The Queen And The Freak

C23 Chapter 23 - Stalk Her

C23 Chapter 23 - Stalk Her

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




“Blair, please don't tell anybody about what you saw this morning. It's because we're not ready to come out to everybody yet. Leanne and I have been together for a year now, and in everybody's eyes, we are enemies. But the truth is, we love each other. And we hope that you'd understand. Just tell us if you ever need anything. -From Andrea.” I read the letter that Andrea gave me earlier.    


Okay, so... they really are lovers. It's quietly complicated to understand but as long as they are in love, everything will be possible.    


I am currently lying on my bed while scrolling my phone. Then it vibrated, and I found that a text message was received. It's from Andrea.    


“Hey, Blair! It's Andrea, and here is Leanne's number 09760645377. Just give her a beep.”    


Then I saved Leanne's number on my phone. They are both a huge help.    


And I suddenly remembered that Pryce gave me her number and home address. Well, I might give her a visit tonight. Ooh, fudge, why do I feel so excited?    


“Hey, girls, thanks for distracting Maggie earlier, and yep, I understood your situation. Everything's safe with me.” I sent them the message, and I turned my phone off.    


I got up and wore my blue hoodie jacket. Finally, I teleported to Pryce's address.    




I am now standing in front of a... palace?    


Wow, this place is enormous!    


I looked around to see the wide space that surrounds the house. I looked up and saw a balcony above me. And I can sense that she is up there. So, I teleported to the place, and I made sure that she couldn't see me.    


She’s standing near her bed, and I think that she is about to sleep.    


I hid behind the curtains, and through my super senses, I could see and hear her clearly.    


And what she did next made my heartbeat race. No, I'm not supposed to feel any emotions for her or anything. But what's happening to me? I'm a lifeless vampire right now. I'm not supposed to feel anything. Sh*t! She really has a lot of superpowers.    


She slowly took off her blouse, skirt, and now, she’s only wearing her pink lingerie. Fudge, I'm feeling so warm when I'm supposed to be cold.    


Then she slipped under the blankets and murmured something before closing her eyes. “Good night, Mom. Good night, Blair. I will see you tomorrow.”    


And she turned off her lamp on the nightstand beside her bed and went to sleep.    


Why is she saying goodnight to me? Now, it makes me think about something. Is it really me, or is my super hearing ability broken? Hmm?    




As the night went on, I just stayed there for about an hour now, but she seemed not yet asleep. I can still hear her heartbeat at the same rate as earlier. Then that means she's still awake. I wonder what makes her stay awake all this time.    


“Sh*t, I can't sleep.” She cursed and grabbed something from her nightstand. It's her phone.    


I just stayed there silently and observed her behind the curtains. And I can't feel any presence of life in this house except her.    


I think she's the only one who lives here. Where's her family? How brave of her to be living alone in such a big and spacious house like this?    


She scrolled something on her phone and looked at it.    


“Why's that Blair hasn't texted me yet? Argh, I hate to think that she is busy clubbing or hanging out with her friends or her boyfriends or girlfriends. Damn it, why do I think about such things? Hmm, just relax, Pryce. It won't do you any good.” She's currently talking to herself, and she's talking about me.    


Why didn't I text her earlier? In fact, I am the one who got her number. Well, I think I'm just being me. Dumb.    


“Alright, I will just go to sleep, and I will stop thinking about the kiss and her face and just sleep. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Just sleep, Pryce, and you will be dreaming about her again.” She continued talking to herself, while I, on the other hand, couldn't help myself from grinning.    


So, she's basically thinking about the kiss, and she's thinking about me. Or am I just fantasizing? Fudge, I'm not thinking straight anymore. Maybe my vampire form is really malfunctioning.    


“Goodnight, Blair. Sweet dreams.” She murmured and kissed the screen of her phone.    


Wow, is she really like this? Or am I just seeing and hearing my imaginations? Now, if ever this is reality, it gets me thinking that maybe she feels something for me. Haha, it's impossible. She hates me.    


It's about ten minutes passed, and I know that she's already asleep. Then I decided to come out of my hiding place, and I went closer to her bed. Wait, I'm not going to do something naughty, okay?    


I just observed her features, and I find them so beautiful. How can she be a b*tch at me sometimes when she's always thinking about me most of the time? But I like how she makes me feel different emotions. Humans are more complex than I thought, and they are so powerful.    


She moved from her sleep, and when she’s about to open up her eyes, I quickly teleported back home.    


“Fudge, that was close!” I murmured and let out a sigh of relief as I arrived in my room.    


"Where have you been, Blair?" I almost jumped out of surprise when Marge spoke behind me.    


"Hi, uh... Well, just around the village, the forest, no, at the park. Yeah, I strolled at the park." I stammered while thinking of the perfect alibi. Fudge it!    


"Which park?" She asked curiously, and I noticed that she was holding something in her hand.    


"Clarkson. You know, just patrolling to... Uh, find some... Trouble? I mean, monsters. Werewolves." I reasoned out, and I definitely sound like a blurbing turtle here.    


"Mhmm. You're a bad liar, Blair. You always are. But never mind. Just make sure that you are taking good care of yourself. Here," She said, and I just smiled sheepishly. She really knows me so well.    


I took the thing that she handed me, and I showed her a puzzled look on my face.    


"An alarm clock?" I let out as I opened the box. It's a cute sky-blue-colored alarm clock with paw prints on it.    


"Yep. But we need to glue it on the nightstand so that you can't throw it. Oops, I forgot, you can still do so with your V form." She suggested, and I giggled. Yeah, right.    


I went to her and gave her a warm hug.    


"Thanks, Marge! You are the best. Don't worry, I won't break this. I'll try my best." I told her, and she just pinched my cheeks. She used to do that when I was younger, and I kind of missed it. If she could just be my birth mother, I think I would feel more complete.    


"Okay. Go to sleep already. Good night, Blair." She asserted and walked out of my room.    


"Yeah! Good night too," I said, and I finally let out the air that I am holding in my lungs after she closed the door.    


Should I tell her about Pryce? Nah, maybe some other time.    


Then I turned myself back to my human form, and I yawned. Okay, I'm going to sleep now because there's still school tomorrow. I better get there early.    



But before I forget, I grabbed my phone and texted her, “Goodnight, Cupcake.”    


Then I sent it to her, and I finally went to sleep.    


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