Co-renting Immortal Doctor

C23 Mr. Tang

C23 Mr. Tang

0As Han Feng spoke, his hawk-like eyes fiercely swept across Wang Hui and the others, causing them to feel a chill down their spines. They stood there blankly, not daring to move. Wang Hui and the others suddenly had a premonition that they would die. Their legs were trembling.    


Han Feng was too strong. An ordinary person might not even be able to get close to him, even if there were twenty of them against him alone. Even Boss was afraid of him. Blondie was personally witness to his strength.    


But Han Feng, despite being superior, was apologizing respectfully to Tang Yu.    


This time, he had gotten himself into trouble, and it was a huge problem!    


As for the robber who had robbed Lu Xiaoyue earlier, he looked like he was about to faint. Back then, when he saw the boy's tattered clothes, he thought that he was very weak. But now, he was clearly very powerful.    


If he had known of this earlier, he wouldn't have done that. Now, he started to hate himself. It was all his fault. He had taken on such a job for only two thousand dollars, and in the end, he had caused himself so much trouble!    


"You gotta be kidding me! That's Brother Hui, a capable subordinate of the Hall Master of the Dragon Tiger Hall. He's also the Branch Leader of the University Town branch. Was he just slapped? And his underlings beaten half to death?"    


"What? Don't you see it's Han Feng? He is very strong. Wang Hui is just like a baby in front of him, powerless to fight back. Brother Han is an extraordinary figure!"    


"I think the young man in tattered slippers is the most powerful, though. Brother Han even beat up Brother Hui, only to please that young man!"    


The surrounding people were discussing among themselves animatedly. They were confused about Tang Yu's identity.    


Seeing this, Mu Qingxue, who was standing beside Tang Yu, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. She looked at Tang Yu with mixed feelings. Her heart was filled with both joy and disappointment. All of this had happened too suddenly.    


She had imagined the worst outcome, but she had never thought that things would turn out like this. She had seen Xia Wentao's bodyguards on TV, but she had never thought that such a person would come to curry favor with Tang Yu!    


Tang Yu looked at Han Feng and ignored him. He held Mu Qingxue's little hand and slowly walked to Blondie, looking down at him. "You said you wanted to beat me half to death and then break one of my legs, right?"    


When he heard Tang Yu talking to him, Blondie shivered. He instinctively stepped back and kept a distance from Tang Yu.    


"Mr. Tang, I really didn't know who you are. I will leave with my men now." Blondie stammered, trembling with fear. He stared at Tang Yu.    


For some reason, he instinctively felt fear when facing the young man.    


"Did I say you can leave?"    


Tang Yu stared at Blondie and said, "Just now in front of everyone, you wanted to rape this woman next to me. What you did has already traumatized her. You smashed her cellphone, then trashed the store. Don't you have anything to say?"    


"Mr. Tang, I will pay for all of it!" Blondie said in a hurry.    


Tang Yu nodded. He looked at the shop owner hiding behind in the distance and said, "The products in your convenience store are all damaged. You can estimate the price."    


The shop owner hurriedly said, "No need, really, you don't need to pay. It's only fifty thousand..."    


Although he was very grateful that Tang Yu was asking for money on his behalf, how could he accept the money from Brother Hui? If he did, Brother Hui would kill him after Tang Yu left.    


Tang Yu understood the owner's dilemma and said, "Don't worry. I will keep an eye on this matter. If he dares to cause trouble for you again, I will make sure he regrets it."    


The store owner looked at Tang Yu with gratitude and said, "Thank you, Mr. Tang."    


Blondie's heart was about to explode from anger. That was fifty thousand yuan. He may be a man of reputation, but he didn't have so much money! He spent all of it drinking and hanging out with his friends.    


But Tang Yu was staring him down. He could not play any tricks in front of gim. He hurriedly took out a card and handed it to Tang Yu. He said in horror, "There is fifty thousand inside. Please take it..."    


Tang Yu handed the card to the owner and said, "Go and check the money inside yourself. If it is not enough, tell me."    


Once the shop owner took the card, he kept thanking him excitedly. He looked at Tang Yu, his eyes full of respect and awe.    


Tang Yu continued, "Okay, we still need another thing. You smashed Xue's phone. You have to pay for it. Buying a phone costs a few thousand dollars. You have to compensate, no?"    


Hearing Tang Yu address her so intimately and feeling his big, warm hand holding hers, Mu Qingxue's pretty face turned slightly red and her heart warmed. She did not expect Tang Yu to remember clearly the matter of her phone being broken.    


Now Blondie really wanted to curse. Was Mu Qingxue's phone even worth more than a hundred dollars? And yet Tang Yu was asking for five thousand dollars from him. Despite protesting the idea in his mind, he did not dare refute the money. He wasn't afraid of Tang Yu, but Han Feng was right beside him!    


"Also... You bought a box of Durex from the shop. Twelve yuan, and you haven't paid the bill yet. You have to pay for that too."    


Tang Yu did not care about the fire in Blondie's eyes. He continued, "More importantly, Xue has been seriously frightened. What if she is seriously disturbed mentally in future? You should pay hundreds of thousands of yuan for her medical expenses, no?"    


Listening to him, the surrounding people took a deep breath. He was indeed a powerful figure. Everyone knew that Tang Yu was extorting money from him, but none of them felt that it was a bad thing.    


After all, everyone saw what had happened.    


Han Feng looked at Tang Yu with a shocked face. He knew that Tang Yu had some insight into medicine, but he didn't expect the man to be so bold.    


From beginning to end, he didn't see any trace of fear in Tang Yu's eyes, as if victory was within his grasp. Could it be that he had already known that Han Feng would come and solve the problem?    


Han Feng shook his head. That was absolutely impossible. Still, Tang Yu was definitely not ordinary. He had to treat him with respect.    


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