The Queen And The Freak

C13 Chapter 13 - Sweetheart

C13 Chapter 13 - Sweetheart

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




“Wow, it's a miracle that you are up early, Blair. I'm supposed to wake you up because you broke your alarm clock yesterday. But don’t worry. I’ll buy you another one soon.” Marge greeted me as I made my way to reach for the cereal box and get some milk then poured it into my bowl.    


“Well, actually, I didn't wake up early. I didn't sleep... is the right term.” I replied, and I began devouring my cereals.    


“Oh, and what made you wake all night?” She interrogated me and brought the mug to her mouth to drink her morning coffee.    


I'm thinking of a good answer, and happily, I found one. I can't tell her that I haven't slept because I was thinking about a particular blue-eyed girl. So, instead, I told her, “I drank blood yesterday.”    


“Okay. Then that makes your vampire-self fully awake. So, you ought to sleep during your classes today?” She asserted and asked me curiously. Whenever I drink blood, my human form gets weak. And that's why I need a lot of sleep as a human to recharge.    


“Mmm, I will try not to. Especially that the owner of the academy is sitting beside me, and she always keeps an eye on me.” I told her, and I sipped the remaining milk in my bowl.    


“Uhmm. May I ask? What's with the two of you yesterday? She seemed so annoyed and mad at you. I'm surprised that she talks to you. Are you friends or what?” She asked me as she went to the sink to wash her mug. Damn, is that girl really an anti-social being?    


“Well, she started everything,” I answered. And she really did start all the flames back at the bookstore. Or maybe it was me? Damn, maybe it really is me. I should have apologized. But no, it was her fault for being so clumsy.    


“Oh, I see. I never saw her talksh*t with anybody or being bugged by anybody since you came.” She said in disbelief, and I giggled.    


Oh, so everyone has always been treating her like a queen, huh? I kind of feel bad for her, though, because that means she might have a few friends or no friends at all. But she's fun to be with if she will just be herself.    


“Well, I'm just that brave, I guess?” I said proudly and headed to the sink to wash the dishes that I used.    




After talking to Marge, I prepared for school so that I won't be late.    


“See you around, Blair,” she bid me goodbye and drove to school, then I followed.    


Today, I am wearing black jeans, a blue-fit T-shirt, combat boots, and a blood-red zip hoodie jacket. Marge was the one who bought these clothes for me. And she said that I should wear some colorful things and not just all black. I just like black because it's not easily stained, and I think I look good in it. And these craps I’m wearing? I hate them.    


I am driving at 69 and trying not to hit the highway speed limit again. Then I made my way to the school's parking lot.    


And I saw a lovely spot to park my baby that is under a shade of a tree, but there's the coolest red sports car I've ever seen that is about to park. So, I sped up and parked it before the smoky red car could almost park. Then the car honked so loud. Maybe the owner must be very pissed. Hahaha, I don't care. I mess up with everybody who gets in my way. The owner could be some of the elites of this school, but I really don't care. This line is for cars, but my baby could be considered one because it's a 1000cc bike, and it’s a bit huge, honestly.    


I turned the key of my motorbike to turn her off, and then I heard a familiar voice shout while some of the students were slowly gathering around the area.    


I slowly got off my bike and slowly pulled my helmet off of my head. Then I turned my head to look at the pissed off driver of the red car, and I almost got choked by my saliva.    


My face slowly crept into a huge smile when I saw that it's her. She's such a damn rich kid.    


And I saw that she was so shocked to know that it was me, or she's rather stunned because she just stared at me for a while with her mouth slightly open.    


“Oh, hey! Good morning, Sweetheart!” I greeted her with my best smile. Well, I genuinely am so happy to see her today, and I can't help myself from smiling right now. I always smile whenever I see her, or even think of her, and I don't know why.    


I went near her while carrying my helmet in my left hand and my right hand gripping one strap of my backpack.    


“Don't dare get near me or call me sweetheart, you freak.” She sternly warned me while she's still standing at the side of her car with the door opened.    


I raised my left eyebrow at her because I can't raise my right. It was plastered, and it still hurts since last night. Thankfully, Marge didn't ask me about it because she knows that I always get into trouble. And I don’t want to heal it as a vampire to experience more human life. It actually sucks.    


“Oh, really? So, what are you gonna do now? Call your nanny because someone's gonna make you cry?” I jokingly asked as I'm already in front of her and leaving one and a half feet apart. Then I smirked. I really love to see her annoyed face. It’s so adorable.    


“You will pay for this,” she hissed as she glared at the students who gathered around us like watching a fight and making some bets. And automatically, they went in different ways.    


I smiled at the queen and asked, “Uh-huh. So, how much will I pay?”    


She just shook her head, then I added, “1K?” She shook again. “2K?” *shook*, “3K?” *shook and sighed*    


Then I said, “Okay, deal. 4K.” I closed the offer, and she just stared at me in disbelief.    


“Can't you see? I don't need any money from you. I earn my own money. And don't ever think of making a mess with me... again.” She declared with a bit of irritation in her voice.    


“Hmmm. Do you even know the meaning of K yet?” I asked her while smiling so wide.    


“Thousand,” she wittily answered. Damn, why is she so smart, too?    


“Nope!” I replied and popped the 'p'.    


Then she just raised an eyebrow. Why is she so cute? And why do I keep complimenting her every time? Oh, brain, stop adoring her for a while.    


“Do you wanna know?” I asked her while leaning nearer to her ear, and then I whispered before she could say a word, “I know you wanna know.”    


She flinched a little, maybe because I'm almost kissing her cheeks. My face is so near to hers, and why is my heart beating so fudging fast?    


“St-stop it, B-Blair.” She finally found her voice and stammered.    


As she said my name for the second time, my smile grew wider. Then I stepped back from her, making a three feet distance apart.    


“Well, I'm just kidding. See you at the classroom, Sweetheart,” I said, and before I turned around, I winked at her that made her blush even more.    


'She's just so adorable.' I thought to myself. Then I finally made my way to the locker and straight to the classroom.    


It's still so early, and we still have twenty minutes left before the first period to start. So, I decided to sit here for a while and wait for the class to start or wait for something amazing to happen.    


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