Ghost In Red

C23 Chapter 23 - Her Silly Friends

C23 Chapter 23 - Her Silly Friends

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




"Yeeeeet! Come on, Sydney! We know you do." Vidia taunted the blushing blondie, and I just couldn't help but feel all shocked about what I was hearing. Are those true?    


"Where the hell did you get the idea of that? That's absurd! It's not freaking true." She retorted, a bit angry, and glared at the girl sitting on my left, Emma, who shook her head vigorously, saying, "I didn't say sh*t."    


What the heck is happening? Do these people think that Sydney has a thing on me? That she's gay? Like... She likes me? Is it? Wow!    


"Really? Not even just a crush?" Kevin asked, and I could see him in the mirror, smiling so wide while focusing his gaze on the road.    


"No! Never!" Sydney belted and crossed her arms on her chest, and I began laughing. This is so sick! She really got nice pals here.    


"Not even just a tiny crush on her, Syd?" Vidia continued annoying the girl, and she seemed so mad now since I saw her face in the mirror flushed like never before. Oh, why is she so damn adorable in that state?    


"Stop the car." She ordered and did not bother to reply to her best friend's silly question.    


"Why?" The driver asked, and she answered, "Just stop the f*cking car! I'm going to walk to school."    


Oops, someone has absolutely gone mad. Instead of heeding the girl's command, they all began laughing. I joined in as well.    


The poor Roswell just groaned in annoyance and later on laughed with us sarcastically.    


"Oooh, she's angry. That means it's true. Weeeheee! What's the ship name again? Oh, it's Sydian. Come on, let's sing it. ~Sydney and OJ, sitting on a tree--- is it on? No, I think it's under. Alright, let's repeat. ~Sydney and OJ, sitting under the tree. K-I-S---" They continued teasing her and sang, and Vidia, being the loudest, stopped and cursed when the disgruntled Sydney took a thing from her purse and hit her friend with a notebook on the knees, "F*ck! The hell is wrong with you, Syd? Stop that, you b*tch!"    


I moved my right leg away when she seemed to include me, and I covered my mouth to hold myself not to laugh anymore. These people are so hilarious! And Sydian? That's just... Amazing. I wonder if that's true, though. I should find out.    


"You stop that! You are all lunatics. You are ruining my mood so early in the morning. No exception. All of you are morons." Sydney exclaimed and went back to sit straight, or not. Pfft. No, I shouldn't think of it. But hell, this moment just made my day.    


"Ha! We are just warming you up. It's Friday, my dear cousin! You are never in a good mood when it's Friday. Is it every day, mmm? Yeah!" Kevin cheered, and Emma playfully smacked his head from behind.    


"Don't be so harsh to her, Kev. I'm sure she won't be paying for the gas today if we keep being an ass to her." Emma remarked, and Sydney proclaimed, "I really won't."    


"I won't either if Vidia hasn't paid yesterday. Did you, Vid?" Emma let out and looked at the girl through me.    


"No. He said it could still go running today till we reach the gas station. I didn't bring extra money today. Who will pay then?" The girl answered, and I raised my left hand, saying, "Don't worry, I will. I have--- no, I have no money with me. Sorry." Then I just remembered that I am not part of their dimension and can't notice me. Awkward.    


But Sydney turned her head to us and looked at me with a smirk on her face. And uttered, "No one will pay."    


There was silence, and I looked at the girls on each of my sides, yet no one wanted to say something.    


"Then we all get down and walk our asses to the academy! Simple as that. Or if not, you, b*tches, will push this car. It will be a good exercise. You have not been sweating enough lately." Kevin declared, sounding so serious, and I giggled at the thought of it.    


"Fine," Emma uttered, and all heads turned to her, and Vidia asked, "Oh, you're gonna pay for it?"    


"No. We get down when this car dies, and we go on a walk. It's still early anyway. By the way, I'm just joking. I'll pay for the gas. Here. You keep the change, Kev. Save it for the next time you fill your car." The ginger answered, handing the driver a quarter from her wallet.    


The guy looked at the coin on his palm, then showed Emma a dirty finger in response, and she laughed maniacally.    


I just looked at them with mixed feelings. Are they really like this always? Never did I think that this is how chaotic Sydney's gang would be. But they seem so happy messing up with each other.    


Looking at them all, I feel sad thinking about my group of friends. I have none now.    




