Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C123 Too Rich

C123 Too Rich



Lin Weiwei shook her head and said with a smile, "I believe you're not that kind of person. You wouldn't do those dirty things."    


"Thank you for trusting me so much, then don't drink so much." Wu Tian raised his glass and clinked it with Lin Weiwei's, then drank all the beer in the cup.    


Lin Weiwei followed suit and gulped down the beer, coughing up the beer in two gulps. It was a painful look on her face.    


"Stop drinking." Wu Tian snatched the wine cup away with a bit of heartache and quickly handed the tissue over.    


Lin Weiwei coughed for a long time before she awkwardly pursed her lips. "I was really humiliated just now. I've let you down."    


"People who drink for the first time do." Wu Tian grinned. In order to dissolve the awkwardness in Lin Weiwei's heart, he took the initiative to change the topic, "I have nothing to do in the afternoon. I'll accompany you for a walk."    


After saying that, he stood up and made a gesture of 'please'.    


"Uh, alright then!" Lin Weiwei couldn't find a reason to reject Wu Tian, and she was also willing to accompany Wu Tian out shopping.    


Just like that, she followed him out.    


This was the first time she was accompanying a boy in shopping. For some reason, she felt some anticipation in her heart, but it was unknown what she was looking forward to.    


The two of them strolled around the street a few times without speaking to each other. However, they both felt extremely relaxed in their hearts.    


When they arrived at the entrance of a clothing store, Wu Tian suddenly stopped. He turned around and suggested to Lin Weiwei, "How about I buy clothes for you?"    


Every time he looked at Lin Weiwei, she seemed to be wearing very old clothes. The clothes on her body had obviously already lost their color and she was reluctant to throw them away.    


Obviously, this girl was usually very thrifty and would definitely not be willing to spend money on her. That was why Wu Tian had such a thought.    


"Thank you for your kind intentions. No need." She didn't want Wu Tian to waste so much money on her.    


"There's no need to be polite between us. Let's go, I'll buy clothes for you." Wu Tian took the lead and walked towards the specialty store without any further explanation.    


Lin Weiwei pondered silently before following him in.    


However, she couldn't help but let her imagination run wild: Why did Wu Tian accompany her shopping, and even bring her here to buy clothes?    


Could it be that Wu Tian wanted to woo her?    


If the boy confessed to her, would she agree?    


As Lin Weiwei thought about this, she could feel her face getting redder and redder. Even her breathing became a little ragged.    


Wu Tian naturally didn't know Lin Weiwei's true thoughts at this moment. He only wanted to bring this girl to buy a few sets of clothes.    


As the two of them walked into the clothing store, they noticed that a few salespeople at the door seemed to be ignoring them. Their eyes were clearly filled with contempt.    


In their eyes, Wu Tian and Lin Weiwei were no different from beggars. They looked down on such people.    


Wu Tian didn't mind the attitude of the sales representative. He took Lin Weiwei into the clothing store and walked a few rounds around.    


Finally, he stopped in front of a shelf with a short skirt hanging on it. He pointed at the short skirt and said to the salesperson, "Bring me this dress. We want to try it out."    


"Don't waste your time. Even if you try, you won't be able to buy it." One of the tall salesmen said ruthlessly, looking down on them.    


"How do you know we can't afford it?" Wu Tian asked in an aggressive tone.    


He hated these people the most. They treated the rich as if they were their lords, and the common people as if they were not human beings.    


The tall salesperson crossed her arms as she spoke in a disdainful tone, "Do you know what kind of dress this is?"    


"I don't know."    


"You look like a country bumpkin who's never seen the world." The salesperson pointed at the skirt and introduced, "This is a custom-made version with a global limit. The price is $30,000."    


She purposely emphasized the word "dollar" in order to show the value of her clothes.    


"Oh my god!"    


Upon hearing this price, Lin Weiwei couldn't help but exclaim. She didn't expect that such a dress would cost 30,000 beauties and more than 180,000 yuan.    


She had been to a lot of shopping malls in the past, but this was the first time she saw such expensive clothes. It was really scary.    


She reached out her hand to tug on Wu Tian's arm and whispered, "The clothes here are too expensive, let's go."    


"You two country bumpkins, you should leave quickly. Don't embarrass yourself here." The tall salesman coldly snorted. His words were like an ice-cold bayonet.    


"I'll buy it."    


Wu Tian tilted his head up confidently.    


Forget about 180,000, he wouldn't be stingy even if it was 1.8 million.    


Naturally, he could not allow the woman beside him to be humiliated in vain. No matter what, he had to get back some face for Lin Weiwei.    




"Hahahaha …"    


Hearing this, a few salespeople in the store couldn't help but laugh out loud, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.    


After a round of mockery, the tall salesperson sarcastically said, "With a bumpkin like you wearing shabby clothes and smelling like copper, how are you going to buy it?"    


"Here you go!"    


Wu Tian took out his bank card and slapped it on the table. "Cut the crap, just swipe my card."    


"You act pretty good, do you have money in your bank account?"    


"Do you want me to check it out for you?"    



"Check, check it out!" The sales clerk pointed at the card and shouted, "If the card costs one hundred and eighty thousand yuan, I'll eat it in public."    


She was certain that this brat in front of her was a pauper. Not to mention one hundred and eighty thousand yuan, he might not even be able to pay her eighty thousand yuan.    


"Alright, just wait." Wu Tian was too lazy to waste time on nonsense. He directly took out his phone and dialed the bank service number. At the same time, he switched on his phone.    


Soon, he heard the customer service assistant's voice over the phone, "Respected guest, your current balance is one hundred and forty-nine million."    




After hearing the balance of the account, the salesperson was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.    


Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that this brat in front of him had a balance of nearly 150 million.    


Oh my god, over a hundred million. This is such a f * cking wealthy person.    


All the salespeople in the store were shocked by the balance of the card. Everyone's expression was exaggerated to the point that it was somewhat distorted.    


Who would have thought that such a young, mediocre boy would have so much money?    


Those salespeople couldn't smile at all. They stared at Wu Tian as if they were looking at a monster.    


They had seen plenty of rich people, and billionaires at such a young age were definitely few and far between.    


They had previously mocked this brat as a poor bumpkin. However, they didn't know that this brat could casually take out his bank card and have over a hundred million.    


The salesmen felt as if their faces had been slapped. Their faces alternated between shades of green and white, while their expressions became extremely unsightly.    


This was probably their worst mistake.    


Who would have thought that such a mediocre youth would be an extremely wealthy man?    


They wouldn't have believed it if they hadn't heard the balance in the bank card.    


Even Lin Weiwei was shocked by the balance in her bank account as she stared at Wu Tian with wide eyes.    


She knew Wu Tian was very rich, but she didn't expect him to be this rich.    


Oh my god, the balance was over a hundred million.    


What kind of concept was this?    


For ordinary people, it was simply an astronomical figure.    


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