Ghost In Red

C28 Chapter 28 - Walk You Home

C28 Chapter 28 - Walk You Home

0*Sydney Roswell’s POV*    




“You are welcome, Sydney, but… I have just saved you from being targeted for a truth or dare game from the silly, assholeric high school kids. Do you know what I’m saying? The ones in the popular groups… jerks, I mean jocks, those cheerleaders, and Nadia Seymour’s clique. They were playing upstairs.” OJ told me proudly, making me look at her while we walked on the street, and I wondered why she would do it.    


“Why so?” I curiously asked her, putting both my hands in my jacket’s pockets, and she smiled so wide at me.    


“Well… You know Nathan Jones, right?” She asked, which made me raise an eyebrow and answered, “Yeah, that jerk basketball player and playboy?”    


“Exactly! Now, he was dared by Pauline to kiss you. That was why I was in a hurry to ask you to go home with me. I mean, go to your home right away.” She explained and went walking, floating backward before me, and I let out a snicker in reply.    


“So, you thought he could successfully do it? I tell you, my dear OJ, he could kiss the floor first even before he could touch me.” I told her with just a sprinkle of cockiness, and she chuckled.    


“No. Now? I don’t think he can, knowing that you know how to fight and injure people. And… hold on a damn second… You didn’t just call me your dear, Sydney Roswell. Are you feeling tipsy? How much did you drink?” She replied and asked me something that made me look at her in panic. Yes, gay panic.    


“Oh, did I? I don't think I did. I just finished a can of a grape-flavored beer, so I’m sober enough. In fact, I would buy another one. Stay here.” I denied it and felt bashful as I didn’t even think she would notice it. I hurriedly walked, turning left to a convenience store to buy my beverage. Damn it, why did my stupid mouth let that out?    


“Oh, really, Sydney? Wait! I’m coming with you!” She called out, and I never bothered to look back at her. I opened the glass door of the establishment, and I heard her let out an ouch when I closed it while she’s still hasn’t gotten inside. You are a damn ghost, dimwit.    


"I really heard you said it, Syd! I like it, though." She mentioned while she kept following me, and I went to the area where there was a fridge and trying not to listen to her. But did I hear it right? She liked to be called dear by me? Hmm? What does she mean by that? And why do I feel so delighted? Of course, it would be worth a damn celebration! But I don't think she means it.    


"I thought you would buy a beer?" She asked me when I grabbed a cold can of soda from the fridge instead, and I looked at her with my not-so-sarcastic face and answered, "I'm seventeen. I don't think they would let me buy one."    


"Ah, yeah, they probably wouldn't." She muttered and followed me to the cashier to pay.    


When I stood next in line to a man wearing a baseball cap, OJ began talking again.    


"Syd, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Do you even eat one?" She asked and looked at what the man has in his shopping basket, and I saw he got lots of solo pack ice creams in it.    


I didn't answer her as I was afraid people would think I was crazy talking to no one, and she just kept staring at me in the face like a moron and waiting for my reply.    


I let out a small sigh and muttered, "Vanilla."    


"Oh, really? Me, too! How is it even possible? We both like black coffee, and now, vanilla ice cream! This is awesome! Now, what do you prefer... tacos or pizza?" She jovially let out and asked another question, and I am the next one to pay.    


I wasn't about to answer her, but she insisted, "Come on, answer, Syd! I just wanna know what else are the things that we both like."    


She isn't as annoying as I thought. All I was thinking was she would just be annoying and talkative if I wouldn't talk and help her. It turned out she's just a natural. She seemed to be trying to get to know me this way. I think this is what she mentioned that we would have a brand new start as she wanted us to be on our way to being friends. Just friends. Yeah. No.    


"Mmm. Pizza?" I answered, kind of unsure, making the young cashier looked at me with her perfectly trimmed eyebrows raised, and she told me, "We don't have pizza here, Ma'am. But if you mean you were asking to have pizza somewhere with me, I'll be off three minutes from now if you could wait. And... I could charge your drink for free."    


The smiling cashier winked at me, and I just looked at her in complete confusion and unrest.    


"Oh, dude, Sydney! She's flirting with you and asking you out for a date! Don't! Don't agree, you b*tch! You have me to walk you home! Decline, turn her down, please don't let me summon my body from NYC to be here and be the one to tell her you ain't available. We need to go home!" The ghost exclaimed and panicked, and I felt like she was just trying to say that I shouldn't go hang out with this gal. Honestly, I am overly puffed up, hearing her say that she would walk me home. Oh, what a lovely thought!    


I just laughed nervously at the cashier's words.    


"Uh, no, sorry, Miss. You must have gotten it wrong. I was just trying to talk to my imaginary friend. She was asking if I would rather have pizza or tacos. And I told her I like pizza. Kind of. Yeah, that's it. Here's the payment, by the way." I truthfully told her and handed her a bill from my wallet, and I heard the ghost laughed her ass out because of the poor girl's reaction. I would love to laugh with her, but I don't want to appear like a douchebag. I would just save it for later.    


