The Queen And The Freak

C36 Chapter 36 - Vulnerable

C36 Chapter 36 - Vulnerable

0*Pryce’s Point of View*    




"Blair, are you sure that you're fine?" I asked her as we went to the parking lot to head home from the party.    


"Yep, so very fine, Baby-blue, I can even have another round of fight right now." She replied, and I just rolled my eyes at her knowing that she's always full of herself.    


"But, is your head fine, Blairie?" Cassie asked her as she looked at Blair, who's about to wear her helmet.    


"Oh, yeah, right! I almost forgot. Can you bring this in your car, Baby-blue? I'll just get it when we get to your house." The freak replied, and she went to open my car's trunk to put her helmet inside.    


"What do you think you are doing, Freak? Drive without a helmet?" I yelled at her, and she flinched. And she was not able to continue her plan of putting it in my trunk.    


Well, I'm having the habit of yelling at her because she is just so freaking stubborn.    


She opened her mouth and then closed it again.    


"Uh, yeah?" She replied, and that's it.    


"Are you f*cking out of your mind, Blair? You want to freaking die?" I yelled again and cursed.    


I swear this girl will be the death of me later or sooner. Even driving a motorbike with full gear is already dangerous; what more if she won't wear a damn helmet?    


Shocked by my words, she bit her lower lip, and I can hear Cassie chuckled. She is surely enjoying this one. And I glared at my best friend, which made her act normal, and cleared her throat.    


And now, it's Blair's turn to laugh at her.    


"What is so funny, huh? Do you think your situation is funny? Do you think you can bring back life once it is gone from you? Do you f*cking care about how much I'm worried about you back there? You don't know how hard it is. You won't know, Blair. Because you're a goddamn numb freak." I raged, and I could feel like I'm about to cry.    


I just remembered when Mom left me. It's so damn hard. It's like I don't know what to do and to think. And that tragic memory is making it so hard for me to breathe now. I just can't imagine what will happen to me if Blair also leaves me. I can feel this deep and unusual connection with her, but I guess she doesn't feel the same. It seems like everything for her is just a joke. Like, come on, life is not a f*cking joke.    


Blair dropped her helmet on the ground and rushed to me then put me inside her embrace. And there, my tears streamed down my face and to her neck.    


"Shh, hey! I'm sorry. Look, I'm totally fine. I'll be fine." She expressed while comforting me, but my tears are still pouring down, and now, I'm sobbing too.    


I'm so weak if I think about death. I don't know, but everything is so hard for me if people I love leave me.    


"I'm not gonna die. And I'm not leaving you, okay?" She uttered and held me by the shoulders to look at me straight into my eyes.    


"You can always call me, and I'll be there, Pryce. I promise." She sincerely said, and it's the first time she said my name. And I can see it through her eyes that she really means it, or I don’t know.    


"Come on, don't cry. Please?" She begged and wiped my cheek with her thumb while she warmly smiled at me.    


"Now, I look like I'm the one who stole your lollipop and made you cry. I should beat myself up for making you cry." She joked, and with that, I smiled while still crying.    


"That's my girl. Come on, I think Sander's already tired and sleepy, and you as well," she mentioned and picked me up in a bridal style that surprised me.    


"What the hell, Blair! Please, put me down, you freak! You'll hurt yourself!" I protested while slapping her chest with my purse. This girl is so unpredictable, and she really is a freak.    


"Don't move if you don't want to fall for me. Open Sesame!" She warned, and I saw Cassie open the passenger seat for us while smiling so wide.    


"Put. Me. Down! In this instance, Freak! I swear I'm gonna ki---sh*t!" I yelled at her as she placed me down in the car seat. I just can't... Ugh!    


"I said don't move if you don't want to fall for me. But no, you still did. I knew it. You're falling for me." She said while smirking like an idiot while wiggling her eyebrows and crossing her arms on her chest.    


And as I realized what she said,    


"F*ck you!" I cursed and threw at her my purse then closed my car door.    


She's... ugh.... she is so... I don't know. I don't know about her. She's like, she's not serious about everything. She's seemed serious one time, and then she's back to being crazy. Geez, is she really playing with my emotions? F*ck this!    


But I'm indeed falling for you, Blair, but I don't know how to tell you because I don't know what to do or what you really feel for me. I’m scared.    


"What did I do?" I read her lips as she made those frustrated moves with her hands. And there, my best friend laughed at her outside the car while clutching her stomach.    


Blair picked up my purse and handed it to Cassie, who's still laughing so hard at her. Then she motioned Cassie to drive the car. I thought my best friend is not sober?    


"So...? How was your little LQ going on? She's so damn head over heels on you, Prycie." Cassie teased as she opened the door and sat on the driver's seat while wearing a knowing smile.    


"What?" I cluelessly asked her, and I saw Blair picked up her helmet then wore it. I thought her head hurts, like, there's still a wound at the back of her head.    


Then she went to her bike and hopped on it. I certainly don’t understand that girl.    


"Are you even listening to me, Prycie?" Cassie snapped at me that made me turn my head to her.    


"Oh, uh... Yeah? What are you saying?" I asked her, and she grinned like an idiot while wiggling her eyebrows.    


Why are these two girls with me so very... I don't know, they seem alike.    


"I said, Blair is a great person, and there's no doubt why you have fallen in love with her," she said, and I think I blushed when she mentioned what she thought of my girl.    


"Uh, yeah… she is," I answered with a smile, and Cassie stepped on the gas. And I saw Blair following behind us.    


Oh, I just love Blair Claudette Kendall the way she is, even if she doesn't feel the same way for me.    


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