Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C48 Naughty Child

C48 Naughty Child

0naughty child.    


"Who are you?" The little boy stopped a meter away from the railing and curiously stared at Tong Tong. "Are you our new Art teacher?"    


Tong Tong looked up in surprise when she heard him.    


This was not her Tao Tao. Her Tao Tao's voice was not so soft.    


Tao Tao would not smile at a stranger.    


But this child's face was at least seventy to eighty percent similar to Tao Tao's.    


If the two of them stood together, everyone would probably think that they were twins. In any case, when she first saw him, she thought that Tao Tao had come to find her.    


This was enough to prove that her Tao Tao really had the bloodline of the Qu Family.    


As Qu Chenjiang's face flashed across her mind, Tong Tong's heart was in turmoil.    


"Auntie, are you a mute?" The little boy did not get a response and became a little impatient. He raised his head high and said, "Even if you are a mute, you can still make gestures. Come over here and guess if I have more red beans or more green beans. "    


Tong Tong finally found her voice. "Who is your father?"    


"My father is..." The little boy was about to say something when a voice stopped him from saying anything. "Tao, why are you talking to strangers?"    


Following that, a fat girl jogged over, picked up the little boy, and glared fiercely at Tong Tong. "Do you think this is a place that anyone can come to?"    


That fat girl was too rude. She immediately knocked over the little boy's hand and two boxes of red beans and green beans rolled all over the ground.    


"Don't touch my Doudou." The little boy cried.    


The fat woman panicked, and suddenly raised her head and shouted, "Someone wants to kidnap and sell the child! Someone come quickly!"    


The originally quiet children's playground suddenly became chaotic. A few burly men ran out from nowhere and surrounded Tong Tong.    


Calculating the situation, Tong Tong slowly raised her hands. "You guys listen to my explanation."    


One minute later, Tong Tong was brought in front of Qu Yihong by a few bodyguards.    


"Oh my God." Yin Shaofan, who was standing in front of Qu Yihong, fiercely twitched his face. He rubbed his forehead and stared at Tong Tong.    


In less than a few minutes, she was caught by the bodyguards. She was taken as a suspect in child trafficking and was brought in front of Madame Qu.    


Ordinary people did not have this ability.    


"Boss Qu, hello!" Tong Tong glanced at Qu Yihong and looked away guiltily.    


She deliberately avoided the little boy to prevent herself from losing control. Who would have thought that she would meet the white-haired Madame Qu.    


Madame Qu was observing her sharply and Tong Tong's heart could not help but tighten.    


Madame Qu's gaze was very sharp. She was a very powerful person.    


"She wants to kidnap and sell Tao? Who gave her the courage?" Madame Qu did not get angry and said in an imposing manner, "Why did you bring her here to me? Send her directly to the police station and sentence her to a life sentence. It will be a once and for all. "    


Tong Tong's heart skipped a beat.    


Madame Qu looked very impressive. If Tong Tong was smart, she should have explained the truth as soon as possible, and it would be best to leave as soon as possible.    


Tong Tong quickly clarified, "I am not..."    


"Grandma, she is the assistant that little brother mentioned." Qu Yihong snatched the right to speak without batting an eyelid, "I just asked her to wait outside. You can ask her. This is probably a small misunderstanding."    


"Assistant?" Madame Qu narrowed her eyes and her sharp gaze locked onto Tong Tong's small face.    


Under this sharp gaze, Tong Tong could not help but shrink her neck.    


She understood that Qu Yihong's pair of eyes that were as sharp as lasers was very likely inherited from this old lady.    


"Alright, since she's an assistant, that's even better." Madame Qu adjusted her glasses and said, "I was just worried that you did not come."    


When she heard this tone, Tong Tong's heart jumped.    


Did the sheep enter the tiger's den?    


"My third grandson only told me today that you are very arrogant." Madame Qu's tone was calm, but her words were threatening and her aura was strong. "You have only been in the company for less than two days and you have already made them not get along. You also ruined the agreement between my second grandson and Xia Beicheng... "    


"What?" Tong Tong could not bear it any longer and helped herself to distinguish, "He is slandering me in order to escape punishment!"    


Yin Shaofan was very nervous when he heard Tong Tong's uncontrollable tone. He tried his best to look at Tong Tong with his eyes.    


Qu Yihong looked as if nothing had happened. He was calm and collected.    


"He slandered you on purpose in order to escape punishment?" Madame Qu frowned.    


"He slandered me in order to escape punishment." Tong Tong took a step forward. She puffed out her chest. Justice made her fearless. "I only worked for two days, and Third Young Master Qu caused me trouble twice. He threatened me to leave CEO and stay with him. " He even molested me. "If it wasn't for Boss Qu's love for his subordinates, I would have been bullied by Third Young Master Qu a long time ago."    


Because of her excitement, Tong Tong spoke quickly and loudly. Her small face was red and her eyes were especially bright. Her small fist was also raised.    


Yin Shaofan was very shocked when he saw this. At the same time, he felt a bit envious - it was good to be young! She had the drive, and dared to act impulsively.    


If it were him, Yin Shaofan would not have the courage to refute Madame Qu in such a manner.    


Yin Shaofan nervously tugged at Qu Yihong's sleeve and motioned for Qu Yihong to quickly take Tong Tong away.    


Obviously, he did not expect Tong Tong to be so bold. Madame Qu, who was used to seeing big events, narrowed her eyes thoughtfully and observed Tong Tong.    


"Grandma, it's time for us to eat." Qu Yihong stood up without batting an eyelid, "Assistant Yin and Assistant Tong go back and wait for me first. The trip in the afternoon is very tight, so we have to hurry."    


"Wait!" Madame Qu suddenly waved at the little boy." Tao, come over and tell Great Grandmother if she bullied you. "    


Tong Tong did not dare to raise her head to look at the little boy. In front of these smart people, she was afraid that her eyes would leak her information.    



Her mother had mentioned her more than once. Usually, she did not care about anything. But when she looked at her son, her style would change drastically, and her eyes would be filled with love.    


The little boy bit his lips and pointed at Tong Tong fiercely. "She knocked over my red beans and green beans."    


Tong Tong could not help but want to roll her eyes at this naughty child.    


It was clearly the red beans and green beans that the fat woman knocked over. She was outside the railing, at least a meter away from him.    


This little boy's character was far worse than Tao Tao's.    


Glancing at Qu Yihong, Tong Tong felt a little guilty and could only apologize to the little boy. "Sorry, I did not notice."    


"Help me pick up all the beans. Separate the green and red beans." The little boy commanded fiercely, "I want a box of red beans and a box of green beans."    


What a ruthless child!    


Tong Tong only felt that her eyes were filled with stars. This naughty child should be taught a lesson.    


Taking a deep breath, Tong Tong tried her best to pull out an awkward smile. "I know who your father is."    


"Who is it?" The little boy replied with a question full of energy.    


"Qu Chenjiang." Tong Tong grunted and muttered, "Other people's sons can't do such a thing."    


She looked at Qu Yihong for help.    


If she followed the naughty child's request, she estimated that she would need three days and three nights to complete it.    


She wanted to hang the little boy up and spank his butt.    


Madame Qu, who was by the side, smiled kindly. "That's fine too. As long as Assistant Tong can do this, we will let bygones be bygones."    


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