Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C219 Honeysuckle

C219 Honeysuckle



Wu Tian sneezed several times as he walked out of the hospital. He suspected that someone was cursing him behind his back and saying bad things about him.    


However, this was not the case. The Liu siblings were currently talking about him. But all they could see of him was his merits.    


The moment he walked out of the hospital, he received a call from Liu Jun.    


As soon as the call connected, Liu Jun asked with concern: "Tian, how are your injuries?"    


"What injury?" Wu Tian didn't know how to react to the strange question.    


"I heard that someone injured your right leg a few days ago. I was out on a business trip and couldn't come to see you, so I specifically told Yueyao to come take care of you."    


"You're talking about that." Only then did Wu Tian remember.    


"How's the leg wound? Has it recovered?"    


"Uncle Liu, I have something to tell you, don't be angry."    


"What is it?"    


"Actually, my leg wasn't injured at all."    


"Not injured?" On the other end, Liu Jun's tone clearly sounded surprised, "I clearly heard that you were seriously injured, and the thugs that hit you were sent by Geng Yunguang."    


"I pretended to be hurt on purpose to deceive Geng Yunguang." Wu Tian recounted in detail what had happened.    


There was no need to hide these things from Uncle Liu. He could completely tell Uncle Liu the truth.    


So far, Uncle Liu is his trusted partner and also a friend worth dating.    


"Good boy, you're quite capable. So this matter was actually fake. Even I believed it to be true." After Liu Jun said this, he raised his head and laughed out loud.    


"At that time, Geng Yunguang knew he was tricked by me. He was so angry that his face turned ugly and he almost died from anger."    


"It's possible that even in his dreams, Geng didn't expect that after decades of doing business, he would be deceived by your lies …" After Liu Jun said this, he couldn't help laughing out again.    


"Uncle Liu." Wu Tian remembered something else as he told Liu Jun, "Don't ever tell Yueyao about my fake leg injury. I'm afraid she's angry."    


"Don't worry, I promise I won't tell Yueyao about this."    


"That's good."    


"Kid, you seem to care a lot about our Yueyao."    


Wu Tian chuckled dryly and quickly changed the topic: "Did you have something to talk to me about?"    


"Yeah, I almost forgot about the important matter."    


Liu Jun stopped smiling and said seriously: "I've already helped you with the procedures for the P30 land block."    


"Thank you, Uncle Liu, thank you for your hard work." Wu Tian hurriedly thanked him.    


"There's no need to be courteous between us. Furthermore, I have an investment as well." After Liu Jun said this, he asked again: "P30 is a mixed commercial and residential land, how do you plan to use this land?"    


"There's no hurry. I'll go check the land first, and then I'll study it carefully. Is Uncle Liu free right now?"    


"I have time."    


"Alright, let's go look at that piece of land now." After Wu Tian said this, he hung up the phone.    


Then, he got Uncle Fugui to drive him to the P30 plot.    


P30 was only the code name for the auction, and this land was located in the suburbs, close to Fragrant Honey Lake. This plot of land had great potential for development.    


When Wu Tian arrived, he found Liu Jun already waiting at the entrance of the plot and was getting someone to do a detailed survey of the block.    


"You have a good eye, this plot of land does have a lot of potential." Liu Jun couldn't help but praise Wu Tian the moment he saw him.    


"This land has a lot of potential, but it might not be easy to earn money in the short term." After Wu Tian said this, he changed his tone and said, "But in the long run, this is a land of great fortune and the future is limitless."    


"What are you going to do with the land?"    


"This land is close to the Fragrant Honey Lake, let's name it the Fragrant Honey Lake Land." Wu Tian turned around and looked around, and suggested, "I think we should focus on slowly developing it in the early stage, until the surrounding areas are fully mature, then we can vigorously develop it."    


"What do you think?"    


"The business in this area is very fragmented. I think it's better to build a business street here." Wu Tian thought for a while and suggested.    


"Good idea." Liu Jun nodded in agreement: "I agree with you."    


"Also, we need to build an integrated business street to highlight the industrial layout of this area."    


"You think the same as me."    


"Alright, let Uncle Liu handle the details."    


"No." Liu Jun waved his hand and refused: "This time, I won't do anything, you handle the matter personally."    


"Let me handle it?"    




"But I've never dealt with real estate before. I don't know anything about it."    


"It doesn't matter. You can learn slowly and accumulate experience slowly."    


"Uncle Liu, you are purposely making things difficult for me!" Wu Tian smiled bitterly as he shook his head. He didn't expect Uncle Liu to throw this mess to him.    


"Tian, I believe in your ability." Liu Jun patted Wu Tian's shoulder and encouraged him with a smile.    



His intention was simple. He wanted Wu Tian to join the real estate industry.    


"But I …"    


Wu Tian was not interested in real estate. After taking the land, he mainly wanted to use Uncle Liu to develop it.    


He didn't expect Uncle Liu to let him handle this matter, it really gave him a headache.    


He was busy making a mobile phone system, and he needed time to learn, so he didn't have the energy to do real estate.    


But before he finished, he was interrupted by Liu Jun: "I'll leave the things here to you. If you need anything from me, just give me a call."    


Finished speaking, he turned around and got into the BMW, driving away.    


"Liu …"    


Wu Tian still wanted to stop Liu Jun, but he realized that the car had already left his sight, leaving only a thick cloud of exhaust behind.    


It seemed like Uncle Liu was determined to give this mess to him, so he could only accept it.    


Everything was difficult at the beginning, and many things were not difficult as long as they were straightened out.    


Real estate was both simple and difficult. As long as he put his heart into it, it would be easy to earn money.    


However, Wu Tian didn't have the time to think about so much at the moment. If he did everything personally, he would die of exhaustion sooner or later.    


After thinking for a moment, he took out his phone and called Jiang Wan, asking him to come over immediately for Fragrant Honey Lake. He had something urgent to discuss with him.    


Not long after he finished his call, he saw Jiang Wan rushing over, "Tian, why are you looking for me in such a hurry? What's the matter?"    


Maybe it was too hot when he was on the bus, but now he was tired and sweating.    


"Look at the land behind me. How do you feel?" Wu Tian didn't answer in a hurry, but asked this question.    


"It's very big."    


Jiang Wan thought for a long time before giving this answer as he still didn't understand Wu Tian's intention in asking this question.    


"If I gave you this land, what would you do?"    


"I …"    


Jiang Wan scratched his head and thought for a while before saying, "If I have such a land, I'll build tall buildings on it and sell it for money."    


"Alright, from now on, this land belongs to you."    


Jiang Wan widened his eyes in shock. He didn't understand what Wu Tian meant.    


Wu Tian pursed his lips and smiled, pointed at the open space and said, "This is the land I spent 100 million on, I'm going to develop the real estate."    


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