Ghost In Red

C86 Chapter 86 - Play

C86 Chapter 86 - Play

0*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




"What? No! I don't know what the heck you are talking about, Oj. You know what? Let's take some snacks downstairs. Let's just figure out what to do with this one later tonight or tomorrow." I renounced and asserted as I really wanted to escape from being cornered by her.    


"Oh, no! Where are you going, Sydee? We're not yet done here. You said you'll take a break after editing the 70th chapter. We are going nowhere but here, My Love." She teased and held my chin with her right hand, making me face her, but I tried to avoid eye contact.    


"No! Did I say that? Well, I've changed my mind. Let's go, Mi Amor! What do you want to eat?" I exclaimed and was about to stand up, but I could barely move because of this laughing girl sitting on me who's not that light at all.    


"Hmm. Hey! I have a better idea, Oj! Why don't we… umm, later before we go to our dinner date, let's go and find a dog that you want to adopt. A puppy! Yeah! I remember you want to call him Mickey. Right? Do you remember that bucket list of yours last year? It's time to fulfill that. It's going to be awesome because it's our first anniversary. And… What if we make it to MIT? Oh, I'm sure we can. And since it's okay to take Kitty to our apartment there, why not add one more so she won't be lonely if we go to school together by day? What do you think?" I thoughtfully told her, and she lightly nodded her head while thinking something deep. But then her lips formed into a bright smile.    


"Yeah, I do want to have one! So… we are like… Are we going to have them as our babies? That's awesome, Sydee! I love it!" She cheerfully replied, and I wiggled my eyebrows while smiling so wide in response.    


"Yep, babies, indeed!" I agreed as I also want another precious puppy as a part of our family.    


It's a great plan, and I've been looking forward to it for the past few months. We have saved enough to study in the opposite part of the country with the courses we prefer. She's going to take Creative Writing while I take Architecture. We also want to study there so we could be somewhere near to her mom in Illinois, and her dad, who stays mostly in NYC with Candice for their family businesses there. And the not-really annoying part is... Grace and Emma are both taking Computer Science and are also waiting for their admission letters from MIT. That's going to be some hella long years of sticking together. It's crazy. And my two other pals, Vidia and Kevin, are staying here because they said it's where their hearts belong. I'm going to miss them badly, but the b*tches noted that we need to come home once or twice a month here, which is reasonable. That would be fine.    


"I love that, Syd! Yeah! Happy Anniversary, My Love! I'm so damn excited!" She rejoiced and looked at me in excitement.    


It's truly a great thing because we could celebrate the puppy's arrival in our lives on the same date we became girlfriends.    


Then my smile slowly faded, and I gulped when she licked her lips and bit the lower one, and she lustfully eyed mine. And her head slowly leaned closer to me while not breaking eye contact.    


What is she planning to do now?    


"But, Syd, you do know that there is a process, right?" She asked with a low, sultry voice I always hear from her whenever she teases me, and I shrugged my shoulders and took a deep breath to keep calm.    


Oh, girl, why is she talking like that, and what is she talking about? Nope, it's probably not the one I have in mind.    


"Wha...what process? Like, like ad… adoption papers? Yeah, I… I guess so." I stammered and tried to avoid eye contact with her, and she held my chin again to make me look her in the eyes.    


"No. Process, Syd! Steps… to… have a baby. I know you know what I meant, smartass." She explained in a way I could better understand, but my mind suddenly became foggy, and I panicked.    


"Oh, uh… yeah, yeah, there is. It's… umm, yes, there is. But… I don't know what process you mean. Is it like… umm, uh, documents?" I replied and talked like sh*t, and she snickered.    


"Oh, don't act like you don't know it, Syd. It could be exciting, wild, mellow, or… romantic. Or it could be all of those. What do you think?" She muttered while tracing her left fingers from my left cheek down to my neck, and I swallowed hard as I tried to act cool, yet inside me, I felt like my whole being had boarded a rollercoaster.    


Here we are again, playing. I can't tell if she's serious or not because we are always like this every time we have sleepovers at each other's place. She loves to tease me.    


My silly girlfriend's smile broadened, and her right fingers were now on my chest while they slowly crawled inside my baggy gray T-shirt. Then I held my breath when she tried to peek under my shirt, and she softly chuckled at what she could be seeing there. Oh, thank goodness I am wearing a bra!    


I don't know if this naughty girl is trying to seduce me or something… or she's just trying to get a chance to see and touch what she doesn't have that much. I mean, she has a nice pair of boobs, and I like them small. I think they're perfect. They are wonderful!    


I cleared my throat when I had finally found my voice again, and her gaze turned to me while her face was so damn close to mine.    


