Ghost In Red

C26 Chapter 26 - Unforeseen

C26 Chapter 26 - Unforeseen

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




"Hi, y'all! Everything is fine. Why are you looking at me like that? I'm doing okay. Should we go home now?" Sydney answered her friends when they went near the bench where we were, and she stood up.    


"Are you sure? If you have any problems, you can always talk to us—any of us, and anytime, Syd." Vidia assured the girl, sounding so worried, and they all walked, heading to the parking lot.    


I followed behind them while they kept checking out their friend's condition, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It's because of me that her friends are getting worried about her sanity. But after the help I needed from her, I would stay away or go back to New York City so she could focus on things, especially that the third quarter exams are next week.    


Since it is a working day for my father today, it's better to call him tomorrow. It's the weekend, and for sure, they will be visiting me in my hospital room with my brother.    




When we got in Kevin's car to go home, I still sat between Emma and Vidia in the backseat. I would still go with Sydney, because... I need to. I'm afraid that, at any moment, she would be declaring that she can't see me again if she lost sight of me for long.    


"Yow, Syd! Are you going to Don's place for the party tonight at six? These eggheads are going with me, by the way." Vidia curiously asked the blondie, and I wondered who Don was. Was it Donovan Hamilton? He is part of the football team and a friend of Grace.    


"Yep, we should go there together, Syd. Just for a few hours, then we could go home. We still have a weekend to study anyway. We let loose before the intense exams next week." Kevin let out, and we all looked to Sydney when she spoke.    


"Oh, your new boyfriend, Hamilton? Why is there a party?" Sydney asked, and I was right; it's Donovan.    


Vidia nodded her head in response and answered, "It's his eighteenth birthday tomorrow, but he decided to have a party for his friends tonight. And, he told me to bring anyone who I want, and you are under my wings. Come on, just one hour or two, be there, and you could head home after making a... Something like an attendance check. Pretty please?"    


"And...? What would I do at the party except being out of place and bored to hell?" Sydney asked, looking back at us, and I couldn't help but giggle softly. I know she is never a party girl, and if she is, she is just with her gang.    


"That's why you just show up and leave after a few couple of minutes, Syd," Vidia replied, and the blonde just nodded her head, saying, "I'll see if I can. I might just use Adam's bike then."    


Hearing the cranky girl's response, the rest of them here rejoiced. Wow, she might head there, and I might still go with her. I go where she goes, alright? And a bike? What type of bike is she going to use? Motorbike? Bicycles? Hmm?    


After a few moments of them talking about the party and what time they should assemble at Kevin's house so they could head to the party using this car, I noticed Emma raised a hand, making us all look at her.    


"I have to say something significant." The redhead sitting on my left began, and the girls told her to go on.    


"Uh... I would be... I would be... I need to confess something." She continued, stuttering and clearly nervous.    


"Are you going to fart? Please open the window; if you do so, Emma. You wouldn't want to be killing us all in here." Kevin asked and ordered but then gained a smack on the back of his head from the person sitting behind him.    


"Shut up, moron! I said it's significant. It is important." Emma argued, and the guy countered, "Well, FYI, contaminating the oxygen inside this vehicle is hazardous, and thus, you, telling us that you will dispose of some carbon dioxide is an important matter, Emma."    


"No, she wouldn't be telling us if she will drop a bomb, Kev. She never did. So, I guess this one might be a different matter—something heavier. Are you feeling like about to shit, Emma?" Vidia followed, and I let out a loud laugh, which made Sydney look at us. I just can't get myself together if I am anywhere near this group of people. They are... something-something. Yeah, I can't define the kind of friendship they have. It's incredible.    


Emma groaned in a bit of annoyance, and I saw Sydney chuckled, looking at her poor neighbor. Well, this morning, Sydney was the one in the hot seat, and now, it's Emma's turn.    


"I am not having any digestive system issues, b*tches! I am about to tell you all that I am in a relationship! I am dating someone for the first time! So... Yes, I need to let all of you know about it. Important, alright? It is damn important!" Emma exclaimed, making her friends shut their mouths, and I think she never got into a relationship before. Wow, now, I wonder who it is.    


