The Queen And The Freak

C25 Chapter 25 - Call From Who?

C25 Chapter 25 - Call From Who?

0*Pryce’s Point of View*    




I can't believe it!    


How can she be so close with the academy's real b*tch, Andrea Montgomery? They even ate together during this lunch break. I totally hate them! Ugh!    


Sh*t, I swear that freak is really playing with my emotions.    


I was not in the mood today to talk to her. And now, she's here at the parking lot and standing right in front of my car.    


So, I told her to move along because she's blocking the way.    


She stared at me for a while, maybe in shock that I was so rude to her right now. Well, I don't care. I'm mad at her.    


I went to my car, and as I was about to enter, she also went to the passenger seat and told me that she needs to hide. So, she ended up with me here inside my car.    


What a f*cking awkward situation!    


I composed myself and finally found my voice.    


"Get out of my car. Now!!" I half-yelled. Yeah, I'm a little pissed off. Not so little, but maybe just enough.    


"Umm, just a minute, please?" She begged me with her disgusting but cute puppy dog face. I really want to kiss her right now. Oh, no, what am I thinking? You are mad at her, Pryce, remember? I should be mad.    


"What are you hiding for?" I groaned and rolled my eyes. If I'm not mad at you, maybe I have already kissed you. Oh, shut up, brain.    


"Well, actually, I am avoiding every cheerleader because Maggie is there to find me. So, just bear with me because I can't call Lee or Drea now since they are still at the gym, and Maggie is over... there." She said while pointing to the girls near her motorbike. Hmm, it seems like the girls are desperate to catch Blair and invite her.    


"And why are you avoiding them?" I asked her curiously.    


"They want me to go to tomorrow night's party." She answered while looking at her watch.    


"And why won't you go?" I curiously asked her. Maybe she will go there, and... no, I should think positively.    


"Well, let's say I have an appointment tomorrow night. So, I can't make it." She replied and typed something on her phone. Ugh! Maybe she's texting the blonde bimbo. I hope not.    


"Hmm, and what is your appointment?" Damnit, I'm so nosy.    


"I can't tell you. It's something special, and I'll be very busy." She excitedly replied.    


And why am I sad? Because she is seeing someone and will be having a date. Why am I paranoid? Just stop thinking unnecessary things, Pryce.    


Just make her go out of your car, and you will be at peace again.    


"Okay, I think you can get out now. The girls are gone." I told her, disappointed at the thought that she will go. Oh, for the freak's sake, Pryce, you should think straight. But no, I'm gay for her!    


"Yeah, right. Thanks!" She said and opened the door. And when she was about to close it, "Bye, Honey-bee." She added and hurriedly closed the door as I was about to protest.    


I just can't help but blush. What is that freak doing to me?    


Wait until you are mine, Blair Claudette Kendall.    


'You can barely even ask her to dinner, Pryce.' My brain brought up a disturbing thought, and I groaned, "Just shut the f*ck up, okay? I’ll try again.”    




I slumped myself in my bed, thinking about how I will ask her again for dinner tomorrow night. She didn’t say yes, but she didn’t say no either. She’s seriously making this so damn hard for me.    


She's just so gorgeous. Argh, I should stop thinking about her.    


"I think I'm going crazy. I need a shower before I explode. Yeah, a shower is good," I mumbled and went to the bathroom to do my thing.    


After taking a shower, I noticed that my phone was ringing. I wonder who's calling—but hoping that it's Blair. But it could also be Cassie, Dad, or Ron.    


"Ugh, can't you, brain, stop thinking about her for just a few minutes?" Nope.    


I picked it up and didn't bother to look at who's calling.    


"Hello?" I greeted while drying my hair and put my phone on a loudspeaker.    


"Hey, who's this?" And why is it that nobody is answering the freaking phone? If it's Cassie, she could have already screamed or rumbled anything.    


"Hello?" I said while getting a little bit annoyed.    


Sh*t, the other line is still silent. I looked at the phone number, and it was not registered in my contacts.    


