetting forgot to run.    


The car window slowly rolled down, revealing Sheng Yeting's grave and stern expression. He didn't have much of an expression on his face. Al he said was, "Get in."    


Knowing that her father and his group would catch up to them soon, Xia Xingcheng didn't have enough time to think before opening the car door and getting in.    


The driver stepped hard on the accelerator and the car sped away.    


Xia Xingcheng looked back with lingering fear. She saw that her father's men were about to catch up to her, but now that Sheng Yeting was driving at a very fast speed they were far behind.    


It wasn't until Uncle Xia's car was completely out of sight that Xia Xingcheng's was somewhat calm again. She turned around and smiled gratefully at Sheng Yeting, "Thank you."    


Sheng Yeting nodded and didn't say anything else. From the moment she got on the car, his line of sight had never left Xia Xingcheng.    


He didn't realize before that this woman was quite stubborn.    


Unconsciously, Sheng Yeting started to develop a whole new level of respect for her.    


Under his gaze, Xia Xingcheng felt a little uncomfortable. She covered up her embarrassment by coughing lightly and said, "I will get off the car at the place in front. I won't trouble you too much."    


Now that she finally escaped, the most important thing was to find Xiaobao. As for Sheng Yeting, she would definitely pay him a visit before she left.    


After so many days, she still didn't know where Xiaobao was. The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. If anything happened to him even if she died, she would take the Xia Family with her.    


Her heart was filled with hatred. Xia Xingcheng clenched her fists, and a sharp pain immediately shot out from her hand.    


Spreading her palms open, Xia Xingcheng frowned. Only then did she realize that her hands had been scalded and the surrounding skin was disfigured.    


It seems that she was accidentally burned herself when she flipped the table.    


Xia Xingcheng wasn't in the mood to care about all this. She was about to withdraw her hand when Sheng Yeting, who was beside her, quickly grabbed it.    


The close distance between the two of them caused Xia Xingcheng to be slightly stunned. For a moment, she actually forgot to resist.    


"You're hurt." Sheng Yeting pondered and instructed the driver, "To the hospital."    


Xia Xingcheng quickly pulled her hand back with an unnatural flush on her cheeks and said, "You don't have to send me to the hospital. Take me to the hotel if you can. I'm going to find Xiaobao."    


When she mentioned about Xiaobao, Xia Xingcheng finally lost control of her emotions, her eyes reddening slightly.    


Sheng Yeting retracted his empty hand. There seemed to still be Xia Xingcheng's warmth on his fingertips. He had never felt such a feeling before. Conflicted, he turned his gaze away to hide his emotions and ignored what he said.    


"Driver, hurry up and go to the hospital." Sheng Yeting repeated.    


Xia Xingcheng was so angry that she couldn't take it anymore. At this moment, she forgot that Sheng Yeting had just saved her, so she yelled at him, "What are you doing? I said I'm not going to the hospital, I want to go back to the hotel. My son is lost , he disappeared two days ago!"    


Thinking about Xiaobao, she couldn't help but feel more and more sad. Just as she was about to continue saying something to make him let her off, Sheng Yeting, who was beside her, lowered his face cautiously and kissed her lips.    




Xia Xingcheng's eyes were wide open as she looked at the handsome figure in front of her. Her mind was blank , she could not react.    


Sheng Yeting was also stunned for a moment when he did that. He had been thinking he wanted to stop her chattering, but who would have thought that he would kiss her.    


He hadn't expected that he would do something so outrageous, but he quickly came to his senses. Leaving her red lips, he said, "It's finally quiet."    


Xia Xingcheng's face turned red once again. For a moment, she forgot about her argument with him. All she could think about was that kiss just now.    


Why did he kiss her?    


Thinking of this, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but ask.    


Sheng Yeting raised his eyebrows. He still didn't seem to have any emotion as he said indifferently, "It was just a way to shut you up. You're too noisy, I feel annoyed."    


Xia Xingcheng's face immediately flushed red but this time it was out of anger.    


What kind of person was he? He was too infuriating!    


However, Sheng Yeting was the first to save her and she was worried about Xiaobao, so she couldn't be bothered with him at the moment.    


The car arrived at the hospital quickly. Xia Xingcheng didn't dare to delay and directly went inside to get her hand bandaged. Sheng Yeting had been looking at Xia Xingcheng's figure from inside the car for a long time, so he didn't know what was going on.    


Xia Xingcheng came out of the hospital as fast as she could. Her wounds were getting worse from the hot weather so she bought some more medicine from the hospital.    


When she finally left, she was surprised to see that the conspicuous car was still there.    



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