When we stopped by the gas station, it ended up Sydney paid for the fuel, and everyone celebrated.    


Now I noticed how this blondie quickly changes her personality. She said she wouldn't pay but paid. So... Maybe... In my case, she did assert that she would never talk to me, and I just know that she will speak to me. Mm. I know she will. She already admitted that she could see me, and I just couldn't be happier about it. She was such a damn bad liar and a silly person. Well, I just can't imagine what I have done and said just to prove she's just pretending she can't see me. But mostly, those I have expressed are true. Yep. Now, I should keep convincing her to talk to me and help me out.    


We all walked into the hallway to head to the lockers, and I saw some familiar faces in the crowd. Grace is alone, walking to the stairs to head to the second floor, while the Grayson sisters are at their lockers, and Pauline is not around.    


When Vidia and Kevin headed first to their classrooms since they have different specs, and Emma went to the restroom, now I am all alone with Sydney. And it's the perfect time for us to talk.    


"Hey, so... You are gonna talk to me." I began while I walked beside her, and I didn't know where she was heading to.    


Then I waited for a moment for her to reply, but she didn't, and she just acted like she didn't hear me. Oh, no, we are not in this again.    


"Sydney, come on. Please. I just need a minute with you. Fine. Five minutes." I begged her and walked backward and in front of her so that I could see her, and she could see me.    


"Please? I promise if you talk to me and help me, I will never bother you ever again. And... If I got the chance to live, I would not mess with you, and we won't argue about anything. And... We could be friends. Come on, Syd. Have mercy." I continued asking her, and she halted, looking at me with her usually stoic face whenever she was at school.    


"How would I know that you are the real OJ? And not some evil spirit trying to take on her form and make me do something terrible?" She asked and continued walking, passing through me, and I walked fast to catch up with her. Well, oh, she did not believe that I was me. Okay. That seems... Reasonable.    


"Well, I really am OJ. I came here all the way from... No, I woke up at the hospital on the seventeenth of March, then I found out that I was not in my physical body. Then I heard that they brought it to New York City, so I went there and tried to return, but I couldn't. And, I went back here to find help. I went to different places, hoping there could be people who could see and hear me. And... Here you are. You are the only one who could notice me. So... Yeah, I am OJ. And you are the only one who could help me, Sydney Roswell. Please. I actually never begged a person this hard before. Ever. Not to mention it's you who I am... Begging to help me. Ironic, I know. But I am willing to be this shameless just to make things okay. I know you don't believe in me if I am really OJ, but I tell you... I am. Just not physically. See, I... Would you please think about what I offered you this morning? Anything you ask, I'll give it to you. Okay?" I explained with nothing but the truth, and she let out a sigh as she stopped walking again to face me.    


She looked around the hallways and locked her gaze on something. She looked back at me, seemed convinced a little, and opened her mouth to speak. Hopefully, she would consider it.    


"What was the last sentence you heard from me before you got into that accident on Valentine's Day?" She asked me, and I blinked my eyes many times, hoping I could remember. It was the time I slapped her in the restroom, and I think... No, I don't know.    


"Is it some kind of a security question? It's not that easy to remember, Syd, especially if I was mad that time. Would you mind asking another question, please?" I replied and softly chuckled, and she made an adorable thinking face.    


"Uh... What element has the atomic number of 54?" She asked with a confident smile, and I giggled. F*ck her.    


"Well... It's... Wait a sec. 50 is Tin, and Sb, Te, I... Aha! Xenon? No, Xenon. I'm sure of it. Yes. What do you say?" I answered and thankfully remembered, quite sure about it.    


"Alright. Now, what is the square root of..." She remarked and began asking again, and I cut her off as I protested, "There's another? I thought that was it?"    


"What is seven to the... third power?" She continued, and I let out a loud laugh. I damn memorized that stuff till the tenth power of numbers one to ten!    


"343! Damn, that was easy." I answered proudly, and she nodded her head and said, "Great! You seem not a dumb ghost. Stand by for more questions later. And... Don't follow me to the classroom. I won't be talking to you if I don't feel like talking to you. And you are just going to talk to me if I talk to you, okay?"    


"What? Hey!" I retorted in incredulity, and she walked when she saw Emma went near us.    


"Sydney! Hey, that's not fair!" I called her out again, but she just seemed not to listen. What is the matter with this human being? Why is she so mean?    


This girl is surely making this harder for me.    


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