"They look pretty good, huh? Enjoying the view?" I asked her, and she sheepishly laughed.    


"Uh-huh. They look so nice as always. Se ven muy bonitos! Me gustan mucho, Sydee!" She remarked and moistened her lips.    


And I gathered all my courage and asked her, "Are you just going to stare, or do you wanna start making out with me now?"    


"Mhmm, feisty! I love it." She said under her breath and seductively bit her lower lip again, and it kind of turned me on in a weird but good way.    


I know that this is her payback for what I did to her back in the classroom yesterday during our short quiz in math. I finished first and began bugging her by tracing the letters of my answers on her left thigh under her skirt to give her hints. And I didn't know it bothered her down to her bone marrow. Now, she knows what I feel whenever she does that ridiculous stuff to me.    


I'm not going to lie. Spending our senior year of high school being seatmates is the best thing ever. Competitiveness left both our mindsets and was replaced with cooperation, setting common goals, and understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses. And in short, we think and move as one most of the time.    


Throughout the year, we spend our weekends together in either of our places to do something valuable and fun, like paint, watch movies, sing karaoke, dance, and whatnot. We also worked on big projects to earn money for our college education together, like this fifth novel of hers and my usual paintings for sale and art commissioning. And we always hang out with our friends and family when we have time, and it is fantastic.    


One thing I noticed about us being together for a year now was we still argue about a couple of things, but we both agree to dismiss the subject once it cannot be resolved immediately. We bury them in our notes and get back to it once we verify the correct answer to our problem.    


We both learned that a relationship takes open communication, respect, honesty, trust, and many other things among both parties to become healthy and long-lasting. And how wouldn't it be possible for us to last long if we both have that same way of thinking that we will be together for life? Right? This is something we had in mind and have been desperate for since we got together when OJ got into an accident and hit rock bottom. Nothing can ever tear us apart. That's final.    


She traced her right thumb on my lower lip while dreamily staring at it, and I didn't wait any longer and pulled her into a delicate kiss. She slowly responded and parted my lips to slip her tongue inside my mouth while holding both my cheeks.    


This is her favorite thing to do, our favorite.    


We kissed passionately for a while, and I broke off and saw desire burning in her eyes. She pulled me closer back to her and claimed my lips with hers, and I didn't complain. I love it. I love this feeling I feel whenever I am with her. I love her more than anything.    


My right hand slid inside her shirt and caressed her bareback while my left one was doing its business on her thighs and making its way to her stomach.    


"Ahh, Syd! B*tch!" I heard her moan when I gently scratched her skin. Then I softly chuckled at her priceless reaction.    


"Rrrr!" She adorably growled in my right ear, and I laughed when she began kissing and licking my neck.    


Oh, sh*t! I am not fond of this!    


"Stop! Hey! That's not fair, Mi Amor! No! Stop! Please! Hunters! Ackkk! Ahh! No! F*ck you! Stop!" I exclaimed while still laughing and crying for help, trying to pull her away from sucking my skin. And the naughty girl just went on and locked her arms around my neck.    


She's absolutely aware that I could die with that. That's one of my ticklish spots! That's my weakness that she always loves to take advantage of, and I definitely think she's a psycho by doing such a torture to me. It's not just that! She also loves to leave love bites on my neck. I find it cute and fascinating in so many ways, but it's pretty traumatizing, too.    


As I could not take it anymore, I stood up from my swivel chair and carried her in my arms in a bridal style, making her stop.    


I walked to my bed to take revenge, and she only laughed, screaming, "I'm not yet done with you, Roswell!"    


"Oh, no! You are so done, OJ! You're a bad girl, b*tch. You need to pay!" I scoffed and placed her on my bed. Then I pinned her down, holding her wrists with both my hands and straddling her stomach. She tried to fight me back, but she was no match as always.    


"Haha! You have nowhere to run now, Mi Amor! You need to learn a lesson." I asserted and grinned in victory, and she stuck her tongue out in response. Then she licked her upper lip seductively while staring me straight in the eyes.    


"Oh, give it to me, Your Highness! Show me how great you are in bed." She muttered under her breath, and I smirked at how hot and pervy she looked right now with her messy hair and blushing face.    


"Are you sure?" I asked her, making her smile widen, and I eyed her luscious lips.    


"Seriously? Do you really need to ask me that?" She answered and rolled her eyes, and I snickered.    


I swear I am always blown away by this girl's kink whenever we play games in bed.    


We have almost made love too many times, but it always seems not the right time as we were being disturbed by people barging in at our places, calls, emergencies, one will be on their time of the month, and whatnot. And right now, I hope it will be it.    


It would be the best thing we'll ever do!    



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