Ghost In Red

C49 Chapter 49 - Dream Date

C49 Chapter 49 - Dream Date

0*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




"There's no frickin way I'll get on that devil's ride. I don't want to die yet. Get on it alone if you want." I protested and kept walking while OJ seemed about to beg me, but I tried to distract her attention by pointing at a booth somewhere on her left.    


"Look at that, Oj! Isn't it a shooting booth? Hey, look at those stuffed animals! Those must be the prizes. There's a cute panda in a red shirt. Don't you like pandas? Come on, let's check it out!" I tried my all to convince her to come with me, and thankfully, she did.    


Oh, I'd rather ride a pony at a Merry-go-round five times in a row than once on that hellish ride or even a rollercoaster. Lucky for her, she wouldn't puke anything if she would get on any of those stomach-turning rides around here.    


"Woah, that is super cute! Can you get it for me, Syd? Please? I know you can." OJ asked as she merrily pointed at the stuffed panda at the booth that is about a foot tall and wearing a cute red hoodie jacket with a big pocket on the front.    


As I cannot find a reason to say no, I, of course, will do anything for her. This moment with her is so precious, and seeing her so happy over something makes me feel so happy, too.    




After spending about twenty bucks and half an hour trying to get that desired stuffed animal of my girl, we finally moved to the next booth. It's a photo booth, and she insisted we try it.    


"Let me see them," OJ said, and I showed her the pictures that came out of the machine after we stepped out of the booth.    


When we saw my silly poses with the stuffed panda, we both laughed at it. Then I tried to see if she was visible in the pictures, too, even just a faint shade, but all we could see was a pale red and black that seemed like a shadow. And we both know that it's her.    


"Can we recreate these moments sometime?" She asked, making me look at her face, and I nodded my head.    


"Yeah, of course! Do you want me to add it to your bucket list?" I agreed and asked her, which she approved immediately.    


"Yes, please! You know what, Syd? It's always been my dream date to be at an amusement park." She said, and I smiled at the thought that this was a date. She thinks it's a date, and why not? I did dream of us going to a place like this. And here we are.    


"Oh, alright. Didn't your exes bring you to a place like this before?" I curiously asked her as I wondered about those boys who got the chance to call this girl their girlfriend. They must have at least brought her to a happy place for their date.    


"No. All those jerks know are going to movies or arcades or watching a game. I want something... fun and extreme at some point. It's been so long since I have been in this kind of place. That was when Mom was still with us. And oh, can we ride a rollercoaster together if we are to go to a park back home? I've never ridden one before, and I want to experience it finally. That would be fun, for sure, Syd. Can we? Pretty please?" She replied, then she asked with a cute puppy dog face which I cannot... I can't resist. I can never say no. Rollercoaster? No problem!    


"Yeah, whatever you want, Oj. We are going to do anything you want, go wherever you desire and eat everything you like. That would be fun, indeed." I assured her with all truth, and she looked at me with a warm, bright smile on her lovely face.    


"Really? Thank you, Syd! You already said it, alright? We really are going to do everything to our hearts' content. Now, I feel so excited for that moment. I can't wait! But for now... Can we ride that Ferris Wheel? Go get a ticket for yourself." She cheered and pointed at the big wheel with bright lights, and I absolutely wouldn't say no to anything she wanted.    




"The city lights look so awesome up here! Are you seeing this?" The cheerful girl let out in awe while staring at the magnificent view from here at the very top part of the Ferris Wheel.    


"Yeah, I'm seeing it. It's beautiful." I answered and glanced at her and saw that she was looking back at me.    


"Can you take a picture of it using my phone? Take some on yours, too. It's one of a kind moment that the starry sky dances with the bright city lights." She asked, getting away from the glass wall and sitting beside me.    


I did what she asked, and of course, I wouldn't let this moment pass without taking a selfie with her. This fantastic moment will never come back, and we better save it while we can.    


When the wheel was going up again, OJ spoke something that kind of caught me off guard, and I looked at her with an apprehensive face.    


"It's always been my childhood fantasy to be on a Ferris Wheel with my dream date, and then we will kiss." She said and looked me in the eyes while wiggling her eyebrows.    


"So, you want us to kiss now to fulfill your childhood fantasy?" I asked her, feeling quite surprised, and the girl giggled.    


"Yeah! Why do you think I am telling you this? This is a date. Our date. First date. So, why not? I know it sounds so cliche and corny, but it's been in my head for so long. Come on. I know you want it, too." She answered with a bright, confident smile, and I laughed maniacally, making her cross her arms and look at me sharply while pouting her lips. Aw, doesn't she look so adorable in that state?    


"I'm serious, Syd. Why do you always think that I am only messing around with you?" She grumbled, and I coughed, trying to compose myself from laughing.    


"No. Not that I don't like your offer, damn, of course, I want to, but I am just over the moon, thinking how frank you can go." I replied and looked at her, and she shrugged her shoulders.    


"Well, I just know that you would never grow a spine to make the first move. And why do I feel so confident and don't give a damn? It's because I am dating my soulmate. I've never felt so giddy being with someone before. Now, even if you are the coldest person in the whole universe, I will still try to bring out the crazy in you. I told you that I'm going to melt you to the ground. And you have nothing else to do but succumb to my charm." She explained, and now, I felt enlightened and couldn't help my smile grow wider. This is the side I've never seen from her, and I never thought that she had it. It's immaculate.    


"You are so weird. You know that?" I remarked and heard her chuckle in response.    


"Yeah, but you admire this weirdo so much." She proudly claimed, and I couldn't agree more.    


"Of course," I muttered and playfully scoffed when she pointed to her left cheek as she wanted me to come closer to her to kiss it.    


Even if my heart wanted to beat out of my chest, I still did what she wished for.    


And as expected, when I was almost kissing her cheek, she turned to face me, making our lips meet.    


I felt my chest about to explode as I panicked and wouldn't dare move a nerve, but it was instantly replaced with joy when she broke off and stared deep into my eyes and smiled. She leaned back to kiss me while her hands were cupping both my cheeks, and I could feel her touch like it was real. It's warm, and it's so good.    


If this happens while she is physically here with me, I could have died already. It feels just like I am dreaming right now, but I know that I am not.    


"Tell me, you feel it, too, Syd." She whispered while our foreheads touched, and I nodded my head in reply.    


"It's the most wonderful feeling ever."    


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