"Sydney, why are you such a mean girl? That's a savage way to turn down someone who just wanted to hang out with you. Well, never mind. I had heard rumors from the academy that you turn down guys who wanted to ask you out the harder way. I had just never witnessed you try doing it in person." OJ amazedly remarked, and she is so damn right, though. I have done the worst ways of turning down people who wanted to go out with me.    


I took my purchased item while showing a cheeky smile to the cashier, who looked at me, weirded out by my ridiculous response. Sorry but I'm not interested, girl. You may look so cute, but this ghost in red here beside me is way beyond prettier than any other person I have laid my eyes on. Yes, I've said it. OJ is absolutely breathtaking.    


I walked out of the establishment and continued walking to my cousin's house, which is about a half an hour walk from here.    


I heard OJ still wheezing because of what happened back there at the convenience store, and I just looked at her with my sharp gaze.    


"I can't get over it, Syd! Is that how girls hit on another girl? You just hear them say something not intended and would quickly pick it up and proceed to ask one out? That's epic, girl!" She wondered, and I opened the drink in my hand.    


"How am I supposed to know?" I asked her and took a sip.    


She let out a chuckle, and I looked at her in shock when she asked me a question I didn't expect.    


"I don't know. Do you like girls, Sydney?"    


I opened my mouth to answer, likely to deny, but she cut me off. "Don't bother answering that. Well, back to our tacos and pizza convo earlier... I like pizza as well as tacos. Both are great."    


"I think so, too," I muttered and heard her giggled softly when I agreed with her.    


I just don't know what to answer her if she pursued asking if I am gay or something like that. I don't want to lie to her anymore. I have done enough pretending and lying to her ever since we were young, but I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable either. So I think I would just likely divert our topic to something else.    




As we passed by a children's park, my companion seemed to look at something at the swing and asked me, "Can you see that little boy sitting on the swing at the right, Syd?"    


I followed her gaze and looked back at her as I saw nothing there. Is she trying to scare me?    


"I don't. There is no one there. Is it a ghost?"    


"Definitely. Do you feel creeped out?" She answered and asked me, and I let out a small sigh.    


"Not really. Because I can't see him."    


"Mmm. Okay. Don't you have a sixth sense? Why can you see me then?" She asked in curiosity, and it made me feel puzzled, too.    


"I don't know. I have never seen any paranormal shits before but you. I don't exactly know what's up with you. Or what's wrong with me. Maybe it could have just... Uh... my sixth sense had awakened, but I don't think so. I badly wish I don't have one. Your ghost is enough for me. I don't think I could survive being swarmed by ghosts everywhere I look." I answered and felt goosebumps all over my body when she tried to lock her left arm with my right one but passed through.    


"What's the matter?" I asked her when she seemed like looking at something that I couldn't see and appeared anxious.    


"I'm scared, Syd. There was an old man that just crossed the street, and he looked our way." She whispered in reply and walked so damn close to me, and I turned my head to her.    


"Now, you are the one scaring me. You are a damn ghost scared of another? You are pathetic." I remarked and took a sip of my drink, trying to sound brave, and she seemed to shiver in fear. I think she's just trying to mess up with me.    


"No. I am never used to this kind of setup in my life. Yes, I did meet some ghost friends back at the hospital in New York City, but... they were friendly. That guy shouted at us something rude, and I just tried to ignore him." She replied and walked a bit afar from me, and I wondered what her fellow ghost told us.    


"What did he say?"    


"He said we are going to hell. He thought we were girlfriends. Well, the hell does he care? He was just so homophobic, and it surely won't get him to heaven, also. Doesn't he know that you shouldn't judge others? He isn't God. There is nothing wrong with two girls dating. Like, come on, love knows no gender, age, color, race, belief, and many more other things. Girls in love are awesome!" She answered and blurted out, making me caught off guard.    


I just shrugged my shoulders in response, and I felt a bit bewildered when she had mentioned us being girlfriends and thought girls are fantastic. Why does she act this way? I am not complaining but instead wondering if she is cool with things with gay people and us being together. Mmm. I guess the latter isn't really related, and I think the little alcohol I had taken up is taking effect in my head. It's messing up my understanding of things.    



"Yeah. I totally agree with you." I replied and noticed she stopped in her tracks, making me stop and looked at her.    


What the heck is the matter with her now? I hope there are no more ghosts around us.    


She looked at her hands and looked like she was troubled about something.    


"What's wrong?" I asked her in worry, and she looked at me.    


"Let's do it." She muttered, and I was confused as to what she meant.    


"Let's call my father now. I can feel people touching my hands. Please, Sydney. It's the help I needed from you. Tell him I am just around and don't let me die. Please?" She continued and begged, sounding so hopeful, and I nodded my head in response.    


"Alright. I'll do what I can. Do you know his number?" I agreed and took out my phone from my jeans' right back pocket to make a call.    


Wish me luck that it will go well.    


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