Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C85 The Boss Behind the Scenes

C85 The Boss Behind the Scenes

0The number of villagers gathering around the demolition operation increased, and soon, utter chaos erupted. Everyone was screaming and cursing non-stop, protesting against the low compensation from the demolition.    


While the demolition may have originally been a good thing, the incredibly low compensation caused the people to go against and object to the very idea.    


At nine o'clock, the village head slowly walked out of the demolition office. He clapped his hands together and signaled for everyone to quiet down.    


He put on his airs and immediately announced, "After negotiation with the developers, they are willing to increase the compensation."    


"How much higher?" The villagers asked one after another. This was the question that everyone was most concerned about.    


After days of negotiations, the developers would always find excuses to deal with them, without any sincerity to solve the issue at hand.    


"It will increase by two hundred yuan per square meter." The smile on Chairman Peng's face was exceptionally awkward. Even he found it embarrassing to announce the results of the negotiation.    


The moment he said those words, the scene turned even more chaotic.    


Everyone protested, "No, this is clearly a scam. We definitely won't agree."    


"Everyone, quiet down. Listen to me first …"    


The village head tried to placate the scene, but his words did not work at all.    


The crowd was especially indignant, shouting for the developers to come out.    


The village head, as the mediator, seemed helpless as well and quickly called the developers by phone.    


After making the call, he hurriedly tried to calm the crowd, "Calm down everyone. The developers will be here soon. We'll have a good discussion with them then."    


Despite the reassurance, his words did not carry any sort of calming effect as the crowd continued to remain in disorder.    


The past actions of the developers had already made everyone lose their trust and patience in them. Everyone had hidden resentment towards the developers deep down in their hearts.    


Having seen everything with his own eyes, Wu Tian experienced an indescribable bitterness in his heart, now understanding the full situation of the whole demolition process.    


Even he felt that the developer had gone overboard and was unable to satisfy the villagers' most reasonable complaints. This was simply going too far.    


Wu Tian no longer wanted to sit back and do nothing.    


After all, this matter concerned his own interests, and he did not want to see the folks in his hometown being bullied.    


After a moment of thought, he went to a nearby bathroom and dialed Long Yun's number.    


When the call connected, he got straight to the point: "Secretary Long, can you help me find out who the developer in charge of the Fengguang Village Project is?"    


"Alright, Young Master, please wait a moment as it might take some time," Loong Yun's stiff, monotonous voice sounded from the other end of the phone.    


"I'll wait. Give me a call when you find out." Wu Tian hung up after saying that.    


After waiting for more than ten minutes, he received another call from Long Yun.    


After picking up the phone, he anxiously asked, "How is it, have you found the developer in charge of the Fengguang Village Project?"    


"Yes." On the other end of the phone, Loong Yun's voice still emitted a sort of wintery chill, devoid of any warmth.    


"Who is it?"    


"Wu Tian."    


"Which Wu Tian?"    


"It's you, Young Master."    


"Stop talking nonsense. Let me ask you again, who is the person behind the Fengguang Village Project?" Wu Tian thought Long Yun had made some sort of mistake and asked impatiently.    


"The Fengguang Village was developed by the newly established Tian An Group. The legal person for the record is you, Young Master." Loong Yun spoke with a serious tone, devoid of any humor.    


Knowing Long Yun's character, she was not someone who would joke around, much less with her young master.    


"Huh?" Wu Tian stood dumbfounded and said in disbelief: "How the hell did I become the boss of the Fengguang Village Project?"    


The information Long Yun had dug up could not be wrong.    


But he really couldn't understand, how did he suddenly become the person in charge of the Fengguang Village Project, what in the world is going on?    


"Master, you might have forgotten, you asked me to transfer a hundred million yuan to Liu Jun and invest it in the real estate development..."    


"Uncle Liu and I decided upon the Jade Garden area, which is a newly developed area, not for the renovation of the village in the city," Wu Tian retorted loudly.    


Recalling the previous conversation with Liu Jun on the phone, thought he may have drunk a lot of wine, he was nevertheless very clear-headed at the time.    


Uncle Liu told him clearly that he planned to invest in the Jade Garden area. At that time, he felt that the new plot wasn't too risky, so he invested a hundred million yuan without any hesitation.    


"I'm not too sure about that. You may need to ask Liu Jun to verify the situation, maybe…"    


On the other end, Long Yun paused for a moment before guessing, "Young Master might have been tricked by Boss Liu."    


"No, I believe in Uncle Liu," Wu Tian said before haning up the phone.    


Following that, he hurriedly dialed Liu Jun's number. Even after calling him several time, no one answered his call.    


At this time, at the junkyard of Fengguang Village.    


A BMW X6 parked eye-catchingly in the area.    


The car stopped for about 10 minutes before a bearded man ran over hurriedly. He bowed his head and shouted towards the car, "Boss Liu…"    


As the door of the BMW opened, a middle-aged man weaing a suit stepped out from the back seat.    


This man was the chairman of the Liu Group, Liu Jun — also known as Uncle Liu by Wu Tian. Having been in the market for so long, he emitted a domineering presence of a veteran.    


"Boss Liu, I might not be able to handle a matter this big," The bearded man lowered his head and carefully reported.    



"Trash, you can't even handle such a small matter," Liu Jun cursed as his entire body was covered in rage.    


"This time, I met a tough opponent. The villagers of Fengguang Village are all very unruly, and we even fought with them yesterday."    




Liu Jun bellowed — pointed at the big bearded man — and cursed again, "I asked you to negotiate for the demolition. Who the hell allowed you to fight the villagers?"    


"I originally wanted to scare the villagers. I didn't expect that they really weren't afraid of death. In the end…"    


"Did you injure any of them?"    


"I injured a man."    


"You are courting death." Hearing that, Liu Jun instantly flew into a rage. He raised his hand and was about to slap the bearded man.    


At this moment, the secretary rushed over to report, "Boss Liu, all the villagers have gathered at the demolition office. This situation is currently a little out of control, so the director wants you to go over quickly."    


"I'll deal with you when I get back," Liu Jun said menacingly to the bearded man. "Come, follow me to resolve this issue."    


With that said, he rushed over to the demolition office in a flustered manner.    


The front door had already been surrounded by a crowd of villages, so he had no choice but to lead the bearded man around the back door.    


The moment he walked into the office, Liu Jun's eyes lit up.    


He noticed Wu Tian coming out of the bathroom, talking through the phone and fuming with utter rage.    


"Wait, why is Wu Tian here?"    


Liu Jun was about step forward to greet Wu Tian, but the bearded man behind him whispered, "Boss Liu, that's the person we injured yesterday."    




Hearing that, Liu Jun was so shocked that his eyeballs popped out of its sockets as his jaws crashed to the ground.    


He did not expect that the demolition team he sent actually ended up injuring Wu Tian.    


At this moment, he felt as if a flood of water had washed away his entire being.    




Unable to hold back his anger, Liu Jun raised his hand and slapped the bearded man heavily in the face, "You stupid pig, who told you to injure him?!"    


"We acted impulsive back then. Moreover, our men were also beaten up by this brat," the bearded man tried to defend himself.    


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