"Who's this?" I yelled, but still, no one was answering. F*ck these people!    


"Don't make fun of me, or else I will surely..." I blurted out, but an angelic voice cut me off. I just knew that it's the freak.    


"Kiss me? Miss me?" She beamed on the other line, and I know that she is grinning like an idiot at this very moment.    


In my dreams, Blair. Yeah, I have kissed you in my dreams so many times.    


"Shut up, Freak! And how did you get my phone number?" I uttered while acting annoyed but still smiling so wide.    


And she laughed.    


“I can't believe it, Honey-bee, you gave it to me yesterday. But this is my second number. And I even texted you last night a 'goodnight' and this morning a 'good morning,' and you have replied to me a 'good morning, too' and---" She answered, but I cut her off, saying, "Enough, okay. I remembered it already."    


"Hey, why are you so hot right now? I mean, not that hot hot, but I mean you are... Umm... fudge it!" She stammered, and I can't help but chuckle at her statement.    


"What? Stop fooling around, Blair." I replied and still grinning.    


"I mean, why are you not in your mood today?" She asked, and I heard that she sighed in relief. She's so adorable.    


"Am I not? I think I was fine." I answered with a little hint of sarcasm. I’m just being the mean girl that I was.    


"Umm, yeah. Ah... so... umm, see you… tomorrow morning?" She asked unsurely.    



I can feel her nervousness even from a mile away. Am I that intimidating?    


"Hmmm, why are you hanging up already? Aren't you the one who called me? And besides, you haven't told me why you called. I’m presuming it’s something important. I’m going to listen. Go on." I told her while biting my lower lip. Now, I wonder what she is doing right now. Is she in her bed? Living room? Bathroom? Or… No.    


"Well, I just ah... Um, just checking if…if you're okay. Yeah, that's it. That's why I called. Hehehe. " She replied, still stuttering, then sheepishly laughed. She's so charming.    


"Really? So, you're checking me out?" I teased her. Damn, that would be so amazing.    


"No, no, no, not checking you out. Just… ugh... Umm... Fudge, I'm gonna hang up. Marge is here. Bye and goodnight, Honey-bee! See you tomorrow." She uttered then ended the call. I just can't believe this girl.    


My face is hurting because I can't stop this smile. I'm like a stupid love-struck teenager right now, and I just realized that I am still in my towel.    


Then as I was about to put my phone on my bed, I wondered about something Blair told me. She said Marge is here.    


Mmm. Margarette Kendall? Isn’t she Blair’s mom? I’m going to ask her about that.    






*Blair’s Point of View*    




That girl is really making me stutter. Wait until I get my revenge tomorrow, Pryce.    


"Blair, dinner is ready!" Marge yelled while knocking on my door.    


"Yep, I'm coming!" I replied and went out of my room to eat some vegetable salad. Mmm, my favorite. The woman finally cooked something decent for me.    


After dinner, I went back to my room and looked for something fun to do. Hmm, why not check her out? Then I smirked at my brilliant idea.    


"Yeah, I'm gonna check her out."    


I wished to be a vampire, and I teleported to her palace, and luckily, I landed here on her front porch.    


I dusted off myself and teleported again to her bedroom, where I could hide behind the curtains. And there she is, lying on her bed and reading something.    


Why does she always look so hot and amazingly beautiful and sexy? And fudge, she's making me so damn attracted to her.    


I'm a dead vampire that is very much in love with the academy's Queenb*tch. I love her? Hmmm. I don't know. I just feel weird towards her.    


While I was in my imaginary world, she got up from her bed and approached where I was hiding.    


And she's coming nearer and nearer, and if she catches me, then I will be a double dead vampire.    


Fudge, had she seen me?    


Then I noticed that she only put her book on her study table where I am hiding nearby.    


Phew! I almost got caught.    


I think it's time to go home now before I die again.    


I'm just gonna see you tomorrow morning and wait for my revenge. That's a good idea.    


So, I teleported back to my room to have a good night's sleep.    


Let's call it a day.    


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