The Queen And The Freak

C47 Chapter 47 - Checking Her out

C47 Chapter 47 - Checking Her out

0*Pryce’s Point of View*    




I really don't want to give her the punishment, but I have to follow my academy's policies. And well, she deserves that. Like, she had been called here for more than ten times already. I don't know about her, but she really likes to break the rules. I think it's a perk of being a freak.    


Many weeks have passed, and yet, she didn't take responsibility for her actions.    


Who wouldn't be mad at a person who kisses you and acts like it's just nothing? It's my f*cking first kiss! And it's just like nothing to her? I'm surely gonna kis-- I mean, kill that freak, not for long. Just one of these days. She'll just have to wait.    


I never talked to her after that because she never talked to me about that kiss. Well, I'm really sure that she kissed me. She also avoids me, and I don't care. She's such an irresponsible person.    


I'm just so upset about her cowardliness. And she had been very close with the cheerleaders and that school's photographer.    


Well, I am not jealous of everything she does with other people. No, I want her attention. I want her to notice me and talk to me like before. I want her to say sweet things again and make me smile.    


I miss her so much, but I won't let my guard down. She's the one who should talk about it first. It's not me who kissed her. She's the one who kissed me.    




Moments passed after she had left the office, and I really had the urge to check the freak's work. I'm not gonna check her out. I am going to check her work. And maybe... she'll talk to me about something. Yeah, I'm still hoping that she'll open it up.    


As I came close to the restroom door, I heard people talking. And I know that it's Blair's voice, but I cannot recognize the other one.    


She's talking with someone, and it's a girl. Of course, it's in the girl's restroom. Am I jealous? I'm not. Why would I be? Right?    


I listened to their conversation as I stood near the door. Getting inside while they're there is nothing in my mind, but I really want to hear what they are talking about. I know it's not good, but nobody will know.    


"Have you ever been in love, Blair?" The girl asked, which made Blair stuttered. Whoa, that's an intense question. Now, I'm curious what her answer will be.    


"Alright, can I ask you this question instead? Do you and that school photographer have a thing? Well, you're always together and the couple, Leanne and Andrea." The girl asked again.    


Does she mean Marvy Jennings? No, they're just friends, I know that. But I still need to hear her answer.    


"You mean Marvy?" Blair asked and then laughed out loud.    


And she cleared her throat before speaking again. "Ok, sorry. Nope, that little girl is my friend, and she's straight, well... 90%, I guess."    


See? They're just friends.    


"Alright, just as I knew it. So, is it Miss Winsley?" The girl asked, and I gulped.    


What will Blair say next? And why am I suddenly panicking?    


"Uh, well... Umm. By the way, who's your ex-boyfriend?" Blair asked instead of answering the girl's question.    


"Oh, so, it's her." The girl uttered and didn't answer Blair's question.    


I waited for Blair's reply, and she said, "Well, I can't lie about it."    


My world suddenly stopped, and I tried to understand what I just heard.    


Did I hear it right? Wait... What? After all this time, she loves me? No way!    


I don't know, but I feel so... happy, really truly happy. Woah! How...? Well, damn!    


And the girl seemed ecstatic learning about it.    


Alright, you just made my day, Blair. Why don't you talk to me already? Why do you have to hide and avoid talking to me?    




I immediately walked away from there when I heard that the girl was about to leave.    


Then I acted like I just walked by the restroom, and I saw the girl who came out. She's a junior, I guess.    


She greeted me, and I asked her what made her stay at school so late. It's almost dark now.    


And she said that she had been crying inside because she just broke up with her cheating boyfriend, and she told me that Blair's inside, cleaning up.    


"Alright, bye! And please, next time, choose a trustworthy person. Okay?" I told her, and she nodded her head with a smile, but her eyes were puffy.    


She had said goodbye and stated something before walking away.    


"Try to talk to her, Miss Winsley."    


And she winked at me.    


Alright, after hearing everything about their conversation, I think I got the courage to be nice to the freak.    


She loves me. I still couldn't believe what I just heard.    


Oh, Blair, why are you so freaking dumb after everything that happened? Can we fix it?    


I think I'm ready to talk to her first if she wouldn't.    


I breathed in deeply before I opened the restroom door. And there she is, sitting on the counter.    


I thought she’s cleaning.    


Then she jumped down as soon as she saw me.    


"STOP!!!" She shouted, which shocked me.    


"And why would you stop me from entering my restroom, huh?" I spoke to her, well, a little bit mad.    


She was also surprised and then cleared her throat.    


"Well, uh... They're cleaning. I mean, I am cleaning. And I don't want to... be uh... distracted. Yeah, that's it." She stuttered and showed me a sheepish smile.    


What's wrong with her?    



I looked around inside to check everything, and as I am about to look behind her, she moves side to side to where I am looking so that I cannot get the sight behind her. This freak is really something.    


"What are you hiding?" I asked her, suspiciously, and I tried to look again, but she moved again.    


I gave her a sharp look, and I heard something fall on the floor.    


Alright, should I be scared? I guess not because I am with Blair. I should be happy, just kidding. I wouldn't do anything unnecessary right here.    


I looked at her face, and she looked so pale. Then she closed her eyes. Is she afraid? Is there a ghost in here? Poltergeist? I don't think so.    


"Are you okay?" I asked her and attempted to touch her, but she stepped back.    


There's really something wrong with this girl.    


She just nodded her head and opened her eyes then breathed in deeply.    


"I'm fine. Really fine. Very fine," She uttered, and her skin color went back.    


"Are you sure?" I asked worriedly.    


Well, what if she's not feeling well? It would be my fault, and I can't forgive myself if something bad happens to her. Should I not give her this punishment? It's okay if she won't.    


"Yep, very, really sure. I mean, I'm okay. You wanna use some, uh, you know..." She replied while pointing to some cubicles.    


"No, I'm fine. I'm just checking you out. I mean, checking in here, uh... if you cleaned your... umm, assigned area." I stammered, and she smiled from ear to ear.    


Damnit, how did that slip from my mouth? I think my face turned red, and I should not speak again because I don't know what else to say.    


"Oh, uh... Alright, I just need to finish a few things up, and it's done. Aren't you gonna go home yet?" She uttered and asked.    


Well, I think she is fine here, and she wants me to go home now. I'm not disappointed, okay? No, I need her to talk about us.    


"Blair, I'm sorry if you have to do this punishment, but---" I started, but she cut me off.    


"I understand, don't worry. It's fine. This is just too easy for me. Oh, but it doesn't mean that I am looking for a hard one, alright? This is really okay, it's just that I need to take the consequences of my actions." She explained with a serious face.    


I am not really used to Blair being a serious freak. But did I hear it right? Take the consequences of her actions? She has to be kidding me. A long time has passed, and yet, she didn't take the consequences when she kissed me. F*ck her! This is really a big deal for me. She should have talked about it, even just a little.    


"Okay, so, I guess I should go now. You can leave as long as you are satisfied with your work. Bye!" I told her and turned to leave the place.    


"Take care, Pryce." She said as I walked out.    


Why am I so disappointed when she just called me by my name? Well, it's been a long time since she called me with different names, sweet names.    


I missed you, Blair, and I love you, too. I really do.    




I walked to the parking lot, and I could feel that someone was watching me.    


And as I reached my parked car, I heard some voices of people. Men.    


Oh, no! Are they following me?    


"Here she is, Alpha." The last words I heard before everything around me turned black.    


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