Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C516 Recuperating Injury

C516 Recuperating Injury

0"Scoundrel!" Blanche rolled her eyes slightly and turned her head to the right. Her face turned even redder.    


"Oh right, Miss Bu, you look very skilled when you're feeding water. Do you often feed water like this to other men?"    


"Don't talk nonsense." Blanche's face darkened as she angrily retorted, "I've never fed water to a man with my mouth before. You're the first one."    


"Is that so?"    


"Of course." Blanche rubbed her slightly flushed cheeks and said seriously, "You're the first man who hugged me and touched my body to look at me. You're also the first man who kissed me."    


"Then, I am truly honored …" Wu Tian grinned after saying that.    


"What's so funny." Blanche rolled her eyes slightly and tried asking, "Do you have a girlfriend?"    


"Not yet."    


"Alright!" Blanche nodded. "Then what kind of girl do you like?"    


The current Blanche didn't look like a princess at all. She was no different from an ordinary girl and was now interested in boys' privacy.    


"A beautiful, kind, clean girl like you." Wu Tian casually gave an answer.    


However, these words caused Blanche to feel extremely warm. It was as if her heart was struck by a secret. She continued to ask, "Then, do you think it's better if it's Miss China or our Char Country's girls?"    


"This isn't a good evaluation, just like how both Chinese and Western cuisines are delicious. Each of them has their own unique characteristics and can't be compared when placed together."    


"I agree with you. If you can survive this ordeal, I want you to stay in our country. I can give you the highest rights and wealth."    


"We'll talk about it later." Wu Tian didn't give his answer, this wasn't the time to think about it.    


If he could really get out, then he would naturally not go to the Char Country to live in it. Even if he had more wealth and authority, he would still not easily emigrate.    


Because he loved China, and deeply loved his homeland. He would never abandon this place which he was born and raised in his entire life.    


Moreover, he still had many things to do in the China, and also had many missions to complete. Even for the sake of the clan, he would not leave this fertile land called China.    


"Alright, let's talk about this after we leave." Blanche also felt that it was too early to talk about this, so she decided not to press the issue.    


"Have you ever thought about what would happen if we were stuck here and couldn't get out of here for the rest of our lives?"    


"Then you can only resign yourself to your fate. If you can't, then I'll accompany you and have a passionate love affair."    


"Good idea."    


"However, I still hope to get out. After all, I still have many unfulfilled wishes. For example …"    


At this point, Blanche's expression suddenly became gloomy.    


She raised her head and looked at the blue sky outside the canyon. She was stunned for a long time before she regained her senses. Then, she lowered her head to look at Wu Tian, "Take good care of yourself. When you're almost done, we'll go find the exit together."    


"Alright!" Wu Tian smiled and didn't say anything else.    


Over the next few days, Wu Tian laid down here to recuperate. Blanche meticulously took care of him and served him food and drinks. She was especially careful.    


Ever since the beast's right eye had been injured, it had never appeared again. The entire canyon was extremely peaceful.    


After a few days of recuperation, Wu Tatian's injuries had recovered and his physical strength had gradually recovered. He was able to stand up and walk independently.    


The main thing was that his internal organs still ached slightly. Although his back was severely injured, those were only superficial wounds.    


"Slow down." Blanche hurried forward and held Wu Tian's arm, afraid that the man would trip and fall.    


"It's fine, I can walk by myself." Wu Tian pushed Blanche away and tried to walk forward carefully.    


He lay on the ground for several days, not walking for a long time. His bones were stiff and stiff.    


But he quickly got used to it. After a few steps, he turned around and said to Blanche, "I'm almost fine. There's no problem with walking."    


"That's good, but you still have to be careful not to fall. If you have anything you want me to do, then just do it." Blanche said worriedly.    


"You've been helping me pee these past few days, so I'm sorry."    


She coughed. Blanche's face instantly flushed red when she mentioned peeing.    


During this period of time, she couldn't help but see things she shouldn't have. This almost made her die of shame. She had lived for so long, but this was the first time she saw a man's privacy.    


"Right." Seeing Blanche being so shy, Wu Tian took the initiative to change the topic, "Thank you for taking care of me during this period of time."    


"You risked your life to save me, so it's only right that I take care of you."    


"Come, let's go find an exit now."    


"Your injuries haven't completely healed yet. You should rest for a while longer!"    


"There's no time. I'm afraid that if that beast comes out again after I recuperate, we'll be in trouble."    


"Alright!" Blanche thought that was reasonable. If the beasts appeared again, they would all be dead.    


During this period of time, they had been on tenterhooks, afraid that the wild beast would come out again.    


"Come, let's take a look over there." With that, Wu Tian dragged his weak body towards the woods.    


Blanche quickly followed and held Wu Tian's arm, afraid that the man would fall down.    


The two of them walked around the forest and headed north along the river. They didn't stop until they arrived at the stone wall by the river.    


There were several large springs on the wall, and the water came out of them and eventually gathered into a small river.    


In the northwest direction of the river, the two once again discovered several corpses.    


These corpses were obviously bitten to death by wild beasts. Their flesh had already been cleanly chewed by the beasts, leaving only bones.    



Looking at the shocking scene, Blanche felt her scalp tingling and cold sweat trickling down her back.    


Just like these people, she was almost eaten by wild beasts, leaving only bones behind.    


"Seems like this wild beast has killed quite a few people." Wu Tian's heart ached as he looked at the pile of bones.    


To be honest, they had never seen such a ferocious beast before. Who knew how many innocent civilians it had hurt.    


"Who are these people? Why did it appear here? " Blanche couldn't help but ask this question once again.    


"I don't know."    


Wu Tian shook his head. He couldn't understand why these people would come here to die.    


However, he was now certain that the Eight-Diagram Mountain Canyon was indeed very dangerous, and the greatest danger inside was that wild beast that could not be pierced by swords and spears. To ordinary people, this was definitely a nightmare.    


"Our helicopter crashed and fell into the canyon from high altitudes. These people must have come in from somewhere, and they must have come through the exit." Blanche frowned as she analyzed.    


He had to admit that this woman was indeed very smart. Her thoughts were very clear, and her analysis of the problem was also very straightforward.    


"Makes sense." Wu Tian nodded in approval, "As long as we know where these people came from, we can leave from that road."    


"But these people are all dead. How are we supposed to find the exit?"    


"Yeah!" Wu Tian sighed, "There are too many tunnel in the canyon. If we continue to search like this, we don't know when we'll find the exit."    


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