The Queen And The Freak

C11 Chapter 11 - The Pryce That I Wanted

C11 Chapter 11 - The Pryce That I Wanted

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




“Well, speaking of the right ONE, it should not be a guy. Okay, don't judge because I'm in the state of figuring that out,” I explained, and I just realized what I had said. I'll be damned.    


“Oh! So, you were saying that you are gay?” She asked in surprise.    


Well, she is such a stubborn girl. But she asked me with a smile on her lips.    


“I said, don't judge… because I'm still figuring that out,” I answered a bit annoyed, but smiling inside that she doesn't hate it that I'm giving her a clue that there's a big possibility that I'm gay, in which I have always been. Damn, can you blame me that girls looks so fine? No? Yeah!    


“Oh, sorry.” She apologized while grinning.    


What's with this girl always smiling tonight? Could she be high? I think not.    


“So, how about you? Have you found your right one already? Are you taken? Single? Married? Widowed? What?” I asked her while looking at her face to find the truth. But I am afraid to know that she already has found the one. They indeed are so lucky. Fudge, why did I even ask her that? I'm so silly.    


“Well, kind of.” It was all she had answered.    


“Why? You're not sure?” I asked her with a part of me that was suddenly disappointed. Haha, so much for the expectations. No, I did not expect it to be me. We just met, alright? Duh!    


“Well, I am sure of it, but I'm not sure if that person could find me to be her right one, too,” she replied while smiling at the sky. But did I hear it right that it's a 'her' that she had mentioned being her right one? Then I just shook off the thought of it and asked her,    


“I wonder who's the lucky guy. And I'm sure that you will be his right one, too. I mean, you have everything. Who would not fall for you?” I said with little pain. No, my heart is aching so hard. I've never felt this feeling before. She definitely has superpowers. And it just makes me feel some very ugly sensations inside me.    


And I wonder why humans feel this way? When I am in my vampire form, I don't feel any emotions. Stupid humans. And to think that I had just known this girl from her bookstore, had a little fight with her at school today, ate ice cream and star-gazed with her tonight… but, why do I feel something that I've met this girl for a long time already? That's not possible, right? I surely will remember her if I had seen her before.    


“Hmm… Let's not talk about it. And... who knows, maybe I will be able to get her heart so soon.” She muttered while dismissing the topic.    


I told you, I am hearing it right that it's a 'her'. But I don't think that she will be gay. You know, the way she dresses, the way she walks, the way she moves, and the way she talks, it's all girly and so feminine. But honestly, it would be a blessing if she really is a lesbian. A femme one.    


Damn! What is going on with you, Blair? But seriously, though, I kind of like her.    


“Okay,” I said and went back to eating my ice cream.    




We talked about some things about us and school stuff, and I didn’t notice that the time passed by so quickly.    


“Hey, you seem sleepy. Do you want to go home now?” She asked me while sitting up straight and hitting the button to make the seats go back to their original positions. Right, it's almost ten in the evening now. It's getting so late.    


“Umm, yeah,” I answered while rubbing my eyes sleepily. But honestly, I would love to spend the whole evening with her. It's just that we still have class tomorrow and her parents might be looking for her.    


“Mind if I drive you home?” She asked, and well, I'm too kind to argue with her, so I just said, “No, I wouldn't. It's too cold to walk to the streets to find a cab.”    


And then she hit another button on her dashboard that made the roof of her car come back.    


“Then fasten your seatbelt because we're about to take off,” she ordered while smiling widely.    


“We're not on a plane, Babe, so, why take off?” I told her while chuckling. Nah, the word babe is just to tease her, but honestly, I do love to call her that always.    


“Well... Let's just drive off. Yeah!" She uttered and pulled out of the place.    


This place will forever be in my memory, and I will always treasure this moment with her here tonight.    


I smiled to myself and looked at her to see that she’s smiling while focusing her gazes on the road. She's indeed so beautiful at any angle you look at her. It's a great moment to have eyes.    




While we were in front of Marge's house, I told her the thing that I really wanted to say to her.    


“Umm. I… ah, you know... I've never seen you like this before. And I find that it perfectly fits you. Why not act like this at the academy?” I seriously uttered as I looked at her face.    


She sighed and then turned her head to look at me.    


“Well, they always knew me as a professional and a ruler. But don't worry, you are the one of the few people I showed my real self and had seen me act like this. And... I will still get my revenge from you for being so brave to treat me like earlier at school and back at the bookstore,” she replied and smirked as she warned me.    


Well, I can't blame her for why she's so mad at me at school.    


“So, you will still be a b*tch to me tomorrow?” I asked her while hoping that she could lessen the intensity of her b*tchiness in the recurring days.    


“Hell, yeah! And you know what, Freak, you are the only one who called me a b*tch in my whole existence here on earth. That's so brave of you.” She remarked while smiling as she had just discovered that the world is round.    


“Yeah, because for me... you are hella one,” I let out while chuckling, and she did laugh, too.    


“Yeah, and sorry about that. But thank you for tonight, Blair. I love the moment we've shared. And I'm sorry about your head again.” She uttered with a smile, and as she spoke my name for the first time, I felt like my heart stopped beating for a while. Then a smile slowly crept on my face.    


“Well, uh…yeah, yo…you are more than welcome. And by the way, my head is fine now. Thanks to you for being a girl scout. And also, thanks for the ice cream. I loved it.” I stammered like heck. She definitely has superpowers, I tell you. I'm feeling so unusual around her. But it's unusually good.    


I'm about to open the door when she said,    


“See you tomorrow, Freak!”    


She smiled while looking at me.    


“Yeah, sure! Goodnight and sweet dreams, Babe,” I replied and stepped outside her car then closed the door.    


“You, too! And please, stop calling me babe,” she replied while chuckling, and I took a deep breath. Not babe? Fine. It sounds good, but okay, as per request by the Queen.    


“Aye, Madam!” I uttered, and she stepped on the gas while she's shaking her head lightly.    


Then I let out a heavy sigh, and I asked no one, “What are you doing to me, Pryce?”    


Damn, she is starting to make me go crazy. Is it a power that humans possess? I wonder why because it's really strong.    


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