Ghost In Red

C37 Chapter 37 - WTH?

C37 Chapter 37 - WTH?

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters’ POV*    




“I can’t see her, but I can hear her voice and feel her presence.”    


I looked at the woman in surprise when she confirmed that she could indeed notice me.    


“Really? Wow, that's so cool! Did you hear that, Oj? She could hear and feel you.” Sydney told me excitedly, and I turned my head to look at her and say, “I could be a ghost, Syd, but my hearing is still here. Yeah, I heard her. And yes, it's awesome!”    


Then I looked back at the woman and asked her, “How is it that you could feel and hear me? Do you have your sixth sense or something?”    


She nodded her head lightly, and I gasped. "Wow!"    


“I do. When I was younger, I could see unusual things that other children don't. And that's why I stabbed my left eye purposely because it's the only one that could see ghosts so that I couldn't see scary things through it again. But I was wrong. Though I could not see them anymore, I could still hear them and feel them around me." The woman said, and Sydney and I looked at her in amazement.    


"Wow, that's so… cool. But no, not that cool that you lost your eye but cool that you can notice something like me. I mean, I have been looking for people that could notice me, and well, you are one of them. Here, my… Uh, Sydney could also see me. So do you have a sixth sense, too, Syd?" I said and looked at my hero, and she shook her head in response and answered, "No, I don't. I told you already that you are the only one hell of a ghost I have seen my whole damn life. If I had a sixth sense, then I could have been seeing ghosts my whole life. Right, Madam?"    


"Correct. But there are cases that someone's sixth sense must have just awakened later in their lives. Or your souls have a strong connection. That would be possible. Hmmm… I think I have something that you might want to know. Since Max is still busy with the papers that I needed you to sign, would you mind if I will read your palm? Sydney, right?"    


"Yeah, uh... Do you mean palmistry? You can read… you can read it?" Sydney asked and seemed like thinking twice, but the woman smiled at her and said, "Before I had this business of mine, I was a fortune-teller for almost 20 years, my dear."    


"Oh, awesome! That's so great. Go on, Syd. Maybe she can see what's up for you in the next few years of your life, or something like that. We would know what the future holds for you." I uttered and encouraged her to try it.    


"Oh, no. Umm… I'm sorry, but… I don't want to spoil myself by knowing what will happen to me in the future." Sydney replied, like a damn pussy, but the woman just painted a smirk on her face. Well, I would trade anything to know what I would be in the future, or even to know if I'll be alive in the next 10 days.    


"Okay. I understand, child. But you want to know why you can see this girl's ghost, don't you? Why don't we just not look at your future but instead let's look at your past… life." The creepy woman said, and I have grown more curious about this stuff we are talking about in Sydney's life.    


"Uh… yeah, I would like to know why I can see her. Just not my future. So, can you tell the reason?" Sydney answered, and I clapped my hands in excitement. I certainly wanted to know, too. Perhaps she knows.    


The woman opened her left hand on the countertop between us and ordered Syd, "Please, place your right hand."    


With a bit of hesitation, the blondie still did what she was told.    


The fortune-teller delicately looked at Sydney's palm and traced her right fingers on it. Then she closed her eye and whispered something we could barely hear or understand.    


And I was puzzled as to why she turned her head in my direction and asked me, "Put your right hand on top of hers."    


I did what the woman asked me to do, and I looked at Sydney with the way she looked back at me-- curious but confused.    


I felt the familiar warmth that I could feel whenever I had contact with Sydney, and I know she felt it, too.    


"Are you sure you want to know the reason?" The fortune-teller asked us, and I nodded my head in response, but I realized that she couldn't see me, so I said yes, as well as Sydney.    


"Are you ready?" She asked again, looking at us, and I chuckled softly. "I was born ready."    


"Your souls have a deep connection since your past lives… and many lives before that." The fortune-teller began, and we both looked at her, clueless as heck. So, what is the deal?    


"And…?" Syd asked impatiently, and the woman smiled brightly and continued, "You are soulmates. That explains why she's the only ghost you have seen, yet you don't have extra senses. Your soul recognizes its other half."    


