Ghost In Red

C84 Chapter 84 - Coming Out

C84 Chapter 84 - Coming Out

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




"Okay. What is it?" Sydney asked and curiously looked at me.    


I grinned and locked my eyes on her luscious pink lips, and I could sense she already knew what I meant when her facial expression changed into something that seemed to be alarmed.    


"No." She asserted and glared at me.    


"What? I haven't said anything yet!" I exclaimed and laughed at her when she rolled her eyes at me.    


"Oh, yeah? Your eyes say a lot more than your mouth, Hunters. You know that saying, right?" She explained and moved a little away from me.    


Ugh, she's so adorable. I can't... I just, no, I'm so in love with her!    


"What? Seriously, Syd. Don't be so rude! And don't f*cking act like you don't want it, too! Come on, Roswell!" I belted while still laughing at her blushing face, and I tried to compose myself.    


"What? No! We are inside the school premises. In case you are not aware. We can't do that here. Look around, biatch. There are some students everywhere, and they've been eyeing us for quite some time now. Do you still think you are invisible? Wake up, dude!" She explained while in panic, and I just couldn't help myself but laugh my ass out again. I know there are people around us, and that's even better. We have an audience.    


"What? Oh, no! I can't... Sydney, oh, my! Wait a minute. Wait a damn second. What the hell do you think I was after for? What is going on in your unpredictable genius mind, Sydee? Huh? Tell me! You are acting so pathetic." I argued while trying to stop laughing hysterically but couldn't, and she sent me her fatal death stares.    


I'm so f*cked up right now! But she's right, though. I badly want to kiss her. I want to prove something, just that one thing, that feeling. And I also want something else.    


"I'm going home. I'll see you whenever. Bye!" She sternly uttered and stood up, and it was my turn to panic. Is she upset? Damn, her cranky mode was activated!    


"Hey! No, stay! Stop. Get back! Sit down, Syd. I'm just kidding. Well, partly. But, seriously, don't go. Please? It's something important." I stopped her and gave her my best shot at making a puppy dog face. I know she can't say no.    


"Fine. Then what is it?" She said and sat down, and I cleared my throat, trying so hard not to crack out laughing again. I hate myself.    


"I... Uh... Umm, I know it's... We... We need to talk about a lot of things. And us. We need to talk about us." I began and had thankfully set the atmosphere into something serious. It's really important that we talk about our status. Are we girlfriends or just... Do I need to ask her again?    


"Yeah, I believe that is a must. So... How do you plan to come out? How are you going to tell people about our relationship? And... What else? Do you even think about coming out? Tell the academy? The world? Your homies? Tell me your plan. Let's see if I can help." She replied and asked me something that made me smile so wide.    


Wow, she said it. We have a relationship! But no, what we have is more than just a high school romantic relationship. We are soulmates. Nothing can beat that.    


"Yeah! That! I plan to... Umm, I want to have it all in one go. Not that I am in a hurry, but... I just want to be myself and to be with you while we still have time, plenty of time. We were desperate for that before, and now, we have that chance. By the way, Mom and my homies already know about us even before I did." I answered and looked her in the eyes, and she smirked while lightly nodding her head. Damn, they all knew about the ghost situation we had, and they all had met this amazing girl. They were so thankful to her and her whole gang for saving my life. And I believe I have a wonderful and accepting family.    


"Okay. And what part do I have to play in your 'one go' plan of coming out of your comfy closet to the rest of the world?" She asked me and looked around, and I was sure of what I had planned in mind.    


"I have envisioned to come out like a bad b*tch, but I don't think I have that much of an opportunity because of my, no, our health conditions. Now, I just want it to be simple." I answered and earned a curious look from her.    


"How simple? Are you going to make a soc med post about it? Or announce it through the academy intercom? Tell everyone you encounter here? Or... You could simply write 'I'm Gay!' on your forehead and walk around every corner of Pryce Winsley Academy. So, which one do you prefer?" She asked and looked so serious, and I didn't know if I would laugh or smack her injured arm.    


The silly blondie's shoulders began shaking, and then she cracked out laughing, making me laugh with her, too.    


"You're such a moron, Syd! The rest are good suggestions, but no, I'll do none of those. I have the perfect plan. And please, don't ruin it." I asserted and moistened my lips, and she shrugged her shoulders.    


"Alright. You do you." She muttered and looked somewhere far away, and she tried to focus her gaze on the particular group of people near the junior's building.    


