Super Dragon Cultivation System

C2 The System Is Upgrading Fast.

C2 The System Is Upgrading Fast.

0[Second Beginner Mission: Constructing a castle. You need to use 300 gold coins to construct the essential buildings of the dragon's nest.]    


Another radiant light illuminated the area as the base camp suddenly upgraded into a castle.    


[Congratulations on completing the mission. You have obtained 20 experience points and 200 gold coins.]    


[Congratulations on leveling up. Current rank: Novice Warrior.]    


Suddenly, tremendous amounts of power much stronger than what he felt before circulated through Zhang Xing's six-year-old body.    


Clenching his fists tightly, his confidence soared greatly as he felt like he oculd easily take on and defeat ten ordinary humans.    


In the midst of his excitement, he figured that it would be able to rise up the first few ranks quite quickly.    


[Third Beginner Mission: Construct the Level 1 Dragon's Nest. You'll need to use 400 gold coins to hatch the dragon egg.]    


A patch of march suddenly appeared on the west side of the castle as a stone cave rose up in the middle of the marshland.    


[Congratulations on completing the mission. You have obtained 30 experience points and 300 gold coins. Gold coins remaining: 1700.]    


[Congratulations on leveling up. Current rank: Intermediate Warrior.]    


Zhang Xing exclaimed in excitement, "Aren't I leveling up a bit too fast?"    


"With my current strength, I can probably kill a tiger with a single punch!"    


[Fourth Beginner Mission: Choose a random dragon egg to hatch. This mission does not require any gold coins.]    


At that instant, a two meter tall fruit machine suddenly appeared in the air. Though it showed a total of 24 grids, only half of them were filled with dragon eggs while the other half were empty.    


In other words, he had a 50% chance of winning.    


"What if I don't win?"    


[Then, you'll have to do side quests to earn more chances to draw the dragon eggs.]    


Then why don't you just give me an egg? Why do you need to go through so much trouble?    


Zhang Xing cupped his palms together and prayed to the God of Fortune while cursing the system in his heart. Then, he pressed the start button.    


As the light shifted around the grids, it finally landed on the one with a black dragon egg.    


"I got it! I'm pretty lucky today!" Zhang Xing shouted happily.    


At that moment, an oval black egg in the size of a basketball appeared on the ground.    


[Island Master, congratulations on obtaining a black dragon egg!]    


[Island Master, please place the dragon egg on the dragon's nest for it to hatch.]    


With a single thought, Zhang Xing transported the dragon egg into the stone cave of the marshlands.    


"System, how long will it take for the dragon to hatch?"    


[One day is enough.]    


What an amazing system! According to some of the novels he read in his previous life, it would usually take several hundred years for a dragon egg to hatch.    


Of course, it was a different story if he was capable enough.    


A day passed in the blink of an eye as Zhang Xing impatiently entered back into the Dragon Island.    


His timing was perfect as the dragon was just about to hatch the instant he entered the island.    


At that time, the shell of the dragon egg was covered with tiny cracks all over.    


Zhang Xing stared at the dragon egg nervously.    


In the next second, the eggshell shattered as a young black dragon appeared in front of him.    


It then shook its body a few times to get rid of the sticky substance covering its body before slowly expanding its body.    


[Island Master, congratulations on completing the mission. You have obtained 40 experience points and 400 gold coins.]    


"Why didn't I level up?"    


Opening up his attribute panel, Zhang Xing noticed that it required 100 experience points to level up into an Advanced Warrior.    


"Well... this is just the beginning. I shouldn't rush things."    


At that moment, the system continued speaking.    


[Magic Talent activated. Current rank: Apprentice Mage. Experience points: 0/20.]    


[Initiating Magic Mission. Feed the young dragon with a Devil Flower Fruit. One fruit is equivalent to one experience point.]    


[Young Dragon, Experience Points: 0/10.]    


[You can buy the seeds of the Devil Flower Fruit from the System Store.]    


Devil Flower Fruit?    


Old Man Lee had more than thirty Devil Flower Fruits. Although those aristocrats and nobles did not care about such low-quality fruits, the poor nevertheless treated them as treasure.    


He would go out and take a look a things later before stealing another Devil Flower Fruit from Old Man Lee.    


With the addition of his talent for magic, he was now both a warrior and a mage. This was far too amazing!    


At first, he thought that the system would make him into a dragon warrior of some sort. Thus, he had already prepared himself to wield a large battle-ax as a legendary dragon warrior.    


He certainly did not expect the system to bless him with the prestigious identity of a mage.    



In summary, Zhang Xing currently needed to upgrade his buildings, level up as both a warrior and a mage, and get enough fruits to level up his dragon. These tasks weren't too troublesome.    


At this time, a rather cute voice jolted Zhang Xing awake from his thoughts.    


Before he realized, a half-meter tall, dark-skinned child appeared in front of him.    


Zhang Xing was naturally stunned. Where did the little dragon go? Why did this child come from?    


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