The Queen And The Freak

C19 Chapter 19 - Declination

C19 Chapter 19 - Declination

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




I decided to teleport back to the ladies’ restroom. Maybe nobody's there anymore because it's almost time for the first period.    


Then I thought of the place, and I am already here.    


I am in the same cubicle as earlier, and I can hear two girls arguing. One of them had a voice that was familiar to me.    


And I thought for a while of who it was, and I remembered it's Leanne's voice, the captain of the cheerleaders. She sounds like she's angry or whatever.    


“I told you, Rey, I don't want to see the both of you making out anywhere here or even just a kiss, or whatever! I just can't watch it. You know how it hurts like hell.” Leanne confessed, and there's part of her that she seemed to be crying.    


“I'm so sorry, Anne. It's just that he's always the one who initiates. And you know how much I hate it. But, I have decided already, I will break up with him. I don't care how the students look at me now. I don't care if my parents disagree and will disown me or whatever after this. I just want to be with you, and you will be with me. I promise we'll be together soon.” The other girl said truthfully.    


I can sense that they are both in pain. And wait, that is Leanne and with another girl. So... that means one thing. Leanne is gay. Mhmm. I didn’t see that coming. But I’m happy for her. Now, I’m curious to know who the lucky girl is.    


“Shhh. I'm sure they will back out from your engagement. I don't think parents can take their only child's happiness.” Leanne told the girl with a hopeful voice.    


Okay, so the girl is engaged while she is Leanne's girlfriend? That's so complicated. But they are still so young, aren’t they? Maybe that is how humanity works? I really have to learn more things about being one.    


“I'm hoping too, Anne. Please don't leave me whatever happens, okay? I love you always, My Princess.” The other girl let out with full of love in her voice.    


“Don't worry, Rey. I will always be here for you. I love you too, always and forever.” Leanne sincerely told her girl.    


Damn, why do I feel something heavy inside me?    


Then there's silence. Maybe it's safe to go out now because I'm almost late. I don’t want to be late. Fudge! I only got three minutes before Colton's class will start.    


So, I opened the door, and there, I saw the two ladies were kissing passionately at the far end of the room.    


They were startled by my presence, and I cursed, “Fudge! I didn't see anything. You girls may continue.”    


I covered both my eyes and made my way to the main door while trying to feel the wall with my hands.    


“Blair, how did you...” I did not let Leanne finish as I cut her off.    


“Your little secret is safe with me, Captain,” I stated and winked to both of them.    


She has a pretty hot girl with blonde hair in a ponytail. I confirm… A gorgeous girl is meant for a gorgeous girl. Mhmm.    


“We… ah, we're just... Uh,” Leanne stammered, and the girl looked worried.    


“I gotta go. I don't want to go to detention later. Bye, lovebirds!” I told them, and I went outside the restroom.    


Then I ran to the stairs like I was running for my life.    




And luckily, I arrived a minute early.    


Yeah, I made it. Then I saw my classmates stare at me like they were saying, “Congratulations!”.    


I went straight to my seat, and my seatmate didn't even bother to look at me. And that made me frown.    


I sat while catching my breath and grabbed my English textbook from my bag.    


“Wow, you made it.” She finally spoke, and that made me smile. Yes! Now, my day is complete, even though it’s just the beginning.    


“Yeah, I thought I'm going to detention today,” I replied while panting. Then I saw her smile at me.    


Damn, she looks too pretty to be real.    


And finally, Colton came in to start his boring English class.    




We have ten minutes before the bell will ring for the lunch break, and I am bored as fudge.    


I looked at the girl beside me. And she looks like she can't concentrate, and she's not even looking at the board. I wonder if she's thinking about what she will say to me about her invitation.    


Hmmm. I'd surely go wherever it could be.    


The ten minutes passed by, and the bell finally rang.    


And I am waiting for everybody to get out of the room, but she also went out. I thought she's going to talk to me?    


