Warm Marriage: CEO’s Unlimit Love

C52 Prove That I'm Not Gay

C52 Prove That I'm Not Gay

0Luo Hanshang was having a meeting with the executives in the meeting room when Cheng Yong's phone vibrated a few times. He bent down and ran out to answer the phone.    


Soon, he came back and whispered into Luo Hanshang's ear, "Boss Luo, something happened to Mrs. Luo at the construction site."    


Luo Hanshang's eyes widened. He turned to Cheng Yong and said, "Tell me."    


"Just now, Mrs. Luo was injured in order to save Jiaang Shicheng. She is now on her way to the hospital."    


After Luo Hanshang heard that, he got up and left the office.    


He ran downstairs. Cheng Yong followed him. He drove Luo Hanshang to the hospital.    


On the way, Luo Hanshang was very worried. Something was being torn in the depth of his heart.    


When he arrived at the hospital, Cheng Yong went to find the medical staff to find out where Ning Jiang was.    


When the two of them rushed to the emergency room, Luo Nanyi was there as well.    


His arm was stained with blood, and he was pacing at the door. He looked anxiously into the treatment room.    


When Luo Hanshang saw him, he was furious.    


These days, he had been looking for trouble with Ning Jiang at the construction site. Now...    


He stepped forward and grabbed Luo Nanyi by the collar. "Tell me, did you do it?"    


Luo Nanyi's worried expression disappeared, replaced by an indifferent expression. "second uncle, you sound as if I am really capable. If I am that capable, I will only secretly attack Ning Jiang."    


"Luo Nanyi, you better stay away from her. Don't think that I really can't do anything to you. "Also, this has nothing to do with you. Otherwise, I will make you suffer a thousand times more."    


Luo Nanyi curled his lips. "second uncle, it has been a long time since you were so excited. It seems that this woman means a lot to you. "    


Luo Hanshang raised his hand and punched him on the chin.    


Luo Nanyi staggered two steps back and fell to the ground. "Get lost. Cheng Yong, if Luo Nanyi doesn't get lost, chase him out. Don't let me see him again later. "    


Luo Hanshang opened the door and entered the treatment room.    


He looked angry when he saw Cheng Yong. The medical staff all became nervous.    


Ning Jiang was half sitting on the treatment bed and was also a little surprised when she saw him. "Why are you here?"    


Luo Hanshang walked up and looked down at her injured ankle. "How is it? "Apart from your ankle, where else are you injured?"    


Ning Jiang shook her head. "I only hurt my ankle. It's not a big deal, but Jiang Gong is very badly injured."    


"Jiaang Shicheng?" He looked at her.    


Ning Jiang looked worried. "Yes. In order to save me, he was hit on the back by the sound testing tube."    


Luo Hanshang frowned. "Didn't you say that you were injured in order to save Jiaang Shicheng?"    


"At first, it was like this. I saw the sound testing tube fall down and wanted to save him, but I failed. Instead, it was Mr Jiaang who helped me block it when he saw the sound testing tube smashing towards us. Otherwise, I would have been the one who was injured today."    


"If you didn't save him, he would have been the one who was injured. There were so many people in the construction site who didn't stand out. Do you think you're the only one who can do that? " You don't care about your life. "    


He looked at her ankle and felt a bit angry.    


Ning Jiang was puzzled. The one who was injured was not Luo Hanshang. What was Luo Hanshang angry about?    


But seeing that he was angry, she did not want to provoke him.    


Seeing that she did not speak, Luo Hanshang turned to look at the medical staff. "What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up and treat her wounds."    


The medical staff quickly began to move.    


Ning Jiang said, "Can you help me check on Mr Jiaang's treatment? He is in the resuscitation room. I am very worried about him."    


Jiaang Shicheng could not be injured. If he was injured, who would she find the truth with?    


"You are already like this. Why do you care about others?"    


She put her palms together. "I'm counting on you, okay?"    


Luo Hanshang looked at her and felt depressed. He picked up his phone and dialed Cheng Yong's number. He asked Cheng Yong to take care of Jiaang Shicheng's matters.    


After Ning Jiang's ankle was taken care of, she wanted to get out of bed.    


Luo Hanshang asked the doctor with a cold face, "Have you checked her other parts?"    


"Miss Ning said that there is no discomfort in the other parts of her body. She does not want to check the other parts."    


Luo Hanshang said coldly. "This is a hospital. Isn't the patient listening to the doctor?"    


The doctor nodded. "I will arrange for Miss Ning to undergo a full body examination."    


Ning Jiang frowned. "I did not injure her anywhere else. It was just that when the sound testing tube fell down, it rubbed against my ankle."    


Luo Hanshang only gave her one look. Ning Jiang shivered. Okay, she went to check.    


After more than two hours of torture, Ning Jiang was sent to the ward.    


She was a little helpless. She could have been directly discharged from the hospital, but Luo Hanshang insisted that she stay in the hospital for two days.    


She could not defeat Luo Hanshang, so she just did as he said.    