As I followed her gaze, I saw two of her dearest buddies, Kevin and Vidia, and I waved at them, and they waved back, making my girl snap her head to me and look puzzled. I just smiled and winked at her. Then to Kev and Vid's left, we saw Emma and Grace walking closer to them while showing us two thumbs up.    


"They knew?" She asked in surprise, and I wiggled my eyebrows in reply. I'm so grateful to those idiots because they never told this girl anything that I remembered, and I was about to meet her here.    


"Hmm. Fair enough." She mumbled and looked back at her pals, and when they showed us their hands forming hearts, Syd replied with a middle finger.    


I laughed and playfully slapped her right arm, and her attention turned to me.    


"Ow! You are one hella violent person, aren't you?" She asked and stared at the part I hit, and I rubbed it.    


"I'm sorry. I am used to those times when my hands just pass through anything." I apologized and intertwined my left fingers with her right ones, and it felt so good. They fit perfectly.    


"Oh, you missed that?" She asked and smirked, and I sheepishly laughed.    


"No. I hate that. But… I kind of liked it. Well, there are things I like about it, but mostly, I hate it." I replied and blushed when I remembered that one moment I never expected I could have a glimpse of while I was out of my body, and I have never shaken it off my mind since. She's so damn hot!    


"Really? Like what? Hmm? Oh, no, you're blushing. Something interesting must be running in your head. Care to tell me?" She asked and teased me, making me shake my head vigorously and trying to dismiss it.    


"No! Nothing! I don't think of anything. I mean, there's nothing I am thinking of that you need to know." I retorted and looked away when she tried to scan my face closely, full of suspicion.    


"Ooh, really? Okay." She insisted and cut it off immediately. Phew, thank goodness!    


"So… getting back to your coming out plan. Am I a part of it?" She changed the topic and asked about something I was so excited about, and I had the perfect plan. I'm going to execute it now at this very place.    


"Yes, of course! A huge part, Syd." I answered livelily, and she turned to me with a questioning look on her face.    


"Alright. Tell me."    


"Well… I know you haven't come out to the rest of the world, too, so why don't we come out together?" I asked her, and she nodded her head while seeming to be thinking something deep.    


"Good point. So, do you want us to wear identical shirts tomorrow? The one with 'I'm a flaming homosexual!' print on them? Or the ones with 'I'm hers, and I'm hers'?" She agreed and suggested something awesome, and I smiled.    


"Wow! At least that sounds better than writing the phrases on our foreheads. I'll ask Grace later where to find such shirts." I replied and earned a look of doubt from her.    


"You are actually going to do that?" She asked in surprise, making me nod my head.    


"We, Syd. We. We are going to do that. But it's not what I have planned. That's your plan, and we're going to execute that tomorrow. Mine is now." I answered her, and she told me to go on.    


"Fine. Then tell me about your perfect simple plan." She asked and looked me in the eyes.    


"Hehe, umm, I don't know if you will agree, but I don't f*cking care," I warned her, and she looked alarmed.    


"What is it?" She urged me, and I grinned.    


"Uh… I want you to… just sit there, and then… kiss me back. We will let these people around us see, and I know the news will spread faster than any virus." I let it out with full confidence, and surprise was written on her face.    


"That's nice, but... Seriously?" She asked, and I nodded my head.    


"Yeah! It was supposed to be in the hallways with everyone around, but I didn't find it special. That's a baddie move. What I want is here, in this place, this bench. If you ask why it's because I cherish this place more than anywhere in the world." I explained and saw how her lips formed a sweet smile.    


And I went on.    



"This is where I had my hopes back that I still have a second chance to live. Here is where you first noticed me as a helpless ghost. And… this is the same place where you agreed to help me. And finally, this is the place where we met again now after everything we've been through. And this is the place where I want to scream to the world that I am so proud that you are my girl and I'm yours. Isn't that enough?"    


I looked into her eyes and saw love in them, and I am sure she is the only one who looked at me like that. And I love her, too, more than I know.    


"It's more than enough, Mi Amor. So, what are you waiting for?" She replied and smirked while looking at me knowingly.    


I didn't say anything and gently grabbed her nape, and I bit my lower lip to restrain myself from smiling so wide in delight as we both leaned closer to each other.    


Our lips finally met, and I felt that same familiar feeling again.    


It was all real. Our love is real.    


She's the person who I thought hated me and treated me as an enemy, but she was the one who loved me most unconditionally. She's my Sydney.    


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