Well, maybe it was only my imagination that I was the one they're talking about this morning. Perhaps it's the girl that she's in love with, like the one that she told me about last Monday night at the park. Maybe that was not Blair that I've heard. Perhaps it was Claire, or maybe somebody that has the same name as me. And the thought of it makes me sad and feel these ugly feelings inside me.    


I'll just go take up my lunch since I am starving.    




As I am eating my lunch at a vacant table here in the cafeteria, I noticed that almost everybody's still talking about the party. That must be so spectacular, but still, I will not go. No one can ever convince me to go to that one hell of a place with whatever event they will have there.    


Then I decided that while I eat, I will make my assignment in chemistry. I was not able to finish it last night. Yes, I work at the eleventh hour because I think my brain only functions well when it is rushed.    


So, I was balancing the third chemical reaction when I heard someone clearing their throat. Then I got this sudden feeling that I'm in deep trouble. This is gonna be bad.    


“Hi, Blair! Umm, I think that you have heard about my party this Friday, right?” Maggie cheerfully asked me.    


Fudge! Why the heck did I forget that I am still being hunted in this place? Damn it!    


I slowly lifted my head and saw the three cheerleaders standing in front of me. Oh, the Powerpuff Girls. Maggie the co-captain, Rachel the blonde cheerleader officer, and Leanne, the lesbian team captain.    


I looked at Leanne, and she's feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. And I smiled at her then at the other two girls she’s with.    


“Hmm. Yep.” I answered while anxiously tapping my feet on the floor.    


I just don't know how I am going to escape from here. I cannot use my teleportation ability.    



“So... you are coming, right?” Maggie asked me with eyes full of hope.    


“Well...,” I started and thought of a good excuse to refuse her invitation.    


“It will be fun. And all of the students will be there.” She explained, but that won't convince me.    


The other cheerleaders are just nodding their heads.    


“Ummm, I gotta... you know, I'll be having the first day of my part-time job on Friday night, and because I just got hired... I… I don't want to get... fired for being absent on my first day. Surely, I wanted to go, but... you know...” I explained a total lie and hoped that I'd convinced them with my alibi, that they should just walk away. But unfortunately, I failed. Fudge!    


“We… ah... Where do you work? Maybe we knew the owner, and we can make your excuse, and---” she replied but was cut off by the voice from the intercom.    


“Calling the attention of Miss Blair Kendall. Stop on what you are doing and be here at the principal's office. ASAP!” Said the woman on the intercom.    


“Wait, why are they calling me to the principal's office? I didn't do anything illegal!” I confusedly blurted out. Why?    


“Well, maybe the principal has some questions for you,” Leanne answered my question.    


I just nodded my head and started to keep my things inside my bag.    


“Umm, Blair... You will think about it, right? The party?” Maggie asked while still hoping.    


“I…ah... Maybe, but I'm… ah--” I stuttered but was cut off by Leanne.    


“Maybe the girl is not interested in the party, Maggie, and got a job to do on Friday.” Then she made a thumbs-up sign while her hands were down her sides so that the other girls couldn't see it. Yeah, thanks for saving my ass here, Leanne.    


“Hmm, maybe she'll change her mind,” Maggie insisted, and she seemed so stubborn.    


“Then let's leave her decision to her,” Leanne said and crossed her arms on her chest.    


“Umm, girls, I think I need to go to the principal's office now. They said ASAP.” I excused myself before they could say another word.    


“Oh, yeah, right! You can now proceed, Blair,” Leanne said then nodded her head.    


“Okay, thanks, Captain! See you around, girls!” I bid them goodbye while making my exit, and I heard Maggie whine.    


“Nobody ever refused my invitation! I personally invited her. That’s… that girl… If it’s somebody else, they will not think twice to agree.”    


“Well, I guess there's one now. Remember, you can never please everyone, Mags.” Leanne humbly told her, and I couldn’t agree more.    


Finally, I went straight to the principal's office to find out why they asked for my presence there.    


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