"Really? No, I don't believe you, Ems. Is it April yet, Syd? No? It's not fools' day today." Kevin remarked and asked the smiling blondie, and Vidia reached for Emma's right forearm through my core and shook it hard.    


"Are you kidding? Who is it, Emma? Please tell! Who is the sight-impaired guy you fooled?" Vidia asked ecstatically, and the girl just laughed her ass out.    


"Nope. I am telling the truth. I told you because you should meet this person, and I would be coming with her to the party, and shoot---" Emma answered and was cut off by Sydney.    


"Wait! What? Her? Oh, my goose, Emma! Is it a girl? You gay, b*tch? Damn! Oh, you did tell me you could be bisexual. So... Who is it? Who's the girlfriend? Tell us!"    


My mouth dropped in surprise, hearing this all as I never thought Emma was not straight. Well, all I know is nothing much about these people here. So yeah, who knows if Sydney herself is gay, too, right? I still need to confirm that one! It's part of my to-do list!    


When there was silence from the two other people here, Kevin hurriedly parked the car on the side of the highway.    


Then, they began interrogating her in a quite hard way, and it ended Emma still not telling them as it would be a surprise later.    




When we arrived at Sydney's front yard, I saw Emma take out her phone. Someone must have texted her, and by the look on her face with that huge smile, it must be the girl. Hmm, let's see who it is.    


"We're here, ladies! Remember the assembly time, five-forty, alright? You have thirty minutes to dress up quickly." Kevin let out, and Sydney opened the door to head out and walked to her house.    


"Wait a sec, Kev," Emma uttered and typed something on her phone.    


I got the urge to peek to know who she was texting, and my eyes blinked hard to read the name of the person clearly.    


"Grace Baby? Who-what? Grace? Is it Grace-Grace, Grace Thales? My Grace-best friend? Oh, my! Maybe. She is a damn lesbian. Oooh, damn! Wow! Cool!" I let out in disbelief and amazement to know that Emma could be the mysterious new girlfriend of my dear friend. I need to confirm it later. But if it is true, I am truly happy for them. They would be a great pair. Yeah, great pair. Grace and Emma? They sound like the same person to me, according to what I observed for a long time. Well... Let's just see.    


After Kevin had left with Vidia and Emma had gone to her house next door to Sydney's, I went near Kitty's doghouse and saw the cheerful German Shepherd head out to greet me. I bent to be on her level and ruffled, but can't, her head.    


"Hello, Kitty! How are you, girl! Did your hooman already give you something? Dinner? Not yet? I wish I could hand you some, but I can't. All I can do is appreciate how pretty and friendly you are. I do want to have a dog once I can live again. And, I want a boy. Maybe... A... Doberman, or... A Golden Retriever, or... A Labrador, or like you! Then, you better get along well together, okay? Make babies—adorable babies. Yeah!"    


I kept talking to the dog until my heart's content, and I stood up to go to a place where I needed to see something that I just remembered—the bike.    


I walked through the garage door and looked around till my gaze stopped on a particular vehicle here. There is nothing around but a red motorbike. Hmm. Does she know how to drive this thing? Cool!    


Then I roamed around and saw lots of tools and spare parts of cars inside.    


A few minutes passed, and I decided to head to Sydney's room to tell her something that I knew about her friend's girlfriend. I think she needs a spoiler, or maybe not. I don't know. Let's just see if she's interested.    




I walked through the door and noticed that there was no one in Sydney's room.    


Where could she have gone? Her brother's motorbike is still in the garage.    


Maybe she's in the bathroom.    


"Syd? Sydney? Are you here? Where are you?" I called her out, walking around her room, but there was no response.    


I don't think she has left already. It's still five twenty. It's not even fifteen minutes that we got in here.    


When my feet took me to the bathroom to look for the blondie, I walked through the door and looked around.    


But then, I stopped in my tracks when I saw, before me, a naked person who just walked out of the shower and reached for a towel near the mirror.    


I gasped in shock, but I guess she was more shocked than I was when she shrieked in surprise as she saw me looking at her with my mouth hanging open.    



"Get the hell out of here! What the f*ck is wrong with you?" She belted and hastily covered her chest with her hands, and I closed my eyes.    


"I... I didn't see... anything. I am not... Damn. I am so sorry." I replied, panicked, and quickly turned my back on her.    


That was unexpected as heck.    


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