However, it had been more than three hours on Mr Jiaang's side. There was no news from him, so she was a little anxious.    


After dinner, she sat on the bed and looked at Luo Hanshang, asking, "How is Mr Jiaang? Is he okay?"    


"You don't have to worry about him."    


"But I'm worried. I can only feel at ease if you tell me."    


Luo Hanshang frowned at the woman. She was really stubborn.    


"He hurt his waist, but it's not very serious. He needs to rest for a while."    


Ning Jiang felt relieved when she heard Luo Hanshang's words. That was good.    


She laid down and turned to look at him. "I have nothing to do here. You should go back and rest."    


Luo Hanshang rolled his eyes at her.    


She was speechless.    


"Mine. Let me ask you. Why did Luo Nanyi come to the hospital today?"    


Ning Jiang felt guilty. Did Luo Hanshang know that Luo Nanyi carried her to the car?    


Before she could answer, Luo Hanshang said, "The blood stains on his clothes. Is it yours?"    


"It was a little messy at the time. I don't remember, but I don't think I hurt his ankle. The blood probably belongs to Mr Jiaang."    


"Did he come to the hospital to see Jiaang Shicheng or to see you in the hospital?" Wang Yao asked.    


"He sent both of us to the hospital."    


"There are so many people at the construction site," Luo Hanshang said. "Is it his turn to take action?"    


"Luo Hanshang, I want to ask you a very private question," Luo Hanshang said.    


Because of what Luo Nanyi said before, when she saw Luo Nanyi, her hair stood on end.    


After all, it wasn't good to be treated as a love rival by a man.    


"Ask if you have something to say."    


Ning Jiang sat up again and scratched her forehead. "You and Luo Nanyi, what is your relationship?"    


Luo Hanshang's expression was dark. "Why do you ask?"    


This was the part he did not want to discuss the most.    


"I just feel that you seem to dislike Luo Nanyi a little too much. Luo Nanyi seems to care about you very much."    


Luo Hanshang frowned. "What do you mean?"    


"Oh, I don't mean anything else. I just want to ask you if you hate Luo Nanyi so much because you know he has a strange feeling for you."    


Luo Hanshang didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing what she said. He wanted to pry open the woman's head more and more to see what was inside.    


Luo Nanyi had a strange feeling for him?    


"Then tell me what kind of strange feelings Luo Nanyi has for me."    


Ning Jiang pouted. "You already know that. Why are you asking me?"    


"I found that you have good observation skills."    


When he said this, Ning Jiang thought that he gave her an affirmative answer. "Is it true?" she asked. Does he have that kind of feelings for you?"    


She couldn't help but shiver. It was too disgusting.    


She didn't discriminate against this kind of feelings. But to be honest, she herself still couldn't accept it.    


This was probably the same nature as them being unable to accept homosexuality.    


Luo Hanshang raised his eyebrows and lowered his eyes with a smile. He wanted to see if this woman's idea could be more absurd.    


Luo Hanshang crossed his legs and looked at her. "What else do you want to ask? Just ask them all at once today."    


Ning Jiang looked at him. "When did you know?"    


Of course he would not be kidnapped by her. "You want to ask me, when did I start to hate him?"    


She nodded repeatedly. "Yes, that's what I meant."    


"A few years ago."    


Then earlier, did you not realize it at all, or did you also... "    


Ning Jiang asked and suddenly felt that something was not right. This question was clearly suspecting that he also had that kind of orientation.    


She had just kept quiet when Luo Hanshang already stood up and walked towards her step by step. His face carried a 'easy-going' smile. "Continue."    


Ning Jiang saw his expression and realized that there was a big problem. She waved her hand and smiled. "That's not what I meant."    


Luo Hanshang had already walked over and pushed her onto the bed. "Do you want me to prove to you again that I am not gay?"    


"No, you are not." She shook her head in a hurry and looked up at him with a flattering smile.    


"In order to not make you doubt me, it is better for me to prove my innocence." Luo Hanshang lowered his head and kissed her lips. He really missed the taste.    


As he kissed her, he put his hands and feet on her body.    


Ning Jiang was alarmed. This was the hospital. Was he crazy?    


At this moment, a nurse pushed the door open and came in.    


Seeing this, the nurse quickly turned around and left.    



Ning Jiang was embarrassed and pushed Luo Hanshang away. Her face was red as she said, "You don't need to prove it. I know you are not."    


He pinched her chin and said, "You may not be sure."    


Otherwise, she wouldn't suspect him, would she?    


"No, I'm very sure."    


"Oh, tell me, how are you sure?"    


She was depressed. If she didn't give him the right answer, he probably wouldn't let her go.    


But there was a nurse at the door...    


She didn't care.    


"I heard that homosexuals can't react to the opposite sex, but you..." Her finger gently poked his right hip bone.    


"You're quite sensitive here."    


At this moment, Luo Hanshang was indeed pressing against her.    


Did this woman have a strong desire to live now?    


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