Godly System Moralizes the World



0Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Xiao Wu all let out a breath of relief. When Ning Fengzhi saw the four of them, his heart skipped a beat, but he did not show it on his face.    


"Interesting, it seems like the relationship between Oscar and Ning Rongrong is not shallow. I'm afraid Ning Fengzhi will have a headache." Liu Tie also noticed the changes in the expressions of the four people and snickered in his heart.    


As for Tang San and Xiao Wu, he was too lazy to care. After all, he had already married A Yin, who had transformed into a hundred thousand year Soul Beast, and there was no reason for him to stop Tang San and Xiao Wu from being together.    


Just as they were talking and laughing, Great Emperor Snow Night, who was not far from where the people from the Shrek Academy were, suddenly stood up and walked over to where the people from the Shrek Academy were.    


In the audience stands, everyone looked over when they saw Great Emperor Snow Night's actions. As for the competition in the arena, not many people paid attention to it.    


Originally, the preliminaries were being held, and the strength of the participating academies were mixed. After Yang Lin's shocking performance just now, the spectators in the audience didn't have much interest in the two sides fighting in the arena.    


On the contrary, Great Emperor Snow Night, who was in charge of the Celestial Dou Empire, suddenly walked towards the people of the Shrek Academy.    


After all, it was Team Two of Tianliu Academy that had been dealt with just now like how Yang Lin chopped melons and vegetables!    


From a certain point of view, Yang Lin's and the previous performance of the people from the Shrek Academy had undoubtedly slapped the face of this Celestial Dou Empire Overlord!    


"Senior Xiao, Hao Tian Dou Roc, Sect Master Ning, and Master Ning." After Great Emperor Snow Night walked in front of the people from the Shrek Academy, he did not scold them like the others had imagined. Instead, he smiled and greeted Xiao Tian and the others.    


"Great Emperor Snow Night," Ning Fengzhi, Tang Hao, and Yu Xiaogaang still gave face to the Celestial Dou Empire Master, nodding towards Great Emperor Snow Night, greeting him.    


As for Xiao Tian, he nodded slightly and didn't say anything.    


Great Emperor Snow Night didn't think much of it. With Xiao Tian's status and strength, he didn't have the qualifications to be ostentatious in front of Xiao Tian. He cupped his hands towards Great Emperor Snow Night, and Great Emperor Snow Night's gaze fell on Yang Lin.    


"General Yang, when will you be back?" Great Emperor Snow Night looked at Yang Lin and said seriously.    


Yang Lin had been in the army for five years, experiencing no less than a thousand battles of varying sizes. But in that five years of time, no one had ever seen Yang Lin release his Soul Ring, with just his Soul-breaking Spear, Yang Lin had already earned a huge reputation on the battlefield of Celestial Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire.    


Originally, Great Emperor Snow Night only wanted to keep Yang Lin as a favor to him in the army, so that he could ask him to help when necessary.    


However, after seeing Yang Lin's four Soul Ring s, Great Emperor Snow Night truly wanted to keep Yang Lin in the army. Not to mention the relationship between Yang Lin and Xiao Tian, just Yang Lin's own strength was enough for Great Emperor Snow Night to show goodwill and rope him in.    


Although it was possible for him to recruit Titled Dou Roc with his status, the talent Yang Lin displayed was too astonishing. In Great Emperor Snow Night's opinion, Yang Lin would definitely surpass most Titled Dou Roc in the future, and thus, he would definitely not suffer a loss if he were to win over Yang Lin right now!    


Furthermore, the one standing behind Yang Lin was the only God in the world right now — — Xiao Tian!    


If he could win over Yang Lin, wouldn't that mean that he could win over Xiao Tian as well?    




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