There was a moment of complete silence between Sydney and me since I was entirely thunderstruck and as shocked as she was.    


I blinked many times to comprehend what I had just heard, and my brain was overloaded with whether I would believe it or not. Like, for real?    


"That's not true." Sydney asserted while she still seemed shocked by the information and retrieved her hand, and the woman chuckled and said, "It is for you to decide to believe it or not, dear. I just did what I am capable of doing."    


I opened my mouth to say something, but I closed it again as I was still processing this shocking information.    


And when I finally had composed myself, I rambled, "Oh, my… ghost! Damn! Sydney, did you… how… wow! That's… that's so amazing, Madam! Syd, oh, my gosh! We are soulmates! Did you hear that? This is great news! I never thought we would be… uh, but lately, I did believe I really am having this… uh, this something… a feeling that… that I am kind of… I don't know. I like you. Like, like, like you as a person. And hearing this… I am certain that we are… meant to be. We are soulmates. Oh, damn, am I dreaming?"    


I absolutely find it so amazing. I mean, it's not daily that you get to talk to a person who knows what could be your connection with other people. And more particularly, it's not really typical that you would meet your soulmate, right?    


"I don't believe in people being soulmates. So, no… I uh…" Sydney replied, and I looked at her in chaos.    


"No! It's true, Syd! She is a fortune-teller! She has the power to see things. Now, how would you know if it's true or not if you're not someone who knows things like this woman knew and could do." I argued as I really wanted to fight for it. This girl has just been so stubborn most of the time. But hey, we are soulmates. Maybe it really is true that opposites attract.    


"No, this is bullsh*t! Can we just get into our business? The papers and the money? We're actually in a hurry. So… Yeah. And well, I will just return here to redeem that pendant if I could… you know, when I can, and uh, without reaching that term, or what was in the conditions stated for pawning it." The fussy Sydney whined, and I crossed my arms on my chest and scoffed in disbelief.    


"You really are impossible, Sydney Roswell. The madam just did what she could to answer your inquiry to know why you could see me, and then you did get your answer, and you do not believe it. You are truly pathetic! I can't believe I will be marrying a person I have been squabbling with for almost all my life. But I bet that it would be amazing." I argued and let out my thoughts, and she looked at me in horror.    


I turned my head to the woman and asked her something I was dying to know. "Madam, do you happen to know what… uh, what lies ahead of us, two, in the future? Like, are we… Are we going to be together and happily married?"    


"What the hell, Hunters? Shut the f*ck up! Can we just get our money? We really need to leave now." Syd belted and surely looked so annoyed right at this moment.    


"What? Don't you want to know?" I retorted, and she groaned. "No!"    


Hmm, I bet not.    


Then Max handed her the document she needed to read and sign and the bundle of money while the woman giggled as she listened to our feud.    


"But seriously, Sydney, this is great news. Who could have thought that my greatest enemy was my soulmate? Damn, I really do wonder what will be people's reaction to hearing that Sydney Roswell and OJ Hunters will be a thing. I bet they would go insane. Or they would think that we are the ones who were insane. But still, this is so amazing. Truly!" I continued and felt so ecstatic about everything that I had known lately about Sydney and me.    


I looked at my soulmate as she seriously wrote things on the paper, and she glared at me when she noticed I was staring too much at her. And she went back writing again with a grim face.    


"Do you want to be my girlfriend, Syd? Like, we are really meant to be with each other, right? So, yeah, we should be girlfriends." I asked her, and I am super happy to be her other half. I do have a crush on her, and I like her. So, why not?    


She stopped writing and slowly turned her head to look at me while her pretty face painted a look of unrest and troubledness. Oh, does she not expect it to come?    


"You see, I do believe that in our previous lives, one of us was a man and a woman. Ooh. Does that make sense? Then when we were born in this lifetime of ours, we were both born inside female bodies. Oh, this does make sense! Now, I conclude that… our souls are… truly mates. The madam was right. Right, Madam?" I enthusiastically explained, and the girl with a very sunny personality just sighed in frustration. But the fortune-teller agreed with me. See? Soulmates are real!    


"Yeah! What do you say, Sydney Roswell? Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her again, and I do hope that I can get a